Closing Thought–30Sep21


Then I ask why?

It appears that the US is on the verge of giving more cash to Israel to the tune of $1billion……

House passed legislation that would give Israel an extra $1 billion in military aid. The measure passed with an overwhelming majority and now moves to the Senate.

The bill passed 420-9-2, with Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY) Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ilhan Omar (D-MN.), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), André Carson (D-IN), Marie Newman (D-IL), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Cori Bush (D-MO) and Chuy Garcia (D-IL) voting against it.

Reps. Hank Johnson (D-GA) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) voted “present.”

US lawmakers wanted to assure Israel that the money would be delivered after the funds were stripped from a stopgap funding bill earlier this week. “While this funding would ordinarily be included in a year-end spending package, we are advancing this legislation now to demonstrate Congress’ bipartisan commitment to Israel’s security,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), who introduced the bill on Wednesday.

Israel requested the additional amount in June, after its bombardment in Gaza in May, which killed over 250 Palestinians, including over 60 children. The aid is being presented as money to replenish the Iron Dome missile defense system. But when it was first reported, Israeli officials said they also need the money to purchase munitions, including precision-guided munitions for the air force.

The extra $1 billion is on top of the $3.8 billion Israel gets from the US each year. Out of the $3.8 billion, $500 million is allocated for the Iron Dome and other missile defense systems. The Iron Dome is a joint project between the Israeli defense firm Rafael and the US firm Raytheon, the former employer of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Again I ask……WHY?

Why does the US continue to support and fund a country with such horrendous human rights abuses?

One reason is that Israel owns so many of our lawmakers that they everything they want.

My thought is ‘f*ck Israel’ that cash is needed here in this country…..stand or fall on their own….the US needs to cut the apron strings to Israel.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Insurrection Update #16

More and more information is coming out about the breach of the Capitol on 06 January….the picture s becoming clear on who did what when and why…..

Ever heard of the site Epik?

The Washington Post reported on the hack of Epik, a domain hosting website that has become synonymous with far-right groups and causes.

“Online records show those sites have included 8chan, which was dropped by its providers after hosting the manifesto of a gunman who killed 51 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019; Gab, which was dropped for hosting the antisemitic rants of a gunman who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018; and Parler, which was dropped due to lax moderation related to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack,” reported Drew Harwell, Craig Timberg, and Hannah Allam.

According to the report, experts are combing through the data of the leak, which came courtesy of the hacker group Anonymous and includes everything from client names to home addresses to the account credential of far-right site administrators.

The slow leak of information is beginning to run more rapid…..

The fresh evidence also shows what many people in Trump’s inner circle knew in January: His case to stay in power was meritless, but an unchained commander in chief chose to listen to acolytes pushing wild conspiracies. Some of those who knew the truth refused to speak up, even as American democracy came under attack.
Just this week, it’s been revealed that:
  • Trump had blueprints that the Republicans tried to use to prevent Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s clear and genuine victory, in the form of a memo that laid out a plan for then-Vice President Mike Pence to thwart Biden’s Electoral College triumph. The memo was reported in the new book “Peril,” by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, and was later obtained by CNN.
  • Trump’s own campaign staff knew that outlandish claims of fraud made by the then-President’s lawyers were utterly false, according to a report in The New York Times. But they did nothing to stop his dangerous allegations.
  • Trump sent a letter full of false information to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, asking him to start the process of decertifying the 2020 election.
  • “Peril” also contains a passage that shows Trump cared little for truth, what voters decided in November or bedrock constitutional values — but agonized about his reputation and mused that accepting defeat would brand him as one of history’s losers.

This growing paper trail, which is likely to be of intense interest to the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection, appears to prove Trump’s intent to stay in power illegally. The record is beginning to add up to an extraordinary indictment of the ex-President’s abuses of power and one of the darkest moments in US history.

The Trumpite idiots failed in their Justice For J6… did not just fail ut was a complete bust….

According to Jared Holt, who researches domestic extremism for the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, right-wing extremists like those who stormed the Capitol building were “scared shitless” of creating another event like January 6 on Saturday — to the point that several conservative leaders, including Trump, warned their followers to stay away from the rally, claiming it was a trap.

