Will Biden Have An “LBJ Moment”?

College of Political Knowledge

2024 Election Series

For all you out there that have no idea what an “LBJ Moment” might be….let me help you out.

1968 LBJ was expected to run for re-election and he decide to opt out of the process….

By late March 1968, President Lyndon Johnson’s presidency lay in tatters. Anger over the war in Vietnam and Johnson’s growing credibility gap had created a full-scale insurgency at home, within the Democratic Party. On 12 March, Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy won more than 40% of the vote against Johnson in the New Hampshire primary.

Days later, Robert F. Kennedy, Johnson’s greatest political nemesis, announced his intention to also challenge the president. I had been expecting it,” Johnson later matter-of-factly wrote in his memoirs about Kennedy’s entry into the race.

On the campaign trail, Kennedy seemed to be blaming every national infirmity on the president. At the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, he even went to far as to accuse Johnson of “calling upon the darker impulses of the American spirit.”

With Democratic voters in Wisconsin prepared to head to the polls on 3 April all signs pointed to Johnson suffering a catastrophic primary defeat to McCarthy’s energized and confident foot soldiers. Nationally, Johnson’s approval rating sank to 36 percent, and support for his handling of Vietnam plummeted to 26 percent. Missouri senator Stuart Symington told a closed-door meeting of his Senate colleagues, “Lyndon Johnson could not be elected dogcatcher in Missouri today.”

Beyond his immediate political challenges, a larger emotional toll was being taken on the president. He regularly shuffled from his personal quarters to the Situation Room in the basement of the White House in his bathrobe and slippers. In a meeting with his old friend Senator Richard Russell, he began crying uncontrollably. He felt “chased on all sides” by the growing dissent and anger over the war, the “inflationary economy,” and the “rioting blacks, demonstrating students, marching welfare mothers, squawking professors, and hysterical reporters.” Not since Lincoln had an American president faced as much domestic dissent as that which confronted Johnson in the spring of 1968.


I bring this situation up because there is the Iowa Caucuses today and Trump is expected to rout all comers.  Plus Biden’s poll numbers are not what anyone would call good…..so will Biden do as another Dem prez did…cut and run?

One independent candidate thinks it is a possibility.

Cornel West is sure he’ll be on the ballot for the 2024 presidential election as an independent candidate. But the Harvard prof isn’t sure that President Biden will be one of his opponents. “I think he’s going to have an LBJ moment [and] pull back,” West tells Politico, referring to Lyndon B. Johnson’s surprise withdrawal from the race in 1968. Instead, West won’t be surprised if the Democratic nominee ends up being California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, both of whom he considers to be on the “B team,” he says in the interview. “I’m just saying that I’m open to those possibilities, given the fluidity of the situation,” he says of Biden. “He’s running out of gas.”

Polls, lots of polls, tells us that Biden is losing his grip on popularity and the possibility that he will help Trump win another term as mini-dictator.

Plus the voters are losing all confidence in the Dems across the board….another indication the Biden may be fighting an uphill battle.

Will he pull an LBJ?

My thought is he will not….there is something about the gig that keeps these slugs coming and coming….it is like a crack addiction….always wanting more and never enough.

What say you?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Trends Favor Trump

I wrote yesterday that if Trump and Biden were to meet in the election of 2024 Trump could feasibly win…..I know that sends chills down many of our spines……

As it is today there are a couple of things that would break in favor of Trump if the election were today (thank god it is more than a year away)……

Election Day is still 546 days away, meaning you can take the current polls with an extra-large grain of salt. Still, political stories are taking note of two clear trends of late, both of them positive for former President Trump. First, he’s cementing his lead over Ron DeSantis and the rest of the GOP field. And second, President Biden looks increasingly vulnerable in a one-on-one rematch. Coverage:

