Does Anyone Remember The Hack Of 2016?

Closing Thought–23Mar20

I know that events and situations around this pandemic are moving at a break neck speed and issues of 4 years ago hold no interests these days…..but after all the exposure the Mueller thingy and the investigation digging and finding Russians were truly messing in our elections.

Does any of that ring a bell?

Just thought you might like to know……after all the pundits opinions, money spent, investigations and indictments issued…..the DOJ has decided to drop the cases……

Big news Monday night: Buried amid the panic over the corona virus. Robert Mueller’s prosecutors got the green light to flush down the toilet  one of their major cases alleging that Russia hacked the 2016 U.S. Presidential election – US District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich on Monday evening granted the DOJ’s motion to dismiss the case against Concord Management and Consulting. This is more than a black eye. It is an indictment and rebuke of a corrupt group of prosecutors who worked for Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. They filed a case without foundation and smeared a group of foreigners that they (the prosecutors) did not think would fight back. Big mistake.

Let me take you back to February 2018. The headlines of the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and The Atlantic blared the following propaganda:

A Cornerstone of Russia Hacked the 2016 Election Collapses

More on the decision…..

The Justice Department is moving to drop charges against two Russian companies that were accused of funding a social media campaign to sway American public opinion during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Prosecutors said they concluded that a trial, against a corporate defendant with no presence in the United States and no prospect of meaningful punishment even if convicted, would likely expose sensitive law enforcement tools and techniques, “potentially undermining their effectiveness.”

Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord Catering were among three companies and 13 individuals charged in 2018 by special counsel Robert Mueller in a conspiracy to spread disinformation on social media during the 2016 presidential race. The effort was aimed at dividing American public opinion and sowing discord in the electorate, officials said.

So basically the whole investigation and indictment process was a massive waste of time and money.

Glad to see that DC is still the wasteful pile of manure it has always been.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

The Resentment Machine

I am sure that most of my readers have heard of the “way back machine”….well I read an article about the “Resentment Machine”…..let me explain…….

The 2016 election is over and Donald Trump won and that means that Hillary Clinton lost, right?

Then why does the president keep reliving the election could it be that even he is surprised that he won?

But for this post it is the Clinton resentment that I want to write about…..she continues to insert herself where she needs not be with the hope that someone will demand her to run again……

So far all she is doing is sniping at the candidates that she feels are not in line with her control of the DNC……..make NO mistake she is in control for the leader of the DNC Perez is deep in her pocket……

And yet she still wants to relive her loss… that a smart thing to do?

Only a sadomasochist would consider it a genuine prospect. A failed presidential candidate, the louse in the locks of the Democratic Party, keen to make yet another vain tilt at the White House. But in the rogues’ gallery of the defective and disturbed, Hillary Clinton can count herself as pre-eminent, a historical creature who should be preserved as a warning for the party faithful. But she refuses to lie (and lie) quietly, and has given ventriloquised clues via her husband that she might be readying for a return to competition.

The way Clinton disturbs the news bubble is through complaint heavy with spite.  She gazes at the mirror in self-loathing, and claims to spot the faults of others.  (The loathing is understandable to some degree: it was Clinton and her circle who decided, disastrously, to elevate Donald Trump as electable material ahead of rival Bernie Sanders.)  The story she bores her audience with lacks variation: The 2016 loss to Trump could never be put down to her, veteran political figure, establishment doyen.  No, that would be inaccurate for a person with the credentials for office.

A person in such a state is bound to see any contender as dangerous.  Heap upon them; dismiss them as lacking that scoundrel factor of patriotism.  Hide behind some rich, over egged notion of fact checked veracity, while casting grave accusations of foreign control and veiled treason.

The Hillary Clinton Resentment Machine

Then Clinton advised the DENC to pick someone who can win the Electoral College…really?  She could not do that then why take her advice?

Hillary Clinton on Monday urged Democrats to choose a nominee who can win the Electoral College in 2020.
“We have to hope that whoever ends up nominated can win the Electoral College,” she said at a discussion of her book, “The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience,” in Denver.
“I think several of our candidates could win the popular vote but as I know … that’s not enough,” added the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. 
Someone tell the Clinton machine that still exists that she LOST her bid not once but twice…time to STFU and go make bread.