Ultimately, only about 100 people showed up, according to an estimate by the Washingtonian’s Andrew Beaujon — far fewer than some pre-rally predictions — and the protesters were at times outnumbered by members of the media.


A new legal tactic for the breach….the certification of an election is not a legal proceeding…..

Many of the perpetrators of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol have been charged with the federal crime of “obstructing an official proceeding” of Congress because their attack was intended to disrupt the counting of electors to confirm the victory of President Joe Biden.

But according to the Seattle Times, the attorney for one of the attackers, Seattle-area Proud Boy Ethan Nordean, is trying a novel approach by questioning whether the counting of electors really counts as an “official proceeding.”

“During a nearly two-hour hearing Tuesday before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, a lawyer for Ethan Nordean argued to Judge Timothy J. Kelly that government prosecutors have misapplied criminal charges against Nordean and three co-defendants under a part of federal criminal law aimed to protect ‘official proceedings’ from interference,” reported Lewis Kamb. “Congress’s act to certify Electoral College votes from a presidential election doesn’t qualify as an ‘official proceeding,’ attorney Nicholas Smith argued, because a bevy of case law has defined such proceedings as events involving an investigative purpose or truth-finding inquiry.”

Hackers have broken news……

People aligned with extremist websites have started to feel the repercussions since a major hack revealed their identities. On the other side, for those who work against extremism and hate groups, the data dump is a boon. The information was published by Anonymous, a hacking group, after an attack on Epik, an internet services company used heavily by the far right, the Washington Post reports. In a filing about the breach with the government of Maine, Epik said the financial and account security information of 110,000 people was exposed. A spokesperson said the hack was “an egregious violation against our users.”

A researcher with the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism said it usually takes much time to learn about far-right sites and the names behind them, as well as where the money comes from that keeps them going. But the Epik reveal “is like somebody has just handed you all the detective work,” Heidi Beirich said, adding “as the data is analyzed and looked at more deeply, we’re going to see this ecosystem in a way that was simply not possible before.” The internet services company has been “at the center of so many of the extremist websites and organizations that people like me study,” Beirich said.

Epik has served QAnon theorists, Proud Boys, and other groups that supported the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, per the Post. Sites kicked off mainstream platforms have found a home at Epik, per TechCrunch, as has One America News. An Epik spokesman said the company “offers its services to everyone” and has hosted hundreds of thousands of domains, some of which are bound to be offensive. Still, right-wing domains account for less than 1% of the company’s users, the spokesperson said. Epik says it does not censor users.

The users whose names were uncovered in the Anonymous data dump are starting to feel consequences. Joshua Alayon, a Florida real estate agent, lost his job because invoices released indicated he had paid for domain names such as,,, and The owner of the brokerage where Alayon worked said he doesn’t want “to be involved with anyone with thoughts or motives like that.” A co-founder of Anonymous said hackers acted because Epik takes in extremists. “Everyone is tired of hate,” Aubrey “Kirtaner” Cottle said. “There hasn’t been enough pushback.”

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Closing Thought–29Sep21

There are reports that Americans are moving away from organized religion….the numbers are declining….Christians may not be the only religion suffering from the loss of faith…..

Ex-Muslims are publicly flaunting their rejection of Islam as never before: a steamy tell-all memoir tops the country’s best-seller lists. One video (with 1.5 million views) shows a copy of the Koran ripped into pieces; another video shows a woman in a bikini cooking and eating bacon; and blasphemous cartoons of Muhammad.

Beyond such provocations, ex-Muslims work to change the image of Islam. Wafa Sultan went on Al Jazeera television to excoriate Islam in an exalted Arabic and over thirty million viewers watched the video. Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote a powerful autobiography about growing up female in Somalia and went on to author high-profile books criticizing Islam. Ibn Warraq wrote or edited a small library of influential books on his former religion, includingWhy I am Not a Muslim (1995) andLeaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out (2003).