  • Biden trouble: Much of the chatter stems from a Washington Post/ABC poll showing Trump ahead of Biden by 6 points. “No single poll means all that much, especially so early in an election cycle, and the president’s strategists as well as some independent analysts questioned its methodology,” writes Peter Baker in a New York Times analysis. But other polls suggest the race is at least extremely close. “Taken together, they suggest that the president opens the 2024 campaign facing enormous challenges with no guarantee of victory over Mr. Trump.”
  • Trump surge: “For the first time in a long time, top Republicans and Democrats are telling us the same thing, in the same words—Trump looks impossible to beat for the Republican nomination,” writes Mike Allen at Axios. The piece notes that Trump is surging, and picking up key House endorsements, despite a steady drumbeat of negative stories related to his legal fights.
  • surge, II: At Politico, an analysis suggests those negative stories are helping the former president, at least among rank-and-file Republicans. After he was indicted in the Stormy Daniels case, support for Trump among GOP county chairs across the country improved, writes Seth Masket, a professor of political science and director of the Center on American Politics at the University of Denver. “County chairs are figures who will play a key role in shaping the race,” he notes, adding that this uptick came largely at the expense of DeSantis.
  • Biden trouble, II: In breaking down the Post poll cited above, CNN’s Kate Bolduan makes the case that Biden’s approval rating of 36% is the lowest of any president at this point in the first term, per Mediaite. A post at FiveThirtyEight has a slightly different take on that. But Biden might take comfort in knowing that Ronald Reagan was only a smidge above him at this point in his presidency, and he went on to win reelection, per the Times.
  • Trump surge, II: At Politico, an analysis suggests those negative stories are helping the former president, at least among rank-and-file Republicans. After he was indicted in the Stormy Daniels case, support for Trump among GOP county chairs across the country improved, writes Seth Masket, a professor of political science and director of the Center on American Politics at the University of Denver. “County chairs are figures who will play a key role in shaping the race,” he notes, adding that this uptick came largely at the expense of DeSantis.
  • Biden trouble, II: In breaking down the Post poll cited above, CNN’s Kate Bolduan makes the case that Biden’s approval rating of 36% is the lowest of any president at this point in the first term, per Mediaite. A post at FiveThirtyEight has a slightly different take on that. But Biden might take comfort in knowing that Ronald Reagan was only a smidge above him at this point in his presidency, and he went on to win reelection, per the Times.

I am sorry that I post this far in advance…..put I feel that voters should be well aware of what could happen if they go into the polls unprepared…..that is what happened in 2016 and yet that 4 year disaster is coming to bite us in the ass if we are not careful and informed.

Me?  I think these two old farts should be in a home making wallets out of popscile sticks….I will vote for anyone but these two dried plums.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Oh Crap! It’s Official!

Biden made it official yesterday he will run for re-election….to my chagrin…..

A Biden-Trump rematch just took a big step closer to reality. President Biden on Tuesday formally announced that he is running for reelection in 2024, asking voters to give him more time to “finish the job” he began when he was sworn into office and to set aside their concerns about extending the run of America’s oldest president for another four years. The announcement, in a three-minute video, comes on the four-year anniversary of when Biden declared for the White House in 2019, promising to heal the “soul of the nation” amid the turbulent presidency of Donald Trump, per the AP.

“I said we are in a battle for the soul of America, and we still are,” Biden said Tuesday. “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer.” While the question of seeking reelection has been a given for most modern presidents, that’s not always been the case for the 80-year-old Biden, as a notable swath of Democratic voters have indicated they would prefer he not run, in part because of his age—concerns Biden has called “totally legitimate” but ones he did not address head-on in the launch video. He would be 86 at the end of a second term.

Yet few things have unified Democratic voters like the prospect of Trump returning to power. And Biden’s political standing within his party stabilized after Democrats notched a stronger-than-expected performance in last year’s midterm elections. “Freedom. Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans,” said Biden. “There’s nothing more important. Nothing more sacred.” The president painted the Republican Party as extremists trying to roll back access to abortion, cut Social Security, limit voting rights, and ban books they disagree with. “This is not a time to be complacent,” Biden added. “That’s why I’m running for reelection.”

Finish the job?

What job?

About the only thing he has successfully started is our deep involvement in the Ukraine thing….oh there is the Covid thing from our dark ages….everything he has done has been for the benefit of the corporations that pay them (politicians) for their votes and time.

For me he is too old…..is has old ideas and is more corruptible….new forward looking ideas will always be in a minority as long as old farts keep their strangle hold on power.

So far Biden will have a challenger, RFK, Jr….what about Bernie?

Bernie Sanders isn’t going to try to beat President Biden’s record as the oldest president in US history. The 81-year-old independent senator from Vermont said Tuesday that he won’t seek the Democratic nomination a third time and he will do everything he can to support Biden’s bid for a second term. “The last thing this country needs is a Donald Trump or some other right-wing demagogue who is going to try to undermine American democracy or take away a woman’s right to choose, or not address the crisis of gun violence, or racism, sexism or homophobia,” Sanders told the AP. “So, I’m in to do what I can to make sure that the president is reelected.”