Further Reading:

I Read, I Wrote, You Know

“Lego Ergo Scribo”

Closing Thought For A Saturday

In the last two years we have heard many sides of the defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election…..some pretty accurate and then there are the mindless ramblings of those out of the know.

But on this Saturday I would like to give my readers another look at the loss by Clinton…..this to the tune of Gordon Lighfoot’s “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”…….

And then just a little humor on this Saturday……
And finally one last parody……
Hope all readers got a couple of chuckles……

That wraps my posting day up….enjoy your day and your weekend……

Let’s Talk 2016

We are mere few days away from the 2018 Mid-Terms and the president still talks about the election we had in 2016…..I believe that most everyone knows that we have a president named Trump and yet he cannot stop talking about the 2016 election….on and on……

You know the election of 2016  and we have a president, like him or not, I want to move on and talk about the world we have today….but we cannot… seems the winner of the electoral college cannot move past the election….every rally and campaign stop he makes he constantly relives the election of 2016… I thought ‘why not’ it is something interesting because NOTHING happening in the Trump White House is all that interesting.

The biggest confusion is the “Obama Voter” that switched and voted for the old angry white guy….(what were they thinking?)…….

One of the most puzzling elements of the 2016 election, at least for a lot of Americans, was the millions of voters who switched from voting for Barack Obama in 2012 to Donald Trump in 2016. Somewhere between 6.7 million and 9.2 million Americans switched this way; given that the 2016 election was decided by 40,000 votes, it’s fair to say that Obama-Trump switchers were one of the key reasons that Hillary Clinton lost.

The existence of those voters has served as evidence that the most plausible explanation for what happened in 2016 — that Trump’s campaign tapped into the racism of white Americans to win pivotal states — is wrong. “How could white Americans who voted for a black president in the past be racist,” or so the thinking goes.

As long as we are talking about the 2016 election and since the president cannot open his mouth without saying something stupid about Hillary Clinton I might as well include her in this post…….

IMO she was a terrible candidate and the final tally in the Electoral College proves my point…..yes I know “she won the popular vote”….and where did that get her?

She can go back to the circuit of getting paid “appearance money” and step out of the light for awhile…..(she just cannot step away)…..

“No, I’m not going to run again.” So declared Hillary Clinton this week in an interview with BBC Radio. Clinton, however, said she planned to remain in the public eye criticizing President Trump, reports CNBC. One thing that seems clear: Given her re-emergence on the national stage, lots of people think she will, in fact, run for president in 2020—and lots of Democrats are conflicted about that. Details and developments:

  • Pro-Hillary: A Politico piece headlined “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Hillary?” talks to some of those conflicted Democrats. But it also quotes from Clinton adviser Philippe Reines, who argues that no other Democrat even comes close to her base of support. “Chalking the loss up to her being a failed candidate is an oversimplification,” he says. “She is smarter than most, tougher than most, she could raise money easier than most, and it was an absolute fight to the death.” He thinks it’s unlikely, but possible, that she will run. The chances are “not zero.”

Anti-Hillary: A good example of the “please, no” camp is a piece by Liz Mair in the Daily Beast, who likens Clinton to a zombie who won’t stay down. “Hillary remains caught up in the delusion that the only reason she lost in 2016 was because of Russian interference,” writes Mair. “She does not seem to have fully processed the fact that she lost the Electoral College, the only vote that counts.”

