
Closing Thought–28Jul20


I have been listening to Trump ramble on and on….and most times I scratch my head as to what he is actually talking about.

Is it the test that doctors give patients over 65 to determine if they have creeping dementia?

But Trump’s latest interview has got more than me wondering what the Hell he is talking about.

Donald Trump has just given one of his most bizarre TV interviews of all time – we’re calling it now.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the president took us through a test he did to prove his cognitive skills.

Explaining exactly how his acuity test went down, Trump said:

The first questions are very easy. The last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question. He’ll go ‘person, woman, man, camera, TV’. So they’ll say ‘Can you repeat that?’

He has told me how damn smart he is…..and that he can pass a cognitive test…..and play golf……but what the Hell is that all about?

Just wondering.

Full disclosure….my test words were…..chair, sunset, blue and leopard and after several minutes they ask you to repeat them back to the doctor…..

Medical update:  my pre-op appointment is good….and the next eye surgery will go forward tomorrow, 29 July…….so warning I will be missing most of the day.

“lego ergo scribo”

Economic Humor For A Friday

Closing Thought–14Feb20–#2

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers here on IST…..I hope your day will be good and filled with love…..

I always like it when some self-absorbed d/bag feels he/she needs to add his/her voice to any conversation…..this time it is the candidacy of Bernie Sanders……

The face of a crook that got away with massive theft….

Premium: Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs 170920

This time it is the former CEO of Goldman-Sachs has added his voice to the attacks on Bernie…..

Following his win in the New Hampshire primary last night, Sanders has emerged as the front-runner for the Democratic nomination to face President Donald Trump in November’s election.

In a rare outburst on Twitter, Blankfein suggested that Sanders becoming the nominee would mean “the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the U.S.”

“Sanders is just as polarizing as Trump AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military. If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around,” the former Wall Street titan tweeted.

How good is this the same d/bag from Goldman-Sachs that helped blow up the economy in 2008?

This d/bag is not worried about Bernie’s economy he is worried that if Bernie wins election he will have to pay taxes on the cash he stole from the people.

How pathetic….some wealthy crook telling the American people to watch out for someone who will blow up the economy….


This would be humorous if it weren’t so goddamn pathetic.

Just another d/bag trying to look like he cares about anything but the accumulation of wealth and fucking anyone in their way.  Capitalism at its worse.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

That Big Beautiful Wall!

Closing Thought–25Sep19

I have been watching the last visit to a wall by this president….and the visit to San Diego gave me some humor that most news does not have in it these days.

This video is a bit long but well worth the watch……

It was pathetic.  He was making a real estate pitch about immigration.
Well I guess it is a bit of a real estate deal for they will be stealing people’s land to build this damn abortion.
Anyway I got a good chuckle out of his words….actually to me he sounded like a fourth grader trying to convince his mother he did not crap in the bath tub.
In closing the words of our president about the phone call to the president of Ukraine…

“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place,” Trump said before departing on a trip to Texas and Ohio. “Was largely the fact that we don’t want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”

“Ukraine’s got a lot of problems,” he added. “The new president is saying that he’s going to be able to rid the country of corruption and I said that would be a great thing. We had a great conversation. We had a conversation on many things.”

The president has acknowledged the phone call. On Monday, he said he didn’t want to give money to Ukraine — if there were corruption issues.

“It’s very important to talk about corruption,” Trump told reporters as he opened meetings at the United Nations. “If you don’t talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is, is corrupt?”

Later Monday, Trump denied telling the Ukraine president that his country would only get U.S. aid if it investigated Biden’s son. “I didn’t do it,” he said.

And apparently the “word of the day” was “corruption”.

“Lego Ergo Scribo”

Closing Thought For A Saturday

In the last two years we have heard many sides of the defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election…..some pretty accurate and then there are the mindless ramblings of those out of the know.

But on this Saturday I would like to give my readers another look at the loss by Clinton…..this to the tune of Gordon Lighfoot’s “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”…….

And then just a little humor on this Saturday……
And finally one last parody……
Hope all readers got a couple of chuckles……

That wraps my posting day up….enjoy your day and your weekend……

SOTU 2019–Bad lip

Those guys at Bad Lip Reading are a pack of geniuses…..I love there videos…..and they have got a good one for Trump’s State of the Union speech in 2019….


Once again these guys hit a homer.

I look forward to their next post and I shall make sure that my readers get to enjoy their humor as well.

Please help spread the word.

Closing Thought–09Nov18

By now we all know that Our Dear Supreme Leader has fired AG Jeff Sessions after belittling him for almost a year he waited to the results were in of the Midterms and he felt he had to act to cover his ass (the “HE” here is in reference to Trump….so there is NO confusion)…..

News has come out the Sessions is so depressed about losing his cushy gig that he has attempted suicide……

Following months of bruising criticism from Democrats and President Trump alike, an inconsolable Jeff Sessions was reportedly trying to commit suicide Thursday by smoking a joint. “I swore I’d never take the coward’s way out, but what choice do I have?” said a teary-eyed Sessions, carefully laying a sealed envelope containing his farewell note on a tool bench in his garage as he raised a lighter to the marijuana cigarette with trembling hands. “This is it. I’ve taken four puffs to make sure there’s no chance of survival. It should only be a matter of minutes now. Oh, what a wretched, ignominious ending. Goodbye, cruel world, I’m sorry I’ve failed you so.” At press time, Sessions reportedly realized he had died after being overcome by a euphoric, floating feeling.

Before you go off and pass on the info…please read closely…..this is a satirical piece from The Onion

Everyone knows the Jeff Sessions hates marijuana……

It is Friday and I leave you, my reader, with this small attempt at humor……I start my weekend as soon as I sign off for the week……enjoy yourself….be well, be safe…..chuq

Closing Thought–29Aug18

A couple months ago Trump and Kim held their much anticipated “summit”….finally the guys at Bad Lip Reading has released their version of the press conference the two leaders held after their meting….

I cannot resist these guys they are just damn funny…..

Just to end my day with a little humor…I know his made you smile….