Sanders—who finished second to Biden in the 2020 race for the Democratic nomination and second to Hillary Clinton in 2016—said he would discourage other high-profile progressives from challenging Biden. He said he would continue to fight for progressive policies as chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Where will this clown show go?

And I shall continue to rant.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Here We Go Again

We really do not need a replay of the 2020 clown show….and yet it looks possible.

As the general election approaches it is looking like the two leaders for the parties are well worn faces….Trump and Biden…..at least for now.

What do the American voter think of this possible match-up?

A new poll, which means nothing bit makes good fodder, tells the tale.

Asked in a new poll to describe their feeling at having their choice in the next presidential election again be Joe Biden or Donald Trump, more respondents picked “exhaustion” than anything else. That option was chosen by 38% of respondents, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. Fear made a strong showing, too, the Hill reports—by itself, at 29%, or combined with sadness, at 23%. The findings would seem to indicate voters are not looking forward to this.

Some respondents felt positive about such a campaign, just not as many. The prospect of a rerun filled 23% with hope, 8% with pride, and 7% with gratitude. The poll showed Biden with a 4-point lead over Trump and, should he be the Republican nominee, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. On the other hand, fewer than half of self-identified Democrats or those who lean Democratic said they want Biden to be the nominee. The poll reported a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points.

Oh goody….two old farts butting heads….if this is the election line-up then the American people will see that nothing will change and healing is just a pipe dream.

If you were hoping for some sort of change and progress then you will be sadly disappointed no matter which of the two old farts is actually elected.

Looks like I will keep my record of not voting for a winner since 1976.

As always I weep for this country….and my granddaughter.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

The Biden Agenda

Joe Biden ran on a typical Dem platform and as usual the claim of a progressive president was a lie.

I was not a supporter of Biden for I saw what he was….one of those supposed ‘centrist’ that will do whatever they can to keep progress to a minimum and play that damn silly game of bi-partisanship.

With about a year before the midterms let us look at the so-called Biden agenda.

Since I have a degree in international relations let’s start there with the Biden agenda.

It has been nearly 70 years since the United States elected a president with the foreign policy and national security experience that rivaled Joe Biden’s. His only rival in this category, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, placed troglodytes in key positions such as the Dulles brothers (John Foster at State and Allen at the Central Intelligence Agency) and Vice President Richard Nixon, who were ideologically opposed to dealing diplomatically with the Soviet Union. As a result, Eisenhower missed a significant opportunity when the death of Joseph Stalin opened the door to possible negotiations with the new leadership in the Kremlin.

Not even Eisenhower had the experience that Biden accumulated over nearly 50 years in government that included 20 years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (12 of those years as chairman or ranking member) in addition to eight years in the White House as vice president. During the campaign of 2019-2020, Biden frequently cited his trips to more than 60 countries and his one-on-ones with more than 100 national heads of state. Biden privately boasted about his ability to dominate the national security bureaucracy, stressing that not even the “military will fuck with me.”

The Mounting Confusion of President Biden’s National Security Policy

Yes he got out of Afghanistan but beyond that the agenda is the same agenda that we have had for the last 100 years…..foreign policy controlled by the M-IC.

Biden’s domestic agenda is weakening almost daily…..

The worst strike against Biden’s agenda is the Republican refusal, for the third time, to even debate the Freedom to Vote Act that’s intended to override the sinister 33 laws passed by 19 GOP-led states to suppress the voting of minorities. They generally cast ballots for Democrats. And this after Manchin watered down the proposed law to make it more palatable to Republicans.

“Look – hey look, it’s all about compromise,” Biden said at a CNN-sponsored town hall meeting last week.

Biden Agenda Weakening, Voting Endangered

Then there is more to the domestic side of the Biden agenda…..just how well has that panned out?

Police Reform–failed

Voting Rights (2 bills)–failed

Paid Family Leave–failed

Lower Drug Prices–failed


There are other failures but the above are the most wide ranging for the people of this country.

So far I have seen nothing that would make me run out and vote for Biden….plus for Americans that actually work through the policies will find nothing positive in the Biden agenda.

Now the Dems must run for re-election, especially the House, and what do they have to run on?