  • Another: Michelle Cottle, a member of the New York Times editorial board, wrote an op-ed arguing that Clinton is doing her party more harm than good ahead of the midterms with all her public appearances. Instead of generating support among Democrats and independents, she’s merely energizing the Republican base, Cottle writes.
  • Bannon’s view: “She’s a lion in winter,” Steve Bannon tells Politico. “Not only is she running, she should run. In the Democratic Party, the question is can anybody throw a punch or take a punch, and one thing we know about Hillary Clinton is she can take a punch.” Trump, for his part, says he hopes she runs.
  • Lewinsky controversy: Last weekend, Clinton told CBS that her husband’s affair with a 22-year-old Monica Lewinsky didn’t constitute an abuse of power because Lewinsky was an adult, reports USA Today. Clinton continues to take flak for this, including from Tarana Burke, who’s credited with starting the #MeToo movement. “It’s absolutely an abuse of power,” Burke tells the Root. “Two people made a choice and one of those people was the most powerful man in the world.” And former Obama adviser David Axelrod wrote: “Just guessing this isn’t the story Democratic candidates were looking for in the homestretch of the midterms.”
  • A tour: Clinton will further raise her public profile with a series of appearances starting next month with Bill Clinton to talk about the 2016 loss and other issues, reports Business Insider. “An Evening With the Clintons” will visit 13 cities, with tickets ranging from $60 to $745.
  • Low numbers: A Gallup poll in September put Clinton’s favorability rating at a record low 36%. That’s down 7 points from the eve of the election. The partisan split: 77% favorable rating among Democrats, 30% among independents, and 4% among Republicans.
  • Clinton also drew attention for asserting that “civility” will return to the US only when Democrats reassume power.

Please…..she lost the 2016 election…time for her to go away….Dems do not need her any longer….they need to find a voice and a message….she did not have one in 2016 and right now the Dems are still looking for their voice.  Right now not even the Party knows who the leader of the Dems is… is there a leader?

This is fun!

The Mid-terms will tell the tale…..the Dems may have a chance to redeem themselves with the voter…..will they?

The Russian “Problem”

We know that there is a tug of war going on between Left and Right (not a true analogy but will work for the limited mentality of Trump followers)…..on one side Russia is an evil entity sitting there feasting on the US cyber world and then on the other hand Russia is just a fake topic meant to bring down the Dear Leader from his Ivory Tower (the White House).

But let’s look at the Russian thing…..

The United States is – still – the world’s most powerful and most wealthy country. It cannot and will not be brought to its knees by a band of alleged mercenary Russian hackers, oligarchs and intelligence operatives, though they likely had some kind of distorting effect.

No, the assault on American democracy and its global standing originated not in Moscow but in Washington, and across the length and breadth of the United States. Like the Soviet Empire before it, America is crumbling under the weight of its own contradictions, its imperial hubris, and its squandering of vast amounts of resources to enrich the very few at the expense of the very, very, very, very many – both abroad and at home.

Russia did not create Donald Trump, the brash, abrasive and corrupt opportunist and grifter.  Russia did not transform this self-centered and self-serving business tyrant into a counter-factual television and (social) media sensation, admired by millions, who has been marketing hollow image without any substance and peddling falsehoods for decades.

Russia did not put a gun to the heads of white, conservative voters and force them to elect an alleged billionaire with zero political experience and zero interest in the plight of other people as someone who would “drain the swamp” as the representative of ordinary folk.

Even suggesting that Russia was responsible for the brainwashing of the Republican electorate would be to give it way too much credit, and too little credit to homegrown propagandists, polemicists and twisters of truth. Of course, Moscow is an old hand at fake news and propaganda. But Sputnik and RT have limited reach in America and can simply not compete with the likes of Fox News and Sinclair for the hearts and minds of Middle America.

It all comes down to the US and its self-inflicted political wounds over the decades.

This Russian thing is a bit much……not to take anything away from the on-going investigations but could we move on from this…….yes there is other stuff happening around the world that could be used to fill the time on air….just a thought.

But let’s take a look…shall we?

Cold War Two is thriving, having been initiated and fostered by West and especially by the Pentagon and much of Congress, whose members benefit enormously from cash donations by weapons’ manufacturers whose generosity so far this election cycle has totaled $19,332,442 in traceable hand-outs.  The Pentagon is reported as having calculated that “overseas weapons sales by US firms rose $8.3 billion from 2016 to 2017, with American arms makers moving a total of $41.9 billion in advanced weaponry to foreign militaries last year.”  There is profit in supporting confrontation.

