New Years Eve 2018

The last day of the 2018 journey…..soon this year will be in the history books and only time will tell how it will be viewed.

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The year ends and Trump has a parting shot for federal employees……

In August President Trump said he planned to freeze federal employee pay in 2019 due to “serious economic conditions,” reports USA Today. That has come to pass. The president on Friday signed an executive order establishing what will be the first pay freeze for civilian federal workers (the military is exempt) since then-President Obama put one into place from 2011 to 2013; the Hill reports these workers saw a 1.4% bump in 2018. The Washington Post reports the executive order, which impacts about 2.1 million workers, may not be the final word on the issue,

According to indicators the economy is doing well if not great….but these workers need to be singled out is disgusting and pathetic.

As usual my tradition is to give a shout out to my regulars and the new comers and to give a break down how the site has done so far after the years of dedication to informing as many as I can and as many that are willing to visit.

So far since 2006 I have posted 13,315 posts and that amounts to about 4.65 million words (damn my fingers are tired, LOL) with 61,860 comments (this is where I judge how successful my site is) and this is possible because I have had 334,025 hits from a list of 3250 followers…all in all I am pretty proud of what I am trying to accomplish….I could whine about other sites getting more visitors but I do not see blogging as a competition rather a means to educate and/or entertain.  Hopefully I have succeed in some small way.

Thanks everyone for the visits and comments….I cannot properly convey just how important my followers are the me and to In Saner Thought…..Thank you…thank you….thank you.

I hope every one has a safe and entertaining New Years Eve…..I look forward to our exchanges in the coming year of 2019….onward and upward.

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What Did Asimov Say?

2019 is just a day away……and pundits are all over the tube predicting the next 6 to 12 months…..but 35 years ago SciFi writer Issac Asimov predicted year 2019…..

lf we look into the world as it may be at the end of another generation, let’s say 2019 — that’s 35 years from now, the same number of years since 1949 when George Orwell’s 1984 was first published — three considerations must dominate our thoughts:

1. Nuclear war. 2. Computerization. 3. Space utilization.

If the United States and the Soviet Union flail away at each other at any time between now and 2019, there is absolutely no use to discussing what life will be like in that year. Too few of us, or of our children and grand· children, will be alive then for there to be any point in describing the precise condition of global misery at that time.

Does anyone want to look that far into the future?  If so then let the predictions fly.

Another short posting day….everyone please be well, be safe…..chuq

It’s In Your DNA

My weekend continues….and as my tradition I try to be an FYI blog on the weekends…..posting on stuff that is either informative or entertaining….today it is FYI…..

A friend got as a present from his daughter one of those DNA testing thingys so that we can learn all about our ancestors…..were your ancestors on the Mayflower….were they a Teutonic knight……maybe a French nobleman….a viking raider…etc etc……

Before I get started I would like to say that I would NEVER use one of these things……my DNA is not on file and will never be on file…..this reminds me of a CIA scam in Pakistan, in the border lands where between them and Afghanistan…….some NGO was giving the children polio shots and at the same time taking DNA from the patients trying to isolate “bad guys” for future identification and observation.

That said I told my friend that I do not believe the claims that these companies present….you know like your DNA can tell if you drink coffee…..tell if you have a propensity to be obese….and so on… too outrageous to be believed…..

I told him my concerns about my DNA on file somewhere for future use…..but I also turned him onto some research into this scam…

For some people, that task is relatively easy because there are oral legends or written words that go back at least several generations (assuming family history is passed down accurately). But for most people, the path backwards is rocky, cluttered with confusing detour signs, or simply blank.

For Americans, citizens of the quintessential melting pot, the quest for identity often propels older people (it’s interesting that we often search for our dead relatives while looking death square in the face) to the lists of immigrants into Ellis Island or other ports of entry into the United States and to the repository of genealogy in Salt Lake City.

There is more……

But when Inside Edition had a set of triplets send their spit in to and 23andMe, they got wildly different results from both services. Neither gave each triplet the same ancestry results — which, considering they all came from the same womb, is pretty weird.

“Tests can be a crapshoot. For DNA tests, they use genetic markers, which are little variations in the DNA one or several groups may have, but others do not. The more markers there are, the more accurate the test will be.”

People these are not as accurate as the companies claim….save your money and do some research into your family….DO NOT TAKE THE LAZY WAY OUT!

The day is the chance of a rainy one…..cooler weather and time for the honey dos……..

It’s Alive!

Pentagon has a R&D unit called DARPA and some news has come out about one of their projects…..