I feel the Dem candidates in the mid-terms are so screwed…..2022 will not be a happy election (just my thought nothing scientific)…..

Turn The Page!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Biden’s CIA

I would like to leave behind now the moronic action of 06 January and return to the scrutiny of Biden’s Cabinet picks.

He has made his choice to lead the spy agency, the CIA…..

President-elect Joe Biden announced Monday he has chosen veteran diplomat William Burns to be his CIA director. A former ambassador to Russia and Jordan, Burns, 64, had a 33-year career at the State Department under both Republican and Democratic presidents. He rose through the ranks of the diplomatic corps to become deputy secretary of state before retiring in 2014 to run the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace. Amid tumult in the State Department after President Trump took office in 2017, Burns held his tongue until last year when he began writing highly critical pieces of the Trump administration’s policies in Foreign Affairs and other publications, reports the AP. Burns has been a staunch advocate of rebuilding and restructuring the foreign service, positions Biden has aligned himself with.

In an opinion piece on the pick for the Washington Post, David Ignatius frames the choice: “What’s likely to have appealed to Biden … is [Burns’] reputation as a nonpartisan figure who served in hard places—Russia and the Middle East—and over the years developed close relationships with the countries that are the CIA’s key liaison partners. His biggest challenge will be dealing with a quirky, cliquey CIA culture that is often resistant to change. CIA operatives have been masterful over the years at bending new directors to their priorities.” And from Biden himself: “Bill Burns is an exemplary diplomat with decades of experience on the world stage keeping our people and our country safe and secure. The American people will sleep soundly with him as our next CIA director.”

There you have the fluff piece on the new nominee….a person I am not convinced is the best choice to run the agency…..because he will eventually be consumed by the culture.

In nominating former Deputy Secretary of State William Burns to be CIA director, President-elect Joe Biden has chosen a highly experienced diplomat to lead a hydra-headed agency.

But, if past is precedent, the highest hydras who head calcified fiefdoms at CIA can be expected to resist any real control from the top. They are more likely to try to co-opt top management or make end runs around it. This is not new.

Most senior CIA operations officers, in particular, have never been comfortable with meaningful supervision, lest it lead to reining them in or impinging on their ample budgets. With secrecy always in play (including strict application of the “need-to-know” principle), Burns will need a good deputy – preferably a strong outsider – to avoid being blind-sided – or diddled.

Burns lacks proven experience managing organizations as large and variegated as the agency, so the jury is out on whether he will be able to do it.

Can William Burns Change the CIA?

All in all….it will be “same as it ever was”…..

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Is One Term Enough?

The news these days….is mostly speculation….

Trump has been beaten…..what can we say about his one term presidency?

President Trump is a commanding presence in the public arena of 2020, but what about a century from now? In a New York Times op-ed, NPR’s Steve Inskeep takes the long view and suggests that Trump’s presidential legacy will be relatively minor. Trump appears on track to be viewed by future historians less as a proactive president in his own right than as “the reaction to a game-changing president—Barack Obama,” writes Inskeep, the author of books on 19th-century American history. “Something like this is true of many presidents,” he adds. “A relative handful enact lasting change, while others respond to them.” In Trump’s case, he rose as a candidate with fierce attacks on Obama and continued them as president.

Trump, of course, will leave his imprint on the nation, including with his tax cuts, his Supreme Court picks, and his unprecedented use of social media. Controversies such as his efforts to ban Muslims from entering the country will surely be dissected in future history textbooks. But Trump’s failure to win a second term doesn’t bode well in terms of his place in history. “In those same textbooks, President Trump may be a minor player in the larger story of a democracy grappling with demands for a more equal society—an era marked by the election of Mr. Obama, the first Black president,” writes Inskeep. (Read his full column.)

What can we say about the one term presidents?

Donald Trump is officially a one-term president, the first to fail a reelection bid in nearly 30 years. But history shows his loss isn’t surprising, given the circumstances.

One-term presidents used to be a lot more common. Take the period between 1837 (when Andrew Jackson’s second term ended) and 1860, for example — no president served more than one term. And between 1900 and 1932, we had seven presidents, only one of whom served two full terms. (Some died in office, some lost reelection, and some chose not to run for another term.) But in the modern era, presidents have increasingly left office because term limits prevent them from staying, not because the voters have turned them out.

What Makes A One-Term President?