Development of the new Cold War was described succinctly in February 2018 by Stephen F Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at NYU and Princeton, in that “[President] Clinton pursued winner-take-all policies consistent with viewing Russia as a defeated power, presiding over a massive intrusive crusade to shape that former rival into ‘the Russia we want’;  beginning the expansion of NATO, now on Russia’s borders; and bombing Moscow’s traditional Slav ally Serbia in 1999, despite Yeltsin’s protests. Indeed, the extreme vilification of Putin by former members of the Clinton administration, including Hillary Clinton, who equated him with Hitler, are not unrelated to their unwise Russia policies of the 1990s — loudly applauded, it should be added, by media journalists now also in the forefront of demonizing the current Kremlin leader.”

OMG! Will She Ever Shut Up?

Closing Thought–25May18

Another school shooting…..and few seem to care…..what a great country.

Not a month goes by that there is not yet another story about Hillary Clinton…..for Christ sake she lost the election and we are still have to relive the damn thing through her eyes.

I speeches since the voting has has blamed damn near everybody but Miss Piggy for her loss….that is everybody but the one person she should blame….herself.

Her newest excuse was an age old enemy of state….”socialists”…..

Hillary Clinton is incapable of coming to terms with her loss and now finds fault with greedy capitalists who are turning young people into socialists, as Paul Street explains.

Hillary Clinton’s take on “what happened” in the 2016 election is a running tale of victimization. She was the casualty of FBI Director James Comey and of Vladimir Putin and WikiLeaks. She was unjustly loathed by that “basket” of racist, sexist, nativist, and homophobic “deplorables” that is supposedly the American “heartland,” white working-class and rural population – people she recently painted (at an elite globalist gathering in Mumbai, India) as a bunch of “pessimistic,” slow-witted and retrograde losers. She was victimized by Bernie Sanders, who (Hillary complained) wasn’t even a “real Democrat” but had the unmitigated chutzpah to let his primary campaign challenge her prearranged coronation as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.

Never mind the series of stupid, arrogant, and largely unforced errors that crippled her uninspiring and policy-bereft insider campaign that was under her command. And never mind her own epic unpopularity before and during the campaign – disapproval earned over her many years of functioning as a cold and transparently elitist Establishment agent of the wealthy corporate and financial Few.

She needs to buck up and place the blame where blame is due….her campaign!

Democrats need to move past her whining….if they are ever to gain the seat of power again they need to find a message and let the scapegoating die.

One more Clinton piece of crap……

he new Wikileaks release shows the then Secretary of State ordering a war in Syria in order to overthrow the government and oust President Assad, claiming it was the “best way to help Israel”.

“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton forthrightly starts off by saying.

Even though all US intelligence reports had long dismissed Iran’s “atom bomb” program as a hoax (a conclusion supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Clinton continues to use these lies to “justify” destroying Syria in the name of Israel.

She specifically links Iran’s mythical atom bomb program to Syria because, she says, Iran’s “atom bomb” program threatens Israel’s “monopoly” on nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

If Iran were to acquire a nuclear weapon, Clinton asserts, this would allow Syria (and other “adversaries of Israel” such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt) to “go nuclear as well,” all of which would threaten Israel’s interests.


Prime example on our foreign policy……it is protect Israel at all costs……

Time for Hillary to just slide off into the dust bin of history.

Are We Sick Of Clinton Yet?

It seems that we may never get a rest from all things Clinton.

A year and half after the 2016 general election and we are still explaining what happened that allowed Hillary Clinton to lose her race.

She lost because of the Russians or was it the FBI or was it because of her message or maybe she was just an inferior candidate.

In my book she was a terrible candidate that was running against a horrible candidate and horrible won out.

And since November 2016 pundits have been explaining her loss and it is still being told to whoever will listen.  Even books about her and her loss are still being published…..

