2014 Babbling Buffoons Of Babylon #11

Just when I thought they would give their mouths a rest….BAM!….they are back….those mental midgets that will say anything about everything…..and have no idea they are sounding moronic…….

#1–recently tea party douche bag, McDaniel lost to incumbent Cochran thanks to black voters…..and of course the radical morons are screaming fowl…..and little boy Rush is no different…….

Limbaugh wondered if “Uncle Toms for Thad” became the campaign slogan because “I thought that was the worst thing you could do, an African-American to vote for a Republican, the worst thing you could do.” The point here being that some liberal voices have called black RepublicansUncle Toms in the past, and therefore all these black people (even black Democrats) who voted for Cochran must be Uncle Toms too.

“Insider Republicans in the Senate bought nine percentage points… from the black Uncle Tom voters in Mississippi. Well, you know what they call Clarence Thomas? Condoleezza Rice? They call them Uncle Toms. Republicans, these guys that voted for them… Uncle Toms for Thad.”

NO the radical Right is not racist in any way…..what a bullsh*t statement that is……..any one who subscribes to that sort of talk is a RACIST!  That simple….period!

2–I know that too many “Christians” have a problem with Islam……they want to shine a bad light on it at every turn……but there is a GOP (go figure) candidate tht is just a….well…..a MORON!

Jody Hice, a Republican candidate for a U.S. House seat from Georgia, does not believe that Islam is truly a religion and doesn’t think it should be protected under the First Amendment.

“Although Islam has a religious component, it is much more than a simple religious ideology,” he wrote. “It is a complete geo-political structure and, as such, does not deserve First Amendment protection.”

Hice, a Baptist minister and talk-radio host, also wrote that he believes the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to infiltrate the U.S. to impose Sharia law on the country, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

And in 2011, he made similar anti-Islamic statements during an event with the Coweta County Tea Party Patriots, according to The Citizen.

“Most people think Islam is a religion, It’s not. It’s a totalitarian way of life with a religious component. But it’s much larger. It’s a geo-political system that has governmental, financial, military, legal and religious components. And it’s a totalitarian system that encompasses every aspect of life and it should not be protected [under U.S. law],” he said.

Personally, Christianity now a days is just a money making hate mill…..”.concept of Christianity is a good one…too bad it has never been attempted”…..Gandhi

3–I realize that immigration is a sensitive subject and it will take a great deal of work for a good comprehensible policy is found……there are haters and just plain assholes that would do anything to punish people…..like a twat named William Ghee…….

…………anti-immigrant activist William Gheen urged members of his Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) to mail used underwear to House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama to be given to undocumented immigrants.

Now, Gheen is claiming that his “underwear against amnesty” protest so overwhelmed Boehner and Obama with underwear that, within 48 hours, it single-handedly sunk any hope for immigration reform.

Gheen writes in an email this morning:

Our ‘underwear against amnesty’ campaign became an internet and talk radio sensation, penetrated the American psyche, raised awareness rapidly of how John Boehner is the same as Obama on amnesty for illegals, and shut down John Boehner for 2014 within 48 hours of our launch!

We stopped John Boehner and now we need to stop Obama and his new illegal alien surge!

John Boehner went into full retreat because of our protest and because our assistance helping Dave Brat defeat Eric Cantor sent shock waves through the Republicans working to help Obama pass amnesty.

Obama did not get his amnesty bill so we have forced his hand to show what a dictator he really is. Obama is now proceeding to implement amnesty legislation that never passed Congress!

Gheen previously claimed that a photo he posted on Facebook that was shared 15 times stopped another effort at reform.

I am sorry but people like him give our country a bad name…….besides he just a disgusting evil little toad that will do or say anything to get his name in the news.

4–I am always amused when one of the ‘enlightened’ right has something to say…..and even more so when they link everything to communism…….they would be a bit more creditable if they knew just what the Hell communism is and how it works……but of course that does not stop them from showing just how ignorant they are…..and Ben Carson is a good solid ignorant……

He suggested that communists in government, following the teachings of Lenin, have deliberately added on debts in order to destroy the U.S. economy. “Of course they don’t talk about it, I’ll tell you who does talk about it: Vladimir Lenin. One of the ways to destroy the United States? Unsustainable debt. People, you got to wake up, you got to wake up.” This, of course, would make George W. Bush the biggest Leninist of all.

However, Carson insisted that he was merely just asking the question: “I don’t know if it is intentional or not, but whether it is intentional or not doesn’t matter, we’ll still be destroyed.”