I have heard a rumor that Joe Biden would only serve one term and give his VP a chance to continue the Obama legacy…..the talking point is his age…..how creditable is this gossip?

We can go to the words of the nominee himself about a second term…..

President Trump has suggested Joe Biden has slipped mentally. Age is a fair issue, Joe Biden says in a new interview. “I think it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they’re fit and whether they’re ready,” the Democratic presidential nominee says. Trump is 74, and Biden would be taking office at age 78. Biden’s answer to doubters: “Watch me.” Biden addressed the issue in an interview to be broadcast Sunday night, ABC reports. Interviewed with his running mate, Kamala Harris, Biden said, “Look at us both, what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we’re in.” Asked what it meant when he suggested he’s a transition candidate, Biden said it didn’t mean he would be a one-termer. He “absolutely” is open to serving two terms, he said.

The “transition” reference was about Democratic failures in “building the bench” in state offices, Biden said. The nominee said his goal is to “make sure when this is over, we have a new Senate, we won back statehouses, we’re in a position where we transition to a period of bringing people up to the visibility that they need to get to be able to lead nationally. And that’s about raising people up.” Harris laughed off Trump’s insults in the interview, per the Guardian, as attempts to distract from “the harm” he’s doing to the country. In an recent opinion piece on CNN, Lincoln Mitchell pointed out the dangers of coming into office as a lame duck. If Biden makes clear he’s only in for one term, Mitchell writes, Harris becomes the frontrunner for 2024, and “Democratic unity will not last long.”

Oh Joe!  Please do not run in 2024….after four years the country will have had enough of the dinosaur policies of the Dems.

And Kamala will be not that much better either……she is just an extension of the Old Fart policies of Bubba Clinton.

Can we please get some fresh ideas for 2024…..PLEASE!  Before it is too late!

Be Smart!

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06Jan21–A Day In Infamy

We had one when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and now the next Day Of Infamy is upon us…..Pearl was an attack on the country from a foreign entity…..this time it will an attack on the very structure of our republic.

06 January is the date that the Congress meets to certify the electoral win for Joe Biden but there are some within our government, that will work to deny the win by Biden….

The latest traitor to the American system is Se. Ted Cruz….along with 11 other GOP Senators…..

Acknowledging that their effort to keep President-elect Joe Biden from assuming office is unlikely to succeed, 11 Republican senators committed anyway Saturday to voting to reject Electoral College votes on Wednesday. The group said in a joint statement that a commission should be appointed by Congresss “to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states,” the Hill reports. Once the states have the findings, their legislatures could hold a special session to consider changing their electoral votes. “Accordingly, we intend to vote on Jan. 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified'” until the audit is in. The statement was signed by Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, James Lankford of Oklahoma, Steve Daines of Montana, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Mike Braun of Indiana. Sens.-elect Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Roger Marshall of Kansas, Bill Hagerty of Tennessee and Tommy Tuberville of Alabama also were listed.

This is what Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was hoping to avoid, per Axios. Republicans facing reelection in two years now will have to go on record as opposing President Trump’s wishes to fight Biden’s victory or as endorsing the battle cry of election fraud. Many of them already have rejected that notion. “We are not naïve,” the statement issued Saturday said. “We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise.” Individual Republicans have said as much. “In the end, I don’t think it changes anything,” Sen. John Thune said. Sen. Ben Sasse said it’s a stunt to help presidential hopefuls win over Trump’s supporters. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri was the first senator to say he’d object; the 11 senators plan to cite more specific grounds for their votes. The announcement of the state-by-state election results will be made in a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.

Then there are those representatives in the House that are part of this circus….like Gohmert (a d/bag from the word go)……

A federal appeals court has thrown out GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert’s last-ditch attempt to subvert President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, his second rejection in two days in the Texas lawmaker’s attempt to empower Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the results.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals gave very short shrift to Gohmert’s legal effort, dismissing it summarily in a one-paragraph opinion issued Saturday evening.

The unsigned decision noted the district court‘s ruling that Gohmert and 11 Arizona Republicans — who would have been electors for President Donald Trump — lacked legal standing to pursue the case.


And Gohmert is not alone in the House…..at least 140 GOP representatives will likely vote against the certification of the the Biden win……

At least 140 House Republicans are planning to vote against counting electoral votes that would certify the election for President-elect Joe Biden, two Republican congressmen told CNN

Biden won 306 electoral votes, well over the 270 needed to secure the US presidency, and flipped five states that in 2016 voted for Trump. 