New York Times reporter Amy Chozick has a new book on Hillary Clinton and the 2016 election, and one anecdote in particular from it was getting attention on Friday. It’s from election night, when Chozick writes in Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling that it finally became clear somebody had to break the news to Clinton that she was going to lose to Donald Trump. The task fell to “Robby Mook, the drained and deflated campaign manager,” per an excerpt in the Times. And when he finally did so, Clinton “didn’t seem all that surprised,” writes Chozick. Then the key Clinton quote: “‘I knew it. I knew this would happen to me,’ she said, now within a couple of inches of Mr. Mook’s ashen face. ‘They were never going to let me be president.'”

The Daily Beast has more on the book, including what would have been the “nut graf” of the Times story on a Clinton victory under the six-column headline “Madam President.” The paragraph would have begun, “No one in modern politics, male or female, has had to withstand more indignities, setbacks and cynicism.” And it would have ended: “But if she was guarded about her feelings and opinions, she believed it was in careful pursuit of a dream for generations of Americans: the election of the country’s first woman president.” The Washington Post review of the book details Chozick’s recollection of dealing with sexism from male Clinton staffers. And it has a quibble: “Unfortunately, too much of the book is devoted to Chozick’s worrying and whining—’Jesus did I whine’—about her status at the Times,” writes Carlos Lozada.

The Dems need to move past the Clinton loss and find the best candidate for 2020…..focusing on Clinton will not produce a good candidate.

Please stop all the whining and accept the loss and move on……politics has become sloppy and worthless…..time for a political revolution…..time to flush the governance toilet as it were.

Closing Thought–08Dec17

What’s The Presidency Worth?

Did you know that there was a offer to buy out Trump in 2016 and let Pence have have the presidency?  The price was $800 million.

One of the big political talkers of the day comes courtesy of the Atlantic, which is out with a lengthy piece on the vice president under the provocative headline of “God’s Plan for Mike Pence.” Among the interesting nuggets is that Pence considered what amounts to a “coup” against Donald Trump in the aftermath of the Access Hollywoodtape scandal, writes McKay Coppins. Immediately after the scandal broke, Pence let the Republican National Committee know that he was ready to replace Trump as the GOP nominee, even though it was just four weeks from Election Day. Soon, GOP insiders began buzzing about the possibility of a ticket with Condoleezza Rice as Pence’s vice president, writes Coppins.

At the same time, a group of billionaires started asking around about the possibility of a political buyout of sorts—how much would it take to get Trump to walk away? One source tells Coppins they were given a price of $800 million, though it’s unclear whether an offer was ever made or whether Trump himself was aware of any of this. In any event, the scandal faded and Pence soon found himself as vice-president-elect. Coppins writes that this near-coup was not a matter of “political opportunism” for Pence, a devout Christian who was “genuinely shocked” at Trump’s comments in the recording. It’s been previously reported that Pence considered leaving the ticket at that point, but the Atlantic story makes the case that he went much further than that. Read it in full here.

I love this….American presidency could have price tag… it and rid the country of a worthless lump of manure as president.

Will She Ever Shut Up?

She is back!

Just when you thought it was safe to read the news……you then have your Johnson banged into a door.

I am talking about Hillary Clinton.  She is back and with a new book telling the world about her place in the world during the 2016 election and of course assigning blame for her overwhelming loss.

NO!  I have not read the book and will never….but apparently she does what she and all her cronies have been doing since the vote count….blaming Bernie and his supporters for her loss.

Letter to the editor: 

Hillary Clinton blaming Sen. Bernie Sanders for her loss is deeply offensive and beyond the pale.

Millions of citizens from all walks of life (myself included) supported Sanders passionately because we loved the positions he was willing to fight for and the fact that he was not beholden to wealthy corporate donors.

Clinton represents everything that is wrong with the political class in this country, in both the Democratic and Republican parties, which have lost touch with the real needs and cries of the people they’re supposed to represent. I sincerely hope that Sanders joins the growing movement for a viable new progressive party.

With her latest blame game, Clinton has only further alienated every true progressive who didn’t support her to begin with.

Lydia Johnson; Roanoke, Va.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has spent years in Congress as an independent, not helping the Democratic Party much. But when Democrats put forth a woman, he pushed his way into the Democratic primary. Sanders has no allegiance to the Democratic Party and has done damage by bringing out the whining kids. I am not a fan.