Behind these individuals stand Western-based organizations of ex-Muslims that encourage Muslims to renounce their faith, provide support to those who have already taken this step, and lobby against Islam with the knowledge of insiders and the passion of renegades.

Together, these phenomena point to an unprecedented shift: The historically illegal and unspeakable actions among Muslims of open disbelief in God and rejection of Muhammad’s mission has spread to the point that it shakes the Islamic faith.

This is surprising to me… time in the Middle East I observed that Muslims were some of the most devout religious followers that I had ever met.

This will play little in the media when the next bug-a-boo with Islam arises…..after all there is an election on the horizon and fear will be a powerful motivator to generate votes…..most American need an enemy to get their ‘patriotic’ juices flowing.

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One Last ‘Booster’ Thing

I have written several times about the ‘booster’ for Covid….again talk with your medical professional for what is best for you and your family.

When the news first broke about a ‘booster’ my first question was will it be free as well……then I read a story about Pharma and the booster…..

Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers as the U.S. moves toward dispensing COVID-19 booster shots to shore up Americans’ protection against the virus. How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on how big the rollout proves to be. US health officials late on Thursday endorsed booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine for all Americans 65 and older—along with tens of millions of younger people who are at higher risk from the coronavirus because of health conditions or their jobs, per the AP. Officials described the move as a first step. Boosters will likely be offered even more broadly in the coming weeks or months, including boosters of vaccines made by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. That, plus continued growth in initial vaccinations, could mean a huge gain in sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in particular. “The opportunity quite frankly is reflective of the billions of people around the world who would need a vaccination and a boost,” Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said.

Wall Street is taking notice. The average forecast among analysts for Moderna’s 2022 revenue has jumped 35% since President Joe Biden laid out his booster plan in mid-August. Most of the vaccinations so far in the U.S. have come from Pfizer, which developed its shot with Germany’s BioNTech, and Moderna. They have inoculated about 99 million and 68 million people, respectively. Johnson & Johnson is third with about 14 million people. No one knows yet how many people will get the extra shots. But Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen expects boosters alone to bring in about $26 billion in global sales next year for Pfizer and BioNTech and around $14 billion for Moderna if they are endorsed for nearly all Americans. Those companies also may gain business from people who got other vaccines initially. In Britain, which plans to offer boosters to everyone over 50 and other vulnerable people, an expert panel has recommended that Pfizer’s shot be the primary choice, with Moderna as the alternative.

Andersen expects Moderna, which has no other products on the market, to generate a roughly $13 billion profit next year from all COVID-19 vaccine sales if boosters are broadly authorized. Potential vaccine profits are harder to estimate for Pfizer, but company executives have said they expect their pre-tax adjusted profit margin from the vaccine to be in the “high 20s” as a percentage of revenue. That would translate to a profit of around $7 billion next year just from boosters, based on Andersen’s sales prediction. J&J and Europe’s AstraZeneca have said they don’t intend to profit from their COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic. For Pfizer and Moderna, the boosters could be more profitable than the original doses because they won’t come with the research and development costs the companies incurred to get the vaccines on the market in the first place.

WBB Securities CEO Steve Brozak said the booster shots will represent “almost pure profit” compared with the initial doses. Drugmakers aren’t the only businesses that could see a windfall from delivering boosters. Drugstore chains CVS Health and Walgreens could bring in more than $800 million each in revenue, according to Jeff Jonas, a portfolio manager with Gabelli Funds. Jonas noted that the drugstores may not face competition from mass vaccination clinics this time around, and the chains are diligent about collecting customer contact information. That makes it easy to invite people back for boosters.

All the news about the boosters leads me to believe that corporate media is hawking this as a necessity….after all profit is more important than health care.

Or is the booster thing being hawked by Biden admin as some sort of payback to Pharma for their giving the ‘jabs’ for free to the population?

Any thoughts?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Closing Thought–28Sep21

I read a lot and in that time I read some really crazy theories and stories…..and this is just one of those…..

Could the Afghans be the lost tribe of Israel?

