We Don’t Want No Stinking Dictator

We can say a lot of things about the upcoming election…..for me it is a contest between Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dummer….on one side we have a person that spews hatred and bias and on the other we have a spineless tool that makes promises only to work on them just before an election….so for me this election is a lose-lose scenario.

Beyond my personal opinion a dictatorship looms and many Americans say they do not want such and all the while they are helping create the thing they do not want.

Whether a glass is half full or half empty is a matter of perspective. The same can be said about the half of Americans who oppose the idea of allowing presidents to rule unilaterally—an exercise of monarchical power favored by only a fifth of us. I like to look on the bright side, so I take it as a win that those opposing unrestrained executive power far outnumber those who favor it. Still, it would be better if, in a republic established two and a half centuries ago, more than half the population would commit to the proposition that turning the country into a dictatorship would be bad.

“About half of the public think it would be a bad idea if the next president is able to act on important policy issues without the approval of Congress or the courts,” the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reports of the results of a survey of 1,282 adults conducted March 21-25. “Only 21% think it would be a good thing, and about 30% think it’s neither good nor bad.”

In the poll, 48 percent overall oppose unilateral presidential rule, including 58 percent of Democrats and 45 percent of Republicans. The 21 percent favoring the idea include 17 percent of Democrats and 26 percent of Republicans. Support for unrestrained executive power rises to 39 percent among Democrats in the case of a Biden win in November, and to 57 percent of Republicans if Trump wins.

Interestingly, the AP-NORC results are nearly identical to those found by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics in 2021. At the time, pollsters reported “roughly 2 in 10 Trump and Biden voters strongly agree it would be better if a ‘President could take needed actions without being constrained by Congress or courts.'” Among Biden voters, 22 percent strongly agreed with the idea, compared to 19 percent of Trump voters (over 40 percent of both at least “somewhat agreed” with the idea of an unrestrained presidency).

Americans Don’t Want a Dictatorship, but They’re Creating One Anyway

Maybe it is time to take a hard look at your political priorities….the thing that you dislike the most may be the very thing you are helping create.

Just a lowly observation….

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The Faces Of Fascism

Fascism now there is a word that is getting a workout these days….almost as popular as ‘socialist’ was in the not so distant past.

But how many that use the term actually know anything about it?

Here’s a hint: Very Few!

Then here is a very simple definition to get us started….a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

But if that is too simplistic for you then maybe this will make more sense to you…..

When far-right personalities and movements started popping up during the last two decades, there was, in some quarters, strong hesitation to use the “f” word to describe them. Indeed, as late as less than three years ago, I had to defend the use of the word fascist in the Cambridge Union debate against academics who were squeamish about employing it to describe far-right movements in Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world. What Donald Trump and the Jan 6, 2021, insurrection have shown, however, is that the distinction between “far right” and “fascist” is academic. Or one can say that a “far-rightist” is a fascist who has not yet seized power, for it is only once they are in power that fascists fully reveal their political propensities.

Fascism 101 for Today’s Geopolitics

But like so many other political philosophies there are many aspects within the ‘movement’….

Primo Levi used to say that every era has its own fascism. What is the fascism of our time? I define fascism as the socio-political condition of capital concentration which, without democratic control, legitimizes total indifference to the humanity of others. Therefore, fascism is a phenomenon specific to capitalist societies. I’ve been making a distinction between societal fascism (when one social group holds the right of veto over the life of another group) and political fascism (a type of authoritarian regime). Today, I think we are moving towards fascist assemblages in which previously distinct components (cultural, economic, social and political) are combined. The fascism of our time has the following faces: social neo-Darwinism, political religion, the traditional far right, lawfare, acedia individualism. Any of them is compatible with democracy, as long as democracy is not much more than a game of appearances.

Social neo-Darwinism. Neoliberalism, as an economic policy, is a device for concentrating wealth through transfers from the poor and middle classes to the upper classes by reducing the freedoms proposed by liberalism to economic freedom. As a social policy, neoliberalism translates into neo-social Darwinism: sacralization of individual autonomy in parallel with the denial of the conditions for being effectively autonomous, which leads to defending the incapacity of the state to alleviate inequalities of opportunity; glorification of order, security and tranquillity guaranteed by police repression and the mass incarceration of discontents or nonconformists; conversion of wealth and economic power into privileged criteria of human dignity; cooperation and altruism are unnatural; the means are always more contingent and disposable than the ends; the production of death is collateral damage in the struggle for success or power.