— Victoria Kugler

I voted for Clinton, but in the primary I wanted Sanders. One problem was that Democrats had Clinton anointed.

— Karen Benson

Clinton blames Donald Trump, Sanders and just about everything and everyone for her failed run for the White House. How about looking in the mirror? She did not campaign very hard. She did not visit key states. She lost in the final weeks. She thought she had it in the bag. The ultimate example of entitlement.

— Sharon Raguckas

She is a typical arrogant politician……she just cannot bring herself to look at her terrible candidacy ans the reason she lost…..she had NO message but that has been the problem with most Dems since 2008….they have NOTHING to offer the American people.

I know it is a bitter pill to swallow….but do it anyway….you lost….stop whining and go spend some of your money…..

Time for her and her cronies to step aside and let the Dems get on with finding a message that will resonate with the American people….doing it the Clinton way is a dead issue.

Will she ever shut up?

Why Did Hillary Lose?

Really?  How long are the Dems gonna screw this dead donkey?

No this is NOT a post trying to understand why Clinton lost….most real voters know why….she was a shitty candidate.

Instead this is a look at something that I thought was either dead or dying….the anti-war vote.

There is evidence to support that her loss in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan were from the votes of military families that are weary of all this war stuff….talk and action……

Now an important new study has come out showing that Clinton paid for this arrogance: professors argue that Clinton lost the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan in last year’s presidential election because they had some of the highest casualty rates during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and voters there saw Clinton as the pro-war candidate.

By contrast, her pro-war positions did not hurt her in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and California, the study says; because those states were relatively unscathed by the Middle East wars.

Source: Clinton lost because PA, WI, and MI have high casualty rates and saw her as pro-war, study says – Mondoweiss

I can see why these people would vote against her as she was perceived as a pro-war candidate where Trump was not…..

This is something that the DNC needs to keep in mind as they scramble to find a message that will play with the voters.

But yet the people in the Clinton admin from the 90’s are trying to get the DNC to move more toward the center…..

“Reject the siren calls of the left” is the advice Mark Penn and Andrew Stein offer for the Democratic Party in a New York Times op-ed. The two make a case for why Democrats have to move back to the centrist position advocated by President Bill Clinton in the mid-’90s—a position they say reversed into a “rush to the left” during President Obama’s last few years in office. That U-turn resulted in an upswing for “identity politics, class warfare, and big government,” all of which have worked against the Democrats at the voting booths, with big losses during Obama’s tenure in terms of legislative seats and control of both houses of Congress.

It has also hurt Dems’ standing with working-class voters, who’ve witnessed “the party being mired too often in political correctness, transgender bathroom issues, and policies offering more help to undocumented immigrants than to the heartland,” the authors write. The “good issues” Democrats should be pushing on as they “reject socialist ideas,” Penn and Stein write: better protections for US workers, a focus on rural areas, the opioid epidemic, and a more balanced take on immigration. “Americans are looking for can-do Democrats in the mold of John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton—leaders who rose above partisanship to unify the country, who defended human rights and equality passionately, and who also encouraged economic growth and rising wages,” they write. Full op-ed here.

Seriously?  If they find a Clinton-esque candidate for 2020 then they will lose again.

The longer these wars continue the more the anti-war vote will come into play… my hope…..

Hillary lost because she was a horrible candidate and if they run a centrist next time then they will be asking all these same questions again.

Keep in mind the government of Bubba Clinton is what has brought us to this spot in time……do we want to relive all this again?

The DEms have lost sight of the “fronts” that help their power….the trip to the Center has made the Dem Party a toothless tiger…

“The solution of social problems consisted in the adjustment of conflicting interests; and the real business of politics, then, was simply the control of work and of the conditions under which work was performed. The liberals were altogether wrong in their insistence on individual liberty; in society, the parts must be subordinated to the whole.”

— Saint-Simon, 1802, digested by Edmund Wilson, To The Finland Station, 1940

Source: The Democratic Party’s Abandoned Fronts

The Dems need to get in touch with the people they abandoned in the 90’s……or they can watch the party crash and burn yet again.