How do you detect submarines in an expanse as large as the ocean? The U.S. military hopes that common marine microorganisms might be genetically engineered into living tripwires to signal the passage of enemy subs, underwater vessels, or even divers.

It’s one of many potential military applications for so-called engineered organisms, a field that promises living camouflage that reacts to its surroundings to better avoid detection, new drugs and medicines to help deployed forces survive in harsh conditions, and more. But the research is in its very early stages, military officials said.

This is fascinating news!  But after thinking about this situation….this is basically genetic engineering……is that ever a good thing?

Somewhere down the road this could go completely off track.

DARPA also was considering influencing people through their Twitter account…..does that sound familiar?

The activities of users of Twitter and other social media services were recorded and analysed as part of a major project funded by the US military, in a program that covers ground similar to Facebook’s controversial experiment into how to control emotions by manipulating news feeds.

Research funded directly or indirectly by the US Department of Defense’s military research department, known as Darpa, has involved users of some of the internet’s largest destinations, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Kickstarter, for studies of social connections and how messages spread.

I would like everyone’s thoughts on this thing…please.

More rest and care for my better half for the virus hit her a lot worse than it hit me…..she has been fighting it for almost a week…..she cares for me when as a man I am sick and we know how that is, huh?

I really would like a beer but I think I will wait a few more days before that happens…..


A Smile To Die For!

Good Morning on this Saturday after the Christmas excitement….now we  wait for the New Years Party…..and dread the day after……

I was dragged along for a shopping spree after the holiday….no I was not going without protest but as usual my better half won that argument….

Any way we were in this major store and a young lady was standing at a mirror in the “Beauty” department hold  Kleenex next to her mouth and smiling…..holy crap!  I realize she was doing that thing where self-centered little turds are comparing their tooth color to that of a tissue (the tissue test)… was a source of amusement for me….I was chastised for enjoying others stupidity….and then I read something that I wish I had when this poor young lady was so concerned…..

As usual I attempt to be an FYI blog on the weekends….trying to get away from the mind numbing news of the week….on that note…..

We Americans are worshipers of youth and beauty……we have our fad diets, our addiction to exercise machines that become clothes racks after a couple of months, always looking for that magic pill to turn us into that perfect image of youth and beauty……one of the biggest markets is that of dental care…….

OMG!  The products that are now available……if you are not sure which one you need then it will take an hour or more to go through the retail offerings to find that special product.

There is a new report about something new on the horizon….

In a recent study, researchers find a new product can use proteins to rebuild tooth enamel and treat dental cavities.

The new biogenic dental products can—in theory—rebuild teeth and cure cavities without costly and uncomfortable treatments.

Cavities are more than just a nuisance. Dental cavities affect nearly every age group and are accompanied by serious health concerns, according to the World Health Organization.

Additionally, direct and indirect costs of treating dental cavities and related diseases are a huge economic burden for people and health care systems.

Although tooth decay is relatively harmless in its earliest stages, once the cavity progresses through the tooth’s enamel, serious health concerns arise.

I am an old fart… trying to look younger or more beautiful is just not that damn important anymore…..but that is me.

Now time for some more rest and some french bread, cheese and OJ….OJ?  Yep cannot decide which wine I want on this day….so go with OJ for now…..hope all have a good day and I will be back for more stuff.

112 Years Of Service

Closing Thought–28Dec18  #2

I was derelict in my duty over the last few days…..I try to give our troops and veterans all the respect they deserve….sad to say that from time to time I miss a chance to tell their story… it was over the days after Christmas that I decided to take a “few days”…..

Another sadness is that we lost another veteran of World War Two….their numbers are dwindling fast….the oldest veteran has died……

A family member says the nation’s oldest World War II veteran, who was also believed to be oldest living man in the US, has died in Texas. Richard Overton was 112. Shirley Overton, whose husband was Richard’s cousin, says the Army veteran died Thursday evening at a rehab facility in Austin, the AP reports. Overton had been recently hospitalized with pneumonia. Overton was in his 30s when he volunteered for the Army and was at Pearl Harbor just after the Japanese attack in 1941. He once said that one secret to his long life was smoking cigars and drinking whiskey, which he often was found doing on the porch of his Austin home. In 2013, he was honored by former President Obama at a Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

I apologize that I missed his passing and did not post an obit……our greatest generation is slowly dying off…soon they will be all gone and the next will be the Korean War many of whom were fighting in WW2….then my generation will be the ones that they talk about….probably not lovingly.