A shame that this is the only song they have……

5–And then there is a Tea Party tool that just cannot stop up…..he babbles and probably drools when he speaks……now ted Cruz is weighing in on the Mississippi primary that will not go away……..

Weeks after incumbent Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) defeated tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in a runoff that has involved everything from breaking and entering to suicide to accusations of murder, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has stepped into the fray, saying the rumors the Cochran campaign purchased Democratic votes required an investigation.

“We’ve seen serious allegations of voter fraud,” Cruz told conservative radio host Mark Levin. “And I very much hope that no Republican was involved in voter fraud. But these allegations need to be vigorously investigated and anyone involved in criminal conduct should be prosecuted.”

Cruz argued that “McDaniel won a sizable majority of the votes from Republicans who voted in the run-off,” but that Cochran lured Democrats via racially-charged ads. (Mississippi has an open primary.)

McDaniel has refused to concede and even offered a bounty for proof of voter fraud; however, the state GOP certified Cochran as the winner Monday night.

He gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling every time he speaks……..mostly because he has NO idea what he is talking about…….

6–Immigration has once again become a flash point…..this time it is children that the mental midgets are hating…….of course the GOP has NOTHING as a solution other than Obama did it.  And then there is the biggest twat in the GOP, Louie Gohmert…….he has a big idea…..

Rep. Louie Gohmert is pretty sure that President Obama is pushing for minors to cross the border as part of a giant voter fraud scheme, and thinks that if the president were serious about cracking down on illegal immigration, then he would send troops to the Southern border … and perhaps into Mexico.

“If he wanted to, he could do what Woodrow Wilson did,” the Texas congressman told News Talk Florida host Dan Maduri, referring to Wilson’s military intervention in Mexico.

“He sent John Pershing with troops into Mexico and you can read different versions, tens of thousands of national guard were put on the border and nobody came in that we didn’t want to come in. This president could do that just as well.”

I believe history will show that Pershing was not there on the border to stop anything, he was sent to capture Pancho Villa…..ONLY!  But I would not expect a moron like Gohmert to actually know any history…….he is a mindless twat that needs a good cleaning!

So this ignorant twat is saying that the US needs to invade Mexico…is that about it?

7– And then there is the religious trolls that cannot find it in their nature to be religious in any way shape or form……..

Televangelist Rodney Howard-Browne’s “Celebrate America” event kicked off over the Fourth of July weekend, bringing Religious Right speakers together in Washington D.C. with predictable messages about how gay rights will doom America.

One speaker, Pastor Kwabena Sarpong of Winners Chapel International Maryland, said that while the U.S. was established with spiritual “power,” the country is now in decline because “they have taken power out of it.” A Religious Right revival, Sarpong explained, would bring America back to greatness … and even cure HIV.

“Thank God for you and I that we are in this nation, we are taking the revival. Until they see power, they will not believe in your God,” he said. “When they have toiled and they can’t find any cure to HIV and they come to the church and you lay hands and they start walking, they will see power and they will all run to the House of God for the Bible says in the Last Days all shall run.”

The scary part is that there are some minimally rational individuals that listen and believe people like this amazing d/bag…..

8–I always enjoy the humor of the “black helicopter” fringe….they see a chance that they may have hit on the exact situation that the government will start attacking the citizens……of course the newest lone is because of the children coming over the border………..it is a bit lengthy but well worth the read for its comedic quantity………..

Today’s warning comes from Morgan Brittany, who writes that Obama will use the increase in child migrants as a calculated way to incite an anti-Obama revolution, giving the president a justification to introduce “martial law,” start “confiscating our guns and ammo,” create a “totalitarian state” and begin a spate of “military arrests”

Supposedly, the NDAA broadens the scope and power of the federal government to fight the War on Terror, and under this law the military has the power to carry out domestic anti-terrorism operations on U.S. soil. This means it allows the detaining of U.S. citizens domestically without trial if they are considered a threat. The question then becomes: Who is a threat? Is it a member of the tea party? Someone who speaks out against Obamacare or takes issue with the administration’s policies? Someone the NSA has listened to and feels is a problem? We saw what happened with the IRS targeting – can military arrests be far behind? This idea would be considered folly except for the fact that in 2009 there was a DHS report entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalism and Recruitment.” It specifically stated that conservatives and the unemployed represent a clear and present danger.

So when you put the pieces of this puzzle together and you see what is happening on our border, am I crazy to think that this was all a plan that has been put in motion to overwhelm the system and create anger and chaos among the American people? With the influx of illegal children surrendering to the Border Patrol, the officers can no longer protect the border because they are too busy changing diapers and tending to sick kids. They are overwhelmed and cannot feed, house or nurse these thousands of people.

