Pleading With Beto!

2020 cycle has a “rock star” in the running for the Dem nomination……at least that is his feeling about his run…..but with the political climate changing in Texas these days….some are begging Beto to return to Texas and run for the Senate…..

The editorial board of the Houston Chronicle likes Beto O’Rourke. Which is why the editors are asking O’Rourke to scrap his presidential candidacy—and run for the Senate in Texas instead. In their editorial, the editors take note of the moment last week when O’Rourke went off-script and castigated President Trump and the media’s coverage of him in earthy terms after the mass shooting in his hometown of El Paso. “We aren’t used to seeing candidates act like real people,” says the editorial, noting that O’Rourke paused his campaign to be in El Paso. “Frankly, it’s made us wish O’Rourke would shift gears, and rather than unpause his presidential campaign, we’d like to see him take a new direction.”

That new direction? Challenging GOP incumbent Sen. John Cornyn. “Beto, if you’re listening: Come home,” wrote the editors over the weekend. “Drop out of the race for president and come back to Texas to run for senator. The chances of winning the race you’re in now are vanishingly small. And Texas needs you.” The idea that O’Rourke should run for the Senate instead of the White House has been percolating of late, but the candidate rejected it in an interview with the New York Times on Friday. “I’m running for president,” he said, when asked for a response to those pushing the Senate bid. (O’Rourke lost to Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz last year, but the margin was surprisingly close.)

I have been saying all along that Beto was just a “pretty boy Floyd”….just a new flavor of an old reliable story……ego before country.

He is running for president because that is what this rich boy’s ego needs after his loss to Cruz in 2018…it is not what is best for the people of Texas but rather how his ego gets massaged.

Beto is not what this country or the Democrats need….we need someone who truly wants to help the American people not to pump their egos.

Be Smart!

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“Lego Ergo Scribo”

4 thoughts on “Pleading With Beto!

  1. Dropping out to become a senator might be a good idea. I can imagine there are lots of financial possibilities for a top politician in Texas.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. The fact that he won’t drop out to then run for senator “for the party he loves, for the state he loves, for the people he loves, to enact legislation ” shows that he is not a quality statesman just a rich tall guy that flaps his arms around in a funny manner.

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