Mr. Overton….Thank you for your service to your country……May you Rest In Peace.

But Before Khashoggi

Closing Thought–28Dec18

By now the whole world knows the name Khashoggi…the Saudi journalist that was assassinated and dismembered by the Saudi prince…the notorious MbS…..but before that incident the Saudis struck this time on American soil, Oregon…..

It’s another controversial case involving Saudi Arabia and the US. This time, as the Oregonian reports, federal authorities think the kingdom helped a 21-year-old man awaiting trial in a fatal hit-and-run flee the United States and return home. In August 2016, police in Portland say Abdulrahman Sameer Noorah illegally swerved around traffic that had stopped to allow 15-year-old Fallon Smart to cross a boulevard. Noorah, who had been in the US studying at a local community college, hit the teen while going at least 55mph, then fled the scene before returning later, authorities say. The Saudi consulate put up $100,000 so Noorah could be released on bail in his first-degree manslaughter case. And two weeks before his trial, Noorah disappeared with help from a mysterious black SUV.

The vehicle picked up Noorah at his home and drove him to the parking lot of a nearby business, where he cut off the tracking monitor on his ankle and discarded it. He hasn’t been seen since, though the Saudi government informed the US last year that he is back in Saudi Arabia. The best guess by federal authorities is that the Saudis arranged the SUV, got Noorah a fake passport, and got him out of the country on a private carrier. “We’re doing everything we can to get him back,” a US marshal official tells the newspaper. A lawyer for victim Fallon’s family asks, “Why isn’t the Saudi government respecting our justice system?” Click for the full story, which notes that this isn’t the first time that Saudi Arabia bailed Noorah out of legal trouble in the US.

Apparently the Saudis do not have to play by the same rules as the rest of the world.

These bastards are like the Israelis…they think they can get away with murder (pun intended)….and the rest of the world owes them something…..

Look under the international rocks….there you will find the slime and slugs of the world…..the Saudis are NOT our friends or ally.

The US And World War One

November 2018 was the 100 year anniversary of the end of World War One….a war that claimed millions of lives on all sides…a war that introduced the world to such weapons as poison gas, tanks, flame throwers, machine guns, and the airplane…..and this war changed everything in the world…..

David Stockman has written a series on the US and World War One…..the three parts are truly worth the read…..his staements I find my self in full agreement……

Read part 1 and part 2

The Great European War posed no national security threat whatsoever to the US. And that presumes, of course, the danger was not the Entente powers – but Germany and its allies.

From the very beginning, however, there was no chance at all that Germany and its bedraggled allies could threaten America – and that had become overwhelmingly true by April 1917 when Wilson launched America into war.

In fact, within a few weeks, after Berlin’s Schlieffen Plan offensive failed on September 11, 1914, the German Army became incarcerated in a bloody, bankrupting, two-front land war. That ensured its inexorable demise and utter incapacity in terms of finances and manpower to even glance cross-eyed at America on the distant side of the Atlantic moat.

But wait this is Part 4 of David Stockman’s series…..

When the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989 and the death of the Soviet Union was confirmed two years later as Boris Yeltsin courageously stood down the red army tanks in front of Moscow’s White House, a dark era in human history came to an end.

As we have seen, the world had descended into what was in effect an unbroken global war, incepting with the mobilization of the armies of old Europe in August 1914. The “77 Years War” is the appropriate name for it.

If you want to count bodies, 150 million were killed by all the depredations which germinated in the Great War, its foolish aftermath at Versailles, and the march of history into the second world war and cold war which followed inexorably thereupon.

Then Armistice Day (Veterans Day) is just a holiday anymore…..the meaning has NO bearing today and we Americans could care less as ling as we get a day off…….

Armistice Day in these United States was established by Congressional resolution in 1926, as a day of ‘thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations.’ It was elevated to a national holiday in 1938, when perpetuating peace still seemed like a good idea to many members of Congress. Sixteen years and two wars later, this occasion for somber and pacific reflection was restyled ‘Veterans Day.’

The US learned nothing from their losses in World War One….what the nation learned was that there was obscene profits in providing weapons to the warring partners.

Greco-Turkish Mindset

We near the start of a new year and there is an old situation that is about to come to a head…..that would be the animosities between Greece and Turkey.

This “hatred” goes back to the days of Greek dominance of the region….think B.C.

It began back when the Greeks were a power and the Persians had the region of Anatolia (Turkey)….but that is a lesson for your World Civilization class….I would like to write about a more modern “hatred” that centered arounf the island of Cyprus……

This will help set the stage…..