We all know the truth, that none of these people are going to be returned to their home countries. They will disappear into the shadows as millions before them have, and we the taxpayers will pick up the bill as we always do. This is a giant poke in the eye to an already angry American tiger, and it will only take one spark to blow the whole thing up.

Ah, but this is what the left and this administration wants. It is classic Cloward-Piven. Overwhelm the system, anger the populace, create chaos, and then, martial law takes over. Through his executive orders, the president gave himself the authority to use the military as he sees fit. We saw just a taste of it after the Boston Marathon bombing when there was a huge over-reaction by closing down the city, storming homes and property and keeping people prisoners in their own homes. That was just a test to see how compliant people would become.

If Obama gets his way and the system collapses through illegal immigration or financial means, if he succeeds in confiscating our guns and ammo so that no one but the government has them, then we the people will be at their mercy, and the sad thing is that many people will welcome their control. At that point the American people will be helpless against a totalitarian state, and they will have succeeded in the full transformation of this country.

GOD!  These people are MORONS!

9–Kick over a rock and the mentally challenged scurry out looking for a microphone and someone to listen………

Hagee Hotline,” Matthew Hagee answered a question from a viewer who was wondering if Obamacare will “increase the risk of America supporting a one world government” by assuring her that it most certainly does.

As Hagee explained, Obamacare makes people more dependent upon the government, which is conditioning them to accept “the kind of global dictatorship that is described in the End Times” and to ultimately take the Mark of the Beast.

Acceptance of Obamacare, Hagee said, is teaching people “to look at a leader in the future and say ‘certainly, you can give me a mark and that mark will keep me in terms of trading and doing all of the things that I want to do, buying and selling of goods and services, no problem; I’ll do it because you’re the government and you said I need it.'”

Legislation like Obamacare, he concluded, “leads us on a path and in a direction that in the end will take us to what the Bible describes as a one world government”.

The sad part is that there are those that buy into this form of bullshit…….I weep for the future……

And with that I end this edition of BBB or B3….stay tuned there will be more for we realize that morons just do not know when to keep their mouths shut…….and for that I thank them.

Republicans Wreck the Vote | The American Conservative

Surprise!  I actually read the American Conservative!  BTW…for you history buffs…today is Bastille Day…..

The GOP could be making a big problem worse…..the young are our future and our future voters…..maybe the GOP should stop trying to marginalize the very voters that could put them over the top…….just a thought!


Republicans Wreck the Vote | The American Conservative.

Immigration: The Cause

I figured I would get some Right wingers by the title alone…..I have tried to explain what is happening on the border in this go-round…..of course few want to know what is really happening for it is so much easier to say…”It’s Obama’s Fault”……..or to make up whatever scenario fits your intelligence level…….but the law is a lot easier than some would have us believe……

In the past I have not been really kind to the prez….but that is his problem not mine…….but this current border problem is not of his making…..one more time….a bit slower for those that don’t read so well……..

Conservatives like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin have alleged that President Obama’s “lawlessness”—in the form of his jury-rigged de facto Dream Act implementation—is to blame for the children currently swarming across the border. But the truth is “that this crisis has actually been brought about by Obama following the law,” points out Dana Milbank at the Washington Post. Indeed several columnists today are focusing on the impact of an obscure 2008 human trafficking law that passed both houses by unanimous consent and was signed by George W. Bush. Here’s what they’re saying:

  • The law guarantees child immigrants a hearing, allowing them to stay with family in the US in the meantime. The process can take 18 months, and most children simply don’t show up for their hearings when the time comes.
  • The law was a well-intentioned attempt to fight sex-trafficking, but it’s “mutated into a source of chaos,” writes Charles Lane at the Washington Post. Trafficking mafias are getting rich on it and an unforeseen wave of Central American immigrants are crowding detention centers. Children wind up growing up undocumented and living in the shadows. “This isn’t anyone’s idea of sustainable immigration … Some call the situation a humanitarian crisis. I prefer ‘national scandal.'”
  • Lane prefers amending the law to exclude unaccompanied Central American minors, so there’s no incentive to send them. But Charles Blow at the New York Times rejects that, saying that the premise of the law is “noble and humane.” “These are children we are talking about, not just numbers, not just data, not political pawns.”
  • This is the fundamental problem; everyone agrees our immigration laws are out of date and broken, but not on how to fix them, observes Rob Hunter at KTAR. He advises lawmakers to remember what John F. Kennedy said: “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.”

Let’s be honest….it takes courage to find a solution to the immigration problem…..and we have NO one with that amount of courage……what we have is a plethora of cowards.