Trust in War is America’s New Creed | The Contrary Perspective

It seems like the US has been at war since 1959 with few breaks for diplomacy……now with this Iranian deal there seems to be a familiar theme to all the arguments against it……”Trust In War”…..

We have been told this by neocons for decades…..first with the Soviets, then the Red Chinese, then the Central American events….all wanted to start a war over one situation or another…..and now with the deal in the wind they seem to be telling Americans that we should “Trust in War” to make things alright and a more secure world…..

Is this what we Americans want…..endless war….endless death and destruction?

Surely there is another way to deal with situations in the world than the violence of war…….


Source: Trust in War is America’s New Creed | The Contrary Perspective

7 thoughts on “Trust in War is America’s New Creed | The Contrary Perspective

  1. Eisenhower warned us against too great dependence on the Industrial/Military complex many years ago. War is profitable. As long as war is seen as a profit-generating machine or a “jobs creator” our often less-than-intelligent war-hawk element will seek to plunge us into every conceivable kind of conflict until we are so weakened we can’t do it anymore.

    1. We are very close to that now…..we are finding bad guys everywhere and we cannot be there when the trouble comes calling…..that is why we need people that can think outside the box on geopolitics…..

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