Periodically over the past two decades, newspaper headlines have raised the tantalizing question of whether the Pashtun tribes who make up most of the Taliban are in fact our long-lost relatives, descendants of the Israelites who were cast into exile by the Assyrian empire more than 2,700 years ago.
While the possibility of such a connection may strike some as fanciful, a cursory look at the evidence suggests that it cannot and should not be dismissed out of hand.
The Pashtuns, or Pathans, are said to number in the tens of millions, with the bulk living in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. They consist of several hundred clans and tribes that have fiercely preserved their heritage amid waves of foreign conquest and occupation.
Prior to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the region, many of the Pashtuns declared themselves to be what they referred to as Bani Israel (Sons of Israel), an oral tradition that their ancestors passed down through the generations.
Whatcha think?
Could care less.
I Read, I Write, You Know
“lego ergo scribo”

Is Biden Unimpressive?

This depends on whom you ask.

In my opinion is very unimpressive.

During the campaign of 2020 we were promised so much and the Dems have delivered so little…..of course it is not all their fault.

Oh they have had some marvelous ideas but that is as far as it goes for the Senate is a wall for any progress.

The Biden promises are shrinking in action….

Joe Biden’s poll numbers are going south. An average of polls at FiveThirtyEight shows that more people disapprove (49%) of him than approve (45%), a sharp reversal from the start of his presidency, when 53% approved and 36% disapproved. The decline has largely occurred over the last two months, notes the Pew Research Center, thanks to big factors such as the chaotic Afghanistan pullout, rising COVID cases, and trouble with his domestic agenda in Congress. Related coverage:

  • The problem: At the Cook Political Report, Amy Walter writes that the issue is a serious one for Biden and Democrats because “these early mistakes go directly to the very rationale of his presidency; that it would be low drama and high competence.” She adds that it’s not unusual for a first-term president to go through a rough patch, and the big question is whether Biden can pull out of it. However, the longer he’s in the White House, the more expectations will rise, and it won’t be enough for Democrats to rely on the he’s-not-Trump argument.
  • In context: Biden’s critics on the right already are pronouncing him a failure, and Susan B. Glasser at the New Yorker finds this just as ridiculous as when progressives anointed him the second coming of FDR in the spring. “It was too soon then to nominate him to a place on Mount Rushmore; it is too soon now to consign him to the ash heap of history,” she writes. “What we might be seeing, instead, is a bit of a return to normalcy in American politics—the kind of normalcy in which a President’s job-approval rating goes up or down depending on how people think he is actually doing.”
  • From the right: At the National Review, Jim Geraghty ticks off Biden’s troubles, including those mentioned above, plus border issues and friction with France and China. “Biden, Antony Blinken, and the rest of the president’s team spent a lot of time patting themselves on the back and declaring that ‘America is back!’ after taking office,” he writes. “But as autumn arrives, they look naïve, unprepared, slow-footed, and in over their heads. A flailing president is a failing president.”
  • From the right, II: Matt Lewis is even more scathing in the Daily Beast. “It’s starting to feel like the wheels are coming off for Joe Biden at the job he’s been dreaming of since he first arrived in the Senate in 1973,” he writes. This applies to the both the domestic and global fronts. Lewis notes that he has previously criticized former President Trump’s “childish approach to governing … but it turns out that dunking on him and signifying responsibility without actually achieving better results isn’t nearly enough.”
  • Unwanted comparison: Meanwhile, two separate pieces in the New York Times this week make a similar point that Democrats won’t like—that in regard to Afghanistan and the border, Biden appears to be borrowing from the Trump playbook. One is a news analysis by Michael D. Shear, Natalie Kitroeff, Zolan Kanno-Youngs, and Eileen Sullivan, and the second is a column by Frank Bruni. “Biden is a far cry from Trump,” writes Bruni. “Hallelujah. But that doesn’t mean that he’s untouched by Trump.”

The big ideas of police reform (dead), voting rights (pending but doomed), infrastructure (pending but not looking good), immigration (dead), ending the filibuster (a joke without a laugh line) and so many more and the Congress is waffling (as usual)……

With time left the Dems have an impressive yet chaotic time before the end of session…

Democrats will start one of the most chaotic legislative sprints in recent memory. With a potential government shutdown looming, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Saturday that three key bills, including President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, “must pass” in the coming week.

