State Department Weakness

Is there anyone that does not believe that we have a problem with cybersecurity?

God, I hope not….but in this world to stupid…we just might.

Our foreign policy is run out of the Department of State and the latest report is not glowing form their cybersecurity…..

The latest publication in a long line of reports drawing attention to the U.S. State Department’s failure to secure its information technology-dependent systems from cyberattacks reflects a general mismanagement of resources.

“Notwithstanding the expenditure of substantial resources by the Department,” reads a report State’s Office of the Inspector General released Wednesday, “the OIG continues to identify significant issues that put its information at risk.”

The report follows a Jan. 14 letter Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., sent to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asking what steps he’s taken to address the shortcomings detailed in previous IG reports. Warner put the letter in the context of a “long history of information breaches” at State and recent tensions with Iran.

But that is not a surprise for the SecState Pompeo is considered one of the worse we have ever had to hold the position…..

How does a man like this happen? In a strange way, Pompeo is like the entire 2016 election poured into a single human skin-suit. He combines all of the calculation and misplaced ambition of Hillary Clinton with the vulgarity and dishonesty of Donald Trump. If you took DNA samples from Clinton and Trump and sent them to the lab on Isla Nublar, Pompeo is what you’d get.

Except that in one crucial aspect, Pompeo is worse.

Mike Pompeo Is The Worst

I do not agree much with the Bulwark readers but on this I have to say….well said!

The longer Pompeo stays the longer our foreign policy will suffer and the longer it will take to return our nation to the forefront of human activity.

I can understand why State is losing senior people at an alarming rate.

I Read, I  Wrote, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

2 thoughts on “State Department Weakness

  1. Life reflecting TV? I just started watching the latest series of ‘Homeland’ last night. It has kicked off with the negotiations with The Taliban about a ceasefire. Great stuff, and very topical!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. The Amazon series Jack Ryan is about Venezuela….to me it was a Pentagon funded hatchet job….I will have to wait for Homeland to go streaming on a service I have….chuq

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