The Different Faces of Fascism

There are many faces to fascism and I feel we have not seen the end of any of them.

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The ‘Lincoln Project’

Remember the days when the Lincoln Project was the opposition to the Trump GOP….a bunch of disillusions of Trump made GOP strategists run for the hills and start a campaign to defeat Trump and his minions.

How have they done so far?

Dems were excited to have some real GOP in opposition to the rising tide of fascists in the Trump circle.

When the group formed the Lincoln Project I said then that we should not get too excited for if the succeed in ridding DC of the Trump influence they would then turn their ire on the Dems.

So the question is….did the Lincoln Project pull the wool over the eyes of Dems?

I said before and now that they did…..but read on…..


The Lincoln Project, the super PAC created in late 2019 to help defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, is one of the largest trolling operations in modern human history, designed to alter the country’s political future by getting inside—and thoroughly screwing with—the commander-in-chief’s head.

Formed and led by disenfranchised big-time Republican consultants and strategists, it produced viral ads that took the fight directly to Trump. Thanks to its blistering attacks, it became a hit with those on both sides of the political aisle, although its stratospheric ascent was interrupted by a series of bombshells that called into question the motives, and character, of the men and women behind it. Far from a feel-good fable, it turned out to be a more complex tale about activism and avarice, nobility and self-interest, loyalty and betrayal, success and scandal.

As co-founder Steve Schmidt admits, “Make no mistake: the idea that the Lincoln Project story is the story of the good people against the bad people is a very naïve take on this.”

The Lincoln Project is that warts-and-all saga, told in up-close-and-personal fashion by directors Karim Amer (The Vow) and Fisher Stevens. Immersing themselves with the group from early September 2020 (two months before the election) to February 2021, the duo’s five-part docuseries—premiering Oct. 7 on Showtime—is a multifaceted fly-on-the-wall portrait of 21st-century politics and the many gambles, compromises and duplicity it entails, all filtered through the experiences of those at the helm of the Lincoln Project. That leadership unit was announced in December 2019, and included Schmidt, George Conway, Rick Wilson (a former Daily Beast contributor), John Weaver, Jennifer Horn, Ron Steslow, Reed Galen, and Mike Madrid. All of them played key roles in the organization’s subsequent rise, even if this non-fiction account suggests that the four who were really running the show were Schmidt, Wilson, Galen, and soon-to-be-member Stuart Stevens.

At least at the outset of The Lincoln Project, such distinctions don’t seem to really matter—everyone receives an honorary “co-founder” title and are equally dedicated to their “psych-warfare campaign” against the president, whose mission is summed up by Rick Wilson: “We’re here to kick the shit out of Donald Trump.” What made the Lincoln Project unique was that this collection of disaffected Republicans were all veterans of various nasty political campaigns and had expertise in manipulative messaging and media, and thus boasted the specific skillsets required to be a thorn in Trump’s side. Consequently, it wasn’t long before their “Mourning in America” spot stoked the ire of the president, whose tweet about the group transformed it into an overnight sensation, helping it raise tens of millions, expand its staff, and become a hydra-like machine that poked the Trumpian bear in real-time on social media, developed popular commercials, and then—courtesy of Mike Madrid’s data-oriented team— strategically place them in the markets where they would have the most real-world success at pushing voters toward Joe Biden.


I am not a fan of the Project….how about you?

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A New Third Party (Here We Go Again)

All the bigotry and hatred has divided this country into opposing units…..former Repubs and Dems have decided to try and form a third party……

Dozens of former Republican and Democratic officials announced on Wednesday a new national political third party to appeal to millions of voters they say are dismayed with what they see as America’s dysfunctional two-party system.

The new party, called Forward and whose creation was first reported by Reuters, will initially be co-chaired by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Christine Todd Whitman, the former Republican governor of New Jersey. They hope the party will become a viable alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties that dominate U.S. politics, founding members told Reuters.