The last “war” was in 1974 and the island was divided along Greek/Turkish lines…..1074 was a major conflict that the world  tried to find peace for the two sides….

Another quick reference to this conflict…..

The reason I brought the fact that Greece and Turkey have come to blows over their disagreements is because there is more news…..this time Cyprus is not the center of the “hatred”….but the island is always part of the disagreements….

This time Greece is pissed that Turkey has “invaded” their airspace without proper clearances….

Greece’s top military brass have fired off a set of unusually stern warnings to Turkey, threatening to crush its troops if they dare to land on any disputed islet in the Aegean Sea – but Ankara didn’t mince its words either.
Reacting to violations of Greek airspace by Turkish jets over the Aegean, Defense Minister Panos Kammenos warned that Ankara would pay a price.
“If they make the slightest move, we will crush them,” Kammenos threatened. Athens wants peace and harmony, he said, but it won’t “concede a single centimeter” of its land.
This may seem a small thing but nothing is too small when these two countries threaten each other…..
And Cyprus braces for the future.

Space–Late 2018

I have been watching and writing about the possible creation of another branch of military service, a Space Command.  First Obama had the itch and now Trump is going to scratch it……

I promised my readers that I would keep my eye on this story for few others seem to care that another drain on our money is being considered……..

President Donald Trump has launched the Pentagon’s new Space Command. It’s an effort to better organize and advance the military’s vast operations in space that could cost as much as $800 million over the next five years.

Trump signed the one-page memorandum Tuesday authorizing the Department of Defense to create the new command.

U.S. officials say President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order soon creating a U.S. Space Command that will better organize and advance the military’s vast operations in space.

Two U.S. officials say that Vice President Mike Pence will make the announcement Tuesday at Florida’s Kennedy Space Center.

Trump’s order is separate from his oft-stated goal of creating a “Space Force” as an independent armed service branch, but it’s considered a step in that direction. The move will require the Defense Department to pull together various space units and agencies from across the military services into a more coordinated, independent organization.


First comes the “Command” then comes the “Force”……the gears of the machine will already be in place……that aside a few words about the possibility of a new (Force)…..

Pentagon and administration officials discussed the possibility of establishing a Space Force under a larger Department of the Air and Space Force.

A DoD spokesman confirmed to SpaceNews that a team of Pentagon officials led by Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan floated this idea to Vice President Mike Pence, who leads the administration’s space reorganization efforts. Shanahan is overseeing the drafting of a legislative proposal that will be submitted to the White House in the coming weeks and, once approved, will be sent to Capitol Hill with the president’s budget request for fiscal year 2020.

My biggest concern is how much cash will be sucked out of the budget for yet another Pentagon straw……

The takeaway from new cost estimates for establishing a new military service for space is that there is no cheap way to build a Space Force.

Todd Harrison, director of defense budget analysis and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, unveiled a highly anticipated report on Monday, detailing cost estimates for standing up a Space Force as a separate military branch. Harrison made headlines in September when he criticized Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson’s estimate — $13 billion over five years to establish a new service and a space command — as overinflated.

Where to put this “Space Force” in the hierarchy of the military?  I have an answer……

After months of deliberating how to stand up a Space Force, a sixth branch of the military proposed by President Donald Trump, Pentagon leaders have decided to funnel the new organization under the Department of the Air Force, Defense News has learned.

“There is established a United States Space Force as an armed force within the Department of the Air Force,” states a draft of the legislative proposal due to be put forward alongside the fiscal year 2020 budget early next year, which was viewed by Defense News on Dec. 20.

The new service will be overseen by the newly created undersecretary of the Air Force for the Space Force and a Space Force chief of staff, who will sit on the Joint Chiefs.

So much is happening that this situaation is still not newsworthy….but that is why I am here, right?

The Pentagon is finalizing a proposal for the establishment of a United States Space Force as a sixth military branch. According to a draft of the proposal, the Space Force would be organized under the Department of the Air Force. The Space Force would be made in the same mold as the Marine Corps, which is an independent service that resides under the Department of the Navy.

The contents of the draft proposal were first reported on Thursday by Defense News. SpaceNews reviewed a draft document that confirms what Defense News reported.

The proposal is labeled “Preliminary Draft for Policy Discussion.” A White House source confirmed that the National Space Council has been in coordination with DoD on the legislative proposal.

This is a developing story and soon will be one for page one and I hope my reader will recall where they got their info in the beginning.

Further Reading: