Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are…Conservative | Mother Jones

Both Left and Right have over time thought there was seriously wrong with the thinking of their opponents……but is there a scientific way to determine who will be a conservative?

Glad you asked.


Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are…Conservative | Mother Jones.

5 thoughts on “Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are…Conservative | Mother Jones

  1. I have not read the article yet so I am going to guess. I know I am giving conservatives credit here, but I bet Mother Jones will say conservatives are conservatives because they have the same size brain as a chimpanzee.

    1. Actually I think all us humans have the brain size about the same……I believe there is only one or two genes different between the two species….

    1. I agree an interesting study…..but I f3ear it is like most studies…..they have a premise and they fit the facts around it to prove it….but it may be worth the read…..chuq

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