That timeline means the next week could be make or break for Biden’s legislative agenda, but all three bills face a complicated road ahead in Congress.

“The next few days will be a time of intensity,” Pelosi said in a letter to her caucus on Saturday. “We sent a CR to the Senate and are awaiting their action to avoid a shutdown. We must pass the BIF to avoid the expiration of the surface transportation funding on September 30. And we must stay on schedule to pass the reconciliation bill so that we can Build Back Better.”

With 90 days left in the session of Congress it looks dismal for any progress….and 2022 an election year will be a do nothing session for the House will be at home with their knee pads on begging for money and lying to the voter to gain their place in Congress once again.

Biden has not been a disappointment for me for I did not think he would be that effective because he is a centrist that will do little to move this country forward….all in the name of bi-partisanship (a word that means little to this country).

Any thoughts?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Closing Thought–27Sep21

Ever wonder why the promise of the prodigal son, Jesus, has not happened?

It is promised by most of the WASP religions and yet nothing has happened….why is that?

It seems that some idiotic evangelical has the answer for the faithful….

If we want Jesus to come back, then apparently we’ll have to dig deep into our pockets, according to right-wing evangelical pastor Jesse Duplantis.

During a recent four-day, live TV event Victorython on the Victory channel, Duplantis made the bizarre claim that people aren’t donating to their churches generously enough, and this is the reason why Jesus has not yet made a reappearance.

“I honestly believe this — the reason why Jesus hasn’t come is because people are not giving the way God told them to give,” he said, “when you understand this, you can speed up the time.”

Who knew, the son of God was so money motivated?

Later on in the show, Duplantis further explained why if everyone called the number listed at the bottom of the screen to donate, “God the Father would say ‘Jesus, go get ‘em.’”

“I realized that I will not move people emotionally to give,” he said. “I’m gonna have people move according to the word of God. What is God saying to you?

“I really believe this, if people would call this number and put this victory all over the world, every available voice, every available outlet, God the Father would say, ‘Jesus, go get ’em.’ Because, you see, he wants to see us as much as we want to see him. … And so what is hindering all these things is because people are not doing in the financial realm — because we’re living in an economic world — what God’s called them to do.”

I have always thought that these toads were a greedy lot….but this is beyond the pail….

Just another reason I have NO use for organized religion, especially the Evangelicals….I want nothing to do with a religion that wants me to pay to pray or takes attendance…..

But that is just me….you do what the spirit moves you to do…..

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Is There ‘Media Bias’?

“If it bleeds it leads”

The 24 hour news cycle has given us the new mantra.

Look at today’s news….where is all that concern for Afghanistan?  MSM has a new story they can beat to death…..

So yes there is a ‘media bias’.

The mainstream media has historically tried to balance left and right in its political coverage, and present what it views as a reasonable center.

That may sound good in theory. But the old politics no longer exists and the former labels, “left” versus “right,” are outdated. Today it’s democracy versus authoritarianism, voting rights versus white supremacy.

There’s no reasonable center between these positions, no justifiable compromise. Equating them is misleading and dangerous.

You hear the mainstream media say, for example, that certain “Republican and Democratic lawmakers are emerging as troublemakers within their parties.”

These reports equate Republican lawmakers who are actively promoting Trump’s big lie that the 2020 election was stolen with Democratic lawmakers who are fighting to extend health care and other programs to help people.

We as consumer of news need to stop focusing on the manure spread daily by MSM and start focusing on the nation and the direction both parties are leading it.

I have been writing about the pathetic attempt at the news by the MSM….

The Decline and Fall of the ‘Mainstream’ Media

The Media Is Pathetic!

There is so much more I have written….

The more one watches or reads the news the more one sees that it is nothing more than a ratings race…..true news can only be found by searching for it….and that is something in these days of instant gratification the people are unwilling to do…search.

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Do I Need That Booster?

The question is being asked….and answers are not forthcoming….