Noe VP Pence has signed onto the silliness and the traitorous actions….

Vice President Mike Pence, who will be presiding over the joint session of Congress on Wednesday and is required to announce Biden as the winner, has endorsed the effort, the New York Times reports. Pence “shares the concerns of millions of Americans about voter fraud and irregularities in the last election,” a statement by his chief of staff says, adding that he “welcomes the efforts of members of the House and Senate to use the authority they have under the law to raise objections and bring forward evidence before the Congress and the American people on Jan. 6th.” A dozen Republican senators have said they’ll object to the electoral results.

President Trump’s team welcomed GOP senators’ plans, per CNBC. “It’s encouraging to see so many patriots step up and demand an investigation into the rampant voter fraud and irregularities we saw on November 3rd,” said Jenna Ellis, senior legal adviser to the campaign. “Our country will love them for it!” Trump tweeted. But the objections have “zero chance of succeeding,” an election law expert wrote on CNN, though they’re nonetheless dangerous. “American democracy cannot survive the losing party refusing to accept defeat,” Joshua A. Douglas said. It’s “an attempt to subvert the will of the voters,” Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar said, pointing out that the votes of millions of Americans have been “counted, recounted, litigated, and state-certified.” Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said, “I could never have imagined seeing these things in the greatest democracy in the world.”

Sorry Mitt but that label may not long apply to the US.

Here’s a thought…..as per the Constitution if Biden cannot be certified as the winner of the 2020 election then…Speaker Pelosi becomes acting president….is that really what the GOP truly wants.

All this is a silly political game to move the narrative forward that there was massive voter fraud….of which there has been NO proof….most any on the minor lapses were committed by GOP operatives not the people voting…..but that somehow is never the story being told.

As far as I am concerned these people are TRAITORS they are violating their oath of office and should suffer dire consequences for their betrayals.

This day too shall live in INFAMY…..the day when elected officials betrayed their country for some minor demagogue.

Hold these toads responsible for their ill-advised actions!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Look Ahead To 2021

This post just ask a couple of question that needs to be considered before one places their “X” in the box on election day.

Let’s look ahead….and theorize that the Biden/Harris ticket wins the election……

So Joe Biden is president….now what?

Assume Joe Biden wins the presidency. Assume as well that he genuinely intends to repair the damage our country has sustained since we declared ourselves history’s “Indispensable Nation,” compounded by the traumatic events of 2020 that demolished whatever remnants of that claim survived. Assume, that is, that this aging career politician and creature of the Washington establishment really intends to salvage something of value from all that has been lost.

If he seriously intends to be more than a relic of pre-Trump liberal centrism, how exactly should President Biden go about making his mark?

Here, free of charge, Joe, is an action plan that will get you from Election Night through your first two weeks in office. Follow this plan and by your 100th day in the White House observers will be comparing you to at least one President Roosevelt, if not both.


With said…let’s jump ahead to 2024.

Biden will be a one term president and his VP, Harris, will likely be the Dem candidate for president in 2024…..the question now is …can she win the presidency?

Since John Adams first held the VP post in 1789, 14 of 47 vice presidents have gone on to become president,1 making it the most likely — albeit still far from certain — stepping stone to the White House. The number of vice presidents who have sought the presidency has really skyrocketed in modern times, too. Of the 13 VPs since the end of World War II (excluding Vice President Mike Pence), eight — or more than half — have gone on to become their party’s presidential nominee. However, as you can see in the table below, far fewer — just three — have won a presidential election, and just four have become president at all. Biden, of course, is hoping to become the fifth modern VP to accomplish this feat.

That’s not a great batting average, especially when you consider that both Lyndon Johnson and Gerald Ford first became president because their predecessors could not finish their terms — in Johnson’s case, because John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and, in Ford’s case, because Richard Nixon resigned. At 77, Biden is the oldest major-party nominee in history and, if elected, would be the oldest president to hold the office, so without getting too macabre, there could easily be a scenario in which his VP must finish his term.

Could Kamala Harris Win The Presidency In 2024? Here’s What History Tells Us.

I am going out on a limb….Harris will not be elected president….the only way she will make to the Big Chair is if Biden dies in office.

Sorry if that is a downer for you…..

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

A Biden 2021 To Do List

AS 2020 comes to an end let us look ahead to issues that need addressing by the new president…..