The new party is being formed by a merger of three political groups that have emerged in recent years as a reaction to America’s increasingly polarized and gridlocked political system. The leaders cited a Gallup poll last year showing a record two-thirds of Americans believe a third party is needed.

The merger involves the Renew America Movement, formed in 2021 by dozens of former officials in the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump; the Forward Party, founded by Yang, who left the Democratic Party in 2021 and became an independent; and the Serve America Movement, a group of Democrats, Republicans and independents whose executive director is former Republican congressman David Jolly.


My thoughts…Yang is a techie and is a business man….this new party will be a big business party….we already have two of those we do not need another.

I will give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for an official platform before I go full monty on them.

This is NOTHING new……anyone remember Unity08 or AmericansElect2012….both we a team up of GOPers and Dems….they were con jobs….read what I wrote back then….

Yes, We Have No Third Party Today

Please tell me the Yang is not doing this just to keep his hat in the ring…..I mean he lost the NYC race….

I believe we definitely need a good third party apart from the crap of the corrupt two we have now….but right now I do not think this is it…..we need a true Progressive party…..a Bull Moose Party…..(i wrote about this in 2010…will you listen now?)

How About A “Bull Moose Party”? #1

How About A New “Bull Moose Party”? #2

Please thoughts will be appreciated.

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What Is Wrong With Our Country #2

WTF Happened?

This is my continuing series on my thoughts on the problems this countries is having which is scraping the very foundations of our government.

I started with a post about money in our government that has got its claws in the legislative process and grind our system to a virtual halt…….https://lobotero.com/2022/02/09/what-is-wrong-with-our-government/

I wish I could state that it was the only problem we are having….but sadly it is not and that is why I decided to continue the series.

This post is about the political parties and their role in grinding this country to a halt.

The current ruling two-party duopoly is so ubiquitous that we take it as a given. We teach the “two-party system” in government classes. Taxpayers pay for their primary elections, notwithstanding that legally, parties are private associations. We have allowed the two ruling parties to institutionalize themselves in our political and governing systems. They get preferential ballot access and legislative committee assignments and camaign finance laws are rigged in their favor . . . . just to name a few of the advantages they are afforded.
Given this dominance, one might conclude that the two-party system arises from our constitutional roots. But in fact, the opposite is the case. Virtually every one of the Founding Fathers eschewed the idea of political parties and fretted over what might happen to the country if political parties were to come to dominate the country.

It appears that their reservations were well founded.

Let’s start with everyone’s hero our first president, George Washington….

“[Political parties] serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests. . . .Let me now . . . warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party

. . . . It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeebles the public administration.  It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; foments occasionally riot and insurrection.  It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption . . . A fire not to quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into flame . . .”

Then there was John Adams’ thoughts on parties….

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” 

Now the ever popular Alexander Hamilton…..

“I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent.  If I could not go to heaven but with a political party, I would decline to go.

Then to Thomas Paine the original Father of the United States….

“Party knows no impulse but spirit, no prize but victory.  It is blind to truth, and hardened against conviction.  It seeks to justify error by perseverance, and denies to its own mind the operation of its own judgment.  A man under the tyranny of party spirit is the greatest slave upon the earth, for none but himself can deprive him of the freedom of thought.” 

As you can see the Founders at least some of them could not see any redeeming qualities in the party system….and recent events are proving these people right.

And yet with Jefferson presidency run parties became the rule of the day…..an identity if you will…..

“Two political sects have arisen within the U. S. The one believing that the executive is the branch of our government which the most needs support; the other that like the analogous branch in the English Government, it is already too strong for the republican parts of the Constitution; and therefore in equivocal cases they incline to the legislative powers: the former of these are called federalists, sometimes aristocrats or monocrats, and sometimes tories, after the corresponding sect in the English Government of exactly the same definition: the latter are styled republicans, whigs, jacobins, anarchists, disorganizers, etc. these terms are in familiar use with most persons.”

Hamilton and the Federalists….


