DNC–The Idiocy Of Perez

The head of the DNC is a Clintonian slug and I have not thought he would do anything to help Dems get elected…..and in 2020 it has been proven in Iowa…..

Perez has weighed in on the caucuses in Iowa and the chaos it has given birth to……

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee called on Thursday for a “recanvass” of the results of Monday’s Iowa caucus, which was marred by technical problems and delays, per the AP. ”Enough is enough,” party leader Tom Perez wrote on Twitter. He said he was calling for the recanvass in order to “assure public confidence in the results.” With 97% of precincts reporting, Pete Buttigieg, a former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are nearly tied. The Hill explains that a recanvass is different from a recount: It would require “a hand audit of caucus math worksheets and reporting forms to ensure they were properly tallied and reported.” Perez still wants results to be reported in the interim.

The caucus crisis is an embarrassing twist for state party officials after months of promoting Iowa as a chance for Democrats to find some clarity in a jumbled field. Instead, after a buildup that featured seven rounds of debates, nearly $1 billion spent nationwide, and a year of political jockeying, caucus day ended with no winner and no official results. At issue is an app that the Iowa Democratic Party used to tabulate the results of the contest. The app was rolled out shortly before caucusing began and did not go through rigorous testing. A coding error yielded problematic results Monday. And backup phone lines for reporting the outcomes were jammed, with many placed on hold for hours in order to report outcomes.

The chaos has petitions being passed around to Perez to step down….it may not be his fault directly but he is the head of the DNC so he has to fall on his sword for the good of the party.  But will he?

Calls for Tom Perez to step down as the head of the Democratic National Committee grew louder Tuesday in the aftermath of the Iowa caucus fiasco in which party mismanagement of the process delayed the results from Monday night’s contest and left the 2020 Democratic presidential primary in disarray.

“The Iowa caucus debacle is so insulting to the candidates, their volunteers, the caucus-goers, and the DNC’s own process,” tweeted HuffPost senior reporter Zach Carter. “Tom Perez has to resign.”

Multiple petitions on Change.org called on Perez to relinquish his position as chair of the DNC. One of the most popular ones had over 13,600 signatures at press time. #ResignTomPerez trended on Twitter overnight. 


I agree Perez needs to go….I never thought he would do anything good for the party except keep the party glued to corporations…the same thing Clinton made “popular”…..

I read a letter by a self-identified as a centrist…asking Perez to do the right thing and step down…..

Dear DNC officials:

I come from a long line of Democrats. My grandparents survived the Great Depression because of FDR’s New Deal, and both of my parents were loyal Democrats as well. In my adult lifetime, I proudly registered as a Democrat at age 18, in the 1990s. Since then, I have become extremely disillusioned, watching the Democratic Party become more and more corporate-funded and corporate-aligned to the point where I do not recognize it anymore.


Perez needs to go before the elections get into full swing…..but sadly we are saddled with him….and sadly he will lead Dems to defeat in November.

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6 thoughts on “DNC–The Idiocy Of Perez

  1. Sanders got the most individual votes in Iowa. There us no question about that. He and Pete each walk away with eleven delegates. They were by far the winners. The other candidates list badly.

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