There is much being written and reported on the ‘booster thing’…….(my two posts are referenced here)…..

More On The ‘Booster’

Even with the info available the question still remains….do I need the booster?

The word from the FDA is that some may need the vaccine and others may not…..for now.

The Biden administration has been working for weeks on plans for Covid-19 booster shots, as the delta variant drives a new pandemic wave across the country. The debate recently spilled out into the open when two top officials from the Food and Drug Administration stepped down over reported concerns that the decision-making process was being driven by politics instead of science.

Israel is already pushing ahead with booster shots, with most of that country’s population currently eligible for a third shot, based on data that indicates vaccine effectiveness wanes over time. The country is even preparing for the possibility that patients will require a fourth shot. The Biden administration has reportedly been influenced by the data out of Israel and, for a time, it looked as though the US would quickly take the same path. In a speech last month, President Joe Biden laid out a plan for every vaccinated American to receive a booster shot — pending FDA approval.

But recently, there has been pushback from parts of the scientific community, who argue that the case for booster shots is not as clear-cut as it may seem at first.

DO NOT take the social media advice….go see a medical professional and get the advice from them.

Please do not take your advice from some self-serving pastor or some overpaid talk show host….ask someone that has real knowledge not some fake promises of coverage.

Your life depends on proper information.

Not all the info is discouraging on the Covid thing…….

We’re back at gloomy levels, with Johns Hopkins University data showing more than 2,000 Americans are now dying of COVID-19 daily, reports CNN—and in its telling, health experts are fearful of what the combination of our current COVID situation and the start of flu season will bring. But NPR suggests what’s coming may be … not that bad. It reviewed an analysis prepared by researchers who are assisting the CDC, and it’s hopeful.

The COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub developed four possible scenarios for what’s coming in the next six months using nine different mathematical models and a group of assumptions (like “kids do get vaccinated” or “no new variant emerges”). If both those conditions—yes to kids, no to a highly contagious new variant—hold, the model looks good, says the Hub’s Justin Lesser: New infections would move in a steadily downward trajectory from about 140,000 a day to 9,000 a day by March, with daily deaths under the 100 mark. Under that scenario, the US would have suffered about 780,000 deaths.

One Harvard epidemiologist throws a little rain on the parade, saying that while he does suspect the pandemic will be “comparatively under control by March,” he says it’s possible we could see some surges before we get there, noting that coronaviruses “usually peak in early January.” Meanwhile, ABC News reports that just three states accounted for about a third of the COVID deaths suffered in the past week: Texas, Alabama, and Georgia

Be Well…..Be Safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

What Did They Really Do?

As the weekend begins and I am still in the process of cleaning up after Ida and dealing with a screwy family situation…….. I thought a little history would be good.

There are those people in history that are credited with amazing accomplishments…..but did they will do all they are said to have done?

It can be pretty annoying when someone else gets credit for your hard work, particularly when the fakers go down in the history books and become the ones best known for your invention.  

Leading R&D Tax Credit specialists, RIFT Research and Development Ltd, have looked at some of the most famous inventions which are widely believed to have been invented by the wrong people.

10 Famous Inventors That Didn’t Actually Invent Their Famous Finds

Or use this to decide who should be revered……

In today’s world, inventors are among the most revered people of all. We almost can’t help but admire someone who came up with a useful app or created a cool tech solution to a common problem.

That same admiration extends back through history, as well. Few accomplishments throughout history seem as impressive as inventing something that changed the world.

However, inventions often come with a healthy side dose of scandal. A new idea or product might arrive alongside heated debate as to who really came up with it. History has also unfairly credited some well-known inventors with creations that other people made first. We’re here to set the record straight—check out the real stories behind these famous inventors’ legacies.

Throughout history, people have come up with incredible inventions which have achieved global success without reaping the full rewards of their genius. Sir Tim Berners-Lee famously refused to patent his invention more than 30 years ago, and never monetised it, instead gifting it freely to the world. Click or scroll through inventors who definitely could have got rich off their creations but, for various reasons, didn’t.

Enjoy your weekend….I hope all is well with everyone.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”