Soon our new president Joe Biden, will be taking the oath of office and there are things that this country needs and he should focus on the greatest needs and leave the crap for the donors for later.

First, Biden needs to spend and spend big…

Expec­ta­tions are high for the incom­ing Joe Biden admin­is­tra­tion, not because the polit­i­cal cir­cum­stances are advan­ta­geous, nor because of Biden him­self, but because our trou­bles are so great. 

Tens of mil­lions of Amer­i­cans are unem­ployed. The death toll from Covid-19 in the Unit­ed States now tops 300,000. An avalanche of evic­tions and fore­clo­sures is on its way. And this is on top of our ongo­ing polit­i­cal cri­sis: A stub­born minor­i­ty of vot­ers refuse to rec­og­nize the results of the elec­tion, while many of Pres­i­dent Trump’s sup­port­ers remain unwill­ing to observe ele­men­tary safe­ty mea­sures to reduce the fur­ther spread of the virus. In Wash­ing­ton, D.C. last week, a ram­pag­ing mob of fas­cist goons assault­ed ran­dom passers-by and van­dal­ized black church­es — osten­si­bly as a way to show feal­ty to Trump. To put it mild­ly, Amer­i­ca is in bad shape.


Next he should repair the voting rights in this country….

Manufactured claims of fraud to explain away Trump’s loss of the popular vote in the 2016 election led to the creation of a sham commission that eventually disbanded after failing to provide any factual evidence to support Trump’s preposterous statements that millions of people had voted illegally. And following his loss of the 2020 presidential election, Trump has led a rabid assault on American democracy, which has eroded the public’s faith in the outcome of the election and catapulted efforts to subvert the will of voters by overturning the results of the election.

Undeniably, there are problems with our democracy that must be fixed. But these issues do not arise from purported voter fraud. Rather, they are the legacy problems of our republic: systematic efforts by politicians to erect voting barriers and to discriminate against voters of color to tip the balance of power. These problems are enduring, persistent, and verifiable.


This should definitely be a priority because the GOP are looking for ways to limit voter participation….

Changes to the way millions of Americans voted this year contributed to record turnout, but that’s no guarantee the measures making it easier to cast ballots will stick around for future elections.

Republicans in key states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden already are pushing for new restrictions, especially to absentee voting. It’s an option many states expanded amid the coronavirus outbreak that proved hugely popular and helped ensure one of the smoothest election days in recent years.

President Donald Trump has been unrelenting in his attacks on mail voting as he continues to challenge the legitimacy of an election he lost. Despite a lack of evidence and dozens of losses in the courts, his claims of widespread voter fraud have gained traction with some Republican elected officials.

They are vowing to crack down on mail ballots and threatening to roll back other steps that have made it easier for people to vote.

Republicans Plotting New Ways To Make It Harder To Vote

What about the massive student debt?

Do not look to Biden for much help on this front.

A coalition of 236 mostly progressive groups, including close allies like the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, called on the president-elect on Wednesday to cancel student debt using his executive powers on the first day he takes office.

In a letter to Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, the groups did not specify how much debt they’re asking to be canceled. But they noted that Biden pledged during the campaign to cancel $10,000 of each borrowers’ debt “immediately” as part of his response to the coronavirus epidemic.

“Before the COVID-19 public health crisis began, student debt was already a drag on the national economy, weighing heaviest on Black and Latinx communities, as well as women. That weight is likely to be exponentially magnified given the disproportionate toll that COVID-19 is taking on both the health and economic security of people of color and women,” the groups wrote, saying “bold action is needed.”


More on this issue…..https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/12/24/unacceptable-and-immoral-say-progressives-after-biden-admits-he-will-be-unlikely

These are not all the situations that a Biden presidency will face but they are some of the most pressing and the ones that will help the people….again leave to donors until all else is done.

The big question….who Biden really be working for?  I have an answer and Biden supporters do not like it.  Something Biden said recently says it all for me….” Biden proclaimed that, as a president who wants to “avoid inflaming a closely divided Congress,” he plans to “tread lightly when it comes to using his executive power.” Biden seems very confident that his passivity won’t “inflame” any of the remaining progressives in a “closely divided Congress.” Biden’s been on or around Capitol Hill for 45 years and he hasn’t witnessed any uprising from the Congressional left yet. He must feel he’s on pretty safe ground.”

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