The Decline and Fall of the ‘Mainstream’ Media

Let’s be truthful…..I think the MSM is a bunch of overpaid hacks.  I dislike any group that keeps real information from the public ….instead they give us sensationalism and crap.

But as much as I dislike the media the hype they GOP candidates try to pass off is worse lies and misinformation than the people they pretend to hate.

But I do believe that the MSM has about run its course and Mr. Raimondo has written a pretty good piece on the subject……

The “mainstream” media is a potent issue this election year, and Donald Trump has surely turned the public’s distrust of the Fourth Estate into electoral gold. Regardless of what one thinks of Trump himself, his ability to turn a media pile-on into an asset has got to make one wonder what is it about the […]

Source: The Decline and Fall of the ‘Mainstream’ Media – Original by —

7 thoughts on “The Decline and Fall of the ‘Mainstream’ Media

  1. Donald Trump’s rise almost perfectly mirrors the downfall of the media and North America society in general. I could probably write a book on it, or series of books, but nobody reads books these days. Shit, most people can barely even anymore! (Clue #1) I’ve been holding this back for a while, but I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible.

    Most people knew who Trump was 25-30 odd years ago. He was a charismatic real estate/casino guy with an ego problem. But, other than his dealings with the USFL football league (I’ll never forgive him for ruining that league.) there was NO reason for any remotely serious national journalist to pay any attention to him. Even though Trump was a considerably more serious person than he is now, the idea of him being a viable Presidential Candidate was utterly laughable. That’s because the media still had professional standards back then. And, despite an actor in the White House, so did our society. We still had a sense of what was important and what wasn’t. That’s all changed.

    Today, the media has virtually lost all the professionalism they once had. They’ll stick a microphone in front of any imbecile they think will keep us entertained. No questions asked. So, it’s no surprise that today we’re told by a lazy media with laughable standards, no ability to prioritize and an addiction to the entertaining…that Trump is winning a contest that STILL hasn’t started! The media starts doing play-by-play on this horse race about a year before it starts. As such, they need the Trumps of the world so we’ll keep us watching their horse race coverage. Otherwise, they might have to go out and do some actual journalism!

    But “we the people” have to share the blame. They may be acting like greedy capitalist corporations, but they’re responding to a “market demand”. And, to be honest, we don’t deserve much better than the shit-show they give us. Thanks to our technology-enhanced intellectual laziness, we have a shorter attention span than goldfish….and we like it that way!
    Even within the realm of news & politics, we don’t want to listen to intellectual “smarty pants” who make us think. We want to avoid thinking at all costs. We want the political version of pro-wrestling, even if we know its fake.

    In that context, Trump is PERFECT for modern America. He’s a salesman turned entertainer and gives the audience exactly what they want. He’s bombastic. He’s flashy. He’s completely skin-deep. There’s no need to worry about “being forced to think” when Trump is around. The guy is perfect for cable “news” channels who are desperate to fill airtime on the cheap. A lot of people love him. But among those that don’t, he’s a JR Ewing character. He’s the man we love to hate.

    And Trump is perfect for “social media”. He was doing “social media” 30 years ago! Trump was showing off how great his life was; the parties, the women, the cars, the houses, etc. Now everybody goes on Loserbook and does the same. And Trump was built for The Twit Zone. He specializes in the short, simple and openly hostile. This dude runs a multi-billion dollar empire, has a TV show and is running a Presidential campaign….yet he has time to engage in endless, utterly meaningless, Twitter Wars???

    But what’s just as important (and depressing) is that the Mainstream Media REPORTS THIS AS “NEWS”…and that WE want to hear about it! This is where we are as a culture. We’ve decended so low, that Donald Trump is considered a “legitimate” candidate for President.

    Start building your Doomsday Bunkers now!

  2. The Daily Show had a focus group of Trump Voters last night. It was sheer tragi-comedy!

    It was a bunch of relatively ordinary people who didn’t appear to be retarded, or have severe head injuries. There was a mix of reactions to Trump’s comments & “policies”. Some eagerly agreed, some less so. But they were ALL more than willing to go along with ALL of it. Why? Mostly because they liked his style. Short, simple, blunt. They weren’t concerned about the consequences, or effectiveness, of Trump’s ideas. What they really responded to was his total disregard to how people felt about it. That was his strongest selling point!

    Style over substance ain’t new. What’s new is the style of his style ….caustic, ignorant, egotistical and built for the ADD set. This is America now. Forget the 50% that don’t even bother to vote, a large chunk of voters don’t care enough about their society to pay attention long enough to absorb an actual policy. They just want reactionary comments with little, or no, thought/substance behind them. This is why all Trump gives out is blunt one-liners that don’t even amount to a “policy”.

    Once upon a time, even vehement racists used flowery, high minded, imagery to pitch their ideas. Today, Trump is rewarded for barking out such “well constructed policies” as:

    Fix the economy”…”Kick ’em out”…”Bomb ’em”…Ban ’em”… etc” ….No explanations of HOW this would get done, or why it would work. Trump knows that making people think would only hurt him. Trump knows this is why they’re turning to him in the first place. They don’t want to think.

    And I almost completely agree with your 2nd link. As I’ve always stated, Trump will disappear, likely without winning a single Delegate. But his style, attitude and “content” will live on and may become the “new norm”. THAT’S the depressing part of the story.

    Trump’s rise is a direct result of our collective fall!

    1. Americans are lazy so slogans are the easiest way to get through to them…..I worry that only his type will go to the polls….I do not think he will make it to the White House……and his ideas have lots of traction and will be around awhile….chuq

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