  • Committed to a fiscally sound and nationalistic government
  • Favored a National Band, Tariffs, and Good Relations with Britain
  • Supported Implied Powers – those powers authorized by a legal document (from the Constitution) which, while not stated, seem to be implied by powers expressly stated.
  • More conservative views
  • Composed of the elite class

Jefferson and the ‘Republicans’……

(Jeffersonian) Republicans

  • Committed to the rights of states, the primacy of yeoman farmers, and the principles of republicanism (liberty and inalienable rights)
  • Opposed the Jay Treaty, wanted good relations with France, not Britain
  • Opposed the ideas of a National Bank or implied powers
  • Predominately “Anti-Administration”

As you can see in the early days of the republic in spite of the dire warnings political parties became the center of our political world….and now we have a system that is as useless as it can be…..because of the influence of political parties……which has brought this nation into the world of political tribalism.

As this country continues to travel this path the nation will splinter and fall apart……

Is that what we want?

Does this country have a future that the Founders intended?

I ask zand wait for an answer…..

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Creeping Neo-Fascism

I remember the days when the country was warned about the ‘creeping socialism’ of the American Left….the ‘creeping’ was more like an anemic crawl……but now this country has a new ‘creeper’ it should be more worried about……that of ‘creeping Neo-fascism’…..

Do not get me wrong I do not like labeling those as ‘fascists’ just like I do not appreciate the label ‘socialist’….but the GOP seems to be heading in a direction we have seen before.

The way to fight this trend is to fight the neo-liberal trend….

Neoliberalism can be defined as a political approach that “seeks to transfer the control of economic factors from the public sector to the private sector” — and strives to “place limits on government spending, government regulation, and public ownership.” Neoliberalism can be described more candidly as vast, systemic, nonstop plunder.

The plunder is enmeshed in politics. In the real world, economic power is political power. And privatizing political power amounts to undermining democracy.

After four decades of neoliberal momentum, we can see the wreckage all around us: the cumulative effects, destroying uncounted human lives deprived of adequate healthcare, education, housing, economic security and existence free of predatory monetizing. While Republican politicians usually led the wrecking crews, their Democratic counterparts often served as enablers or initiated their own razing projects.

As its policies gradually degrade the standard of living and quality of life for most people, neoliberalism provides a poisonous fuel for right-wing propaganda and demagoguery. Although corporate media outlets routinely assert that “moderate” Democrats are best positioned to block the right’s advances, the corporate-oriented policies of those Democrats — including trade deals, deregulation and privatization — have aided rather than impeded far-right faux populism

In 2021, the Best Way to Fight Neofascist Republicans is to Fight Neoliberal Democrats

Your vote does count…just as much as it should….but we need to start somewhere…..

Do your part to protect this country and its people.

Do not ignore the trends……So help the nation rid ourselves to this slow moving cancer.

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The Assault!

In this case I am not posting about the danger of the 06 January…..I am not saying that the insurrection was not a danger to our republic just that another assault could be much ore dangerous and hazardous to our beloved nation.

The assault that I am talking about is that assault on the voting rights of our citizenry…..

Attorney Marc Elias explains the dangers…..

Democratic attorney Marc Elias has been quite aggressive when it comes to filing lawsuits against Republican voter suppression efforts. But when Elias, the founder of Democracy Docket, appeared on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” on Thursday night, June 3, he warned that lawsuits alone are not going to be enough to defend voting rights in the United States.

Elias’ appearance on Maddow’s show came at a time when Republicans in state legislatures all over the U.S. are pushing voter suppression bills and many Trump supporters in the GOP are continuing to promote the Big Lie and the false, debunked conspiracy theory that former President Donald Trump was the victim of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. In fact, now-President Joe Biden won the election decisively, picking up 306 electoral votes and defeating Trump by more than 7 million in the popular vote.

Elias told Maddow, “It’s not realistic to assume that every provision of every bad law is going to get struck down by court. We won more than we lost in 2019 and 2020 — we did better than in the post-election. But you can’t assume that when state after state after state throws the kitchen sink at voters and makes restricting voting rights their top priority, that the courts are going to be there to bat them all back.”


The Dems need to stop trying a failed policy of bi-partisanship….they need to stop pussy footing around and step up and fight harder for the people’s right to vote without obstruction.

Instead they cling to the dinosaur of all policies in the Congress….that of bi-partisanship….that compromise on major issues is as dead as the do-do.

“It is worth remembering that it is illegal under state and federal law to change vote outcomes,” Rubin writes. “This is the basis for the ongoing investigation of the former president’s phone call with Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, in which the election’s loser pleaded with the Republican official to ‘find’ sufficient votes to change the state’s outcome…. In addition, federal law says that any person who ‘knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process’ has committed a felony.”

Rubin continues, “It also makes it a crime for a ‘person acting under color of law’ to ‘willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report’ legal votes. In other words, simply putting control of elections in the hands of partisan Republicans does not mean they can flip election results at will. However, the potential to disrupt and discredit elections is great. And in the case of federal elections, some state legislatures might seek to certify their own slate of electors claiming the voters’ choice was invalidated by fraud.”


Voters need to arm themselves with factual information not the manure spread by morons on social media about election fraud….then get involved with the changing of the crap you must endure to vote.

You have the power…..but you must use it or lose it!

And lose it you will and if you look around you will see your right being subdued and eventually removed.

Is that what you want?

If so then sit on your ass watching crap on reality TV….but do not bitch if you are not involved.

(sound of crickets)

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A New “GOP” On The Horizon

There are those true conservs that are fed up with the Trumpian BS and have decided that they may start a third party so the country can have true conservatism once again…..

Christine Todd Whitman and Tom Ridge are among the more than 100 Republicans who have said they’ll sign a letter demanding that the party change direction. If it doesn’t, the group warns, the GOP can expect to be challenged by a third political party. The group is opposed to former President Trump’s continued control of the Republican Party, the New York Times reports. “When in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division, and despotism arise, it is the patriotic duty of citizens to act collectively in defense of liberty and justice,” says the statement’s preamble. The letter, which is scheduled to be published Thursday, calls on Republicans to “either re-imagine a party dedicated to our founding ideals or else hasten the creation” of an alternative party.

Other former officeholders behind the letter include Mary Peters, Charlie Dent, and Barbara Comstock. Former Rep. Denver Riggleman said the group would prefer not to start another party, per USA Today. “The objective is to create a common sense coalition and policy-driven movement that pushes back against disinformation like the Big Lie” about the 2020 presidential election, Riggleman said. One of the organizers is Miles Taylor, a former Trump administration official who anonymously wrote a New York Times oped piece critical of the president in 2018, as well as a book. He said former governors, party chairmen, Cabinet secretaries and state officials plan to sign the letter, which Taylor called the first step. “If we can’t get the GOP back to a rational party that supports free minds, free markets, and free people,” he said, “I’m out, and a lot of people are coming with me.”

For more information on this possibility…..https://www.rawstory.com/republicans-threaten-leaev-party/

Will they make good on this threat?

How successful will they be in the age of Trumpism and misinformation?

We already have a centrist party….the Dems….what we need is more progressive thinking.

I am all for a third party….but I do not think it will be one that I will support….but I need to see their platform before I rule them out.


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What Happened To The GOP?

It is a question that many people are asking….well not everyone just the sane ones.

They lost the White House and the Senate and the House….you would think that after such defeats that they would take a hard look at their party and do what is needed to make some adjustments…..well you would be mistaken.

I mean the GOP of 1956 was an excellent party that cared about the people and the country….but since then it has slid into worthless jingoism.

And yet they cannot see this failure and do some rebranding….

Typically, after losing a presidential election, a political party will undertake an intense intra-party debate over why it didn’t win and how the party needs to change to take back the White House. Democrats did so after losing in 1988, 2000, 2004 and 2016. In fact, even after winning in 2020 — taking control of the White House and U.S. Senate and maintaining control in the U.S. House — Democrats are having an intra-party debate, trying to figure out why they didn’t win more House seats and struggled with Latino voters. Republicans, too, have had such debates, after losses in 1996, 2008 and 2012

But not this time.

Why The Republican Party Isn’t Rebranding After 2020

No rebranding…..just the same obstructionism that has plagued this nation for years…..and the esteemed leader of the Senate GOP will do nothing to change the slide of the GOP…..

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear what he hopes to do this term: obstruct President Joe Biden’s administration in the same way he obstructed then-President Barack Obama’s.

“One hundred percent of my focus is on stopping this new administration,” McConnell said at a press conference. “What we have in the United States Senate is total unity from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz in opposition to what the new Biden administration is trying to do to this country.” McConnell later caveated his comments slightly, noting: “I’m anxious on stopping the Biden agenda — depending on what it is.”


So Mitch is going to destroy the GOP….and no one asked…..why?

But nobody is asking the bigger question: “Why would a professional, lifelong politician and master tactician like Mitch McConnell make such a huge mistake?”

I believe the answer is that McConnell does not think he’s making a mistake. He thinks he’s right. He thinks he’s going to win.

I believe he has completely deluded himself. He has bought his own BS. And it won’t be the first time senior Republican leadership has done this and then destroyed the GOP in the process.


Personally the sooner the idiots in the GOP destroy the party the better the country will be….then maybe the GOP will return to support of the country…..just like in 1956…..


Now there is policies of a party that cares about this country and not serving as some sort of spoiler to any social progress.

Will the GOP ever find its way out of the fog it has created for itself?

Some say that there is a civil war within the GOP…..and the GOP lost.

House Republicans voted Rep. Liz Cheney out of her leadership position and replaced her with compliant quisling Rep. Elise Stefanik. On the same day, 100 current and former Republican officials wrote a letter threatening to form a third party, a move that The Washington Post described as vowing to begin a “civil war” within the party.

Still on the same day, at a House hearing in which former acting Sec. of Defense Christopher Miller testified to events on Jan. 6, Republican after Republican stepped up to not just ignore the attempted overthrow of democracy, but to embrace it. Republicans described the deadly assault on the Capitol as a “normal tourist visit” in which “peaceful patriots” were “hugging and kissing” the police. It was a description so out of touch with reality that, as CNN reports, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski declared that she was “offended.” 

All of this certainly gives the impression of a party awash with conflict. As one CNN analyst declared, this is what happens “when political parties implode.” But right across the virtual page, a second CNN editorial strikes a different note. There is no civil war within the party, Instead, Republicans are “in near-perfect lockstep with Trump” and “with the politics of Trumpism.”

And honestly, that’s the correct view. The war in the Republican Party is already over. And the Republican Party lost. 


I think it can but it will take a hard look at the stupidity that has taken the party by the ‘nads and exorcise its demons (begin with Trump and his sycophants)

But that is years away….this is the new normal in politics…..stupidity over rational thought.

I weep for my country.

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Is This Democracy?

May the Fourth Be With You!

Let me begin for those that cannot tear themselves from the game control long enough to grasp the idea of democracy.

The definition…..a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Nowhere is the word “democracy” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution. How could that be? Our government is a democracy!

The Founders actually feared democratic rule. James Madison expressed this attitude in Federalist #10: “…instability, injustice, and confusion …have in truth been the mortal disease under which popular governments everywhere perished…” In the late 18th-century, rule by the people was thought to lead to disorder and disruption. Yet a democratically-based government was seen as superior to the monarchies of Europe.

If this is true then why do we keep calling this country a democracy?

The GOP has gone down the rabbit hole of fascism and the Dems are so central that it is a party of spineless cowards.

What we have in this country is more like ‘democratic centralism’…..and yes a scary term….but how many know what it is?

democratic centralism,” a term made famous by Vladimir Ulyinov Lenin. As the leader of the Russian Revolution in 1917, he established a communist government that allowed no private property to exist. All members of society were theoretically equal. However, Lenin considered a small “vanguard of the revolution” necessary to guide the people and establish order. So a small group of leaders make decisions in the name of the people, based on their perceptions of what the people want and need.

A small group of leaders…..sound familiar?

We have a central government that is filled with elected reps and party hacks that decide what is best for the people….sadly none listen to the people after the election….then it becomes party politics and democracy be damn.

Democratic countries cherish individual freedom and generally believe that laws should not be repressive; a little order can be sacrificed in the name of liberty.


Is not a minority forcing their personal beliefs on the population a bit repressive?

I have asked in a past post…..https://gulfsouthfreepress.wordpress.com/2021/04/05/what-happened-to-the-social-contract/

So is this a democracy?

Some will say no it is not….we are a republic….if so then stop using the term ‘democracy’ or ‘democratic’.


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