Enemies Of State

The Senate wanted a 50/50 split of members on the 01/6 Commission….the Dems caved…..the Senate wanted 7 members of the GOP….the Dems caved…..and then after all that….the Senate voted against the establishment of the commission as a ‘personal favor’ for McConnell……bi-partisanship my ass!

The bill to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol attracted the support of six Republican senators Friday, but it wasn’t enough. The vote was 54-35, Politico reports. No Democrat was opposed, so the procedural vote would have needed 10 GOP votes to reach the 60 required to keep the measure alive. Two Democrats and nine Republicans didn’t vote at all, per CNN. The legislation had already passed the House. Republican Sen. Susan Collins was trying to put together a compromise but failed. Lobbying by the family of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick on Thursday also could not move Republican opponents, who used a filibuster to stop legislation for the first time in 2021. Some GOP senators said they feared the commission’s findings could be used against them in the midterm elections next year.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell lobbied his members harder to stop the commission as the vote neared. “They’d like to continue to litigate the former president, into the future,” he said of Democrats, per the AP. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin said Friday that the Republican leader is hurting “any chance we have to be bipartisan.” The country needs the commission, Manchin said, per NBC. “It’s just pure raw politics,” he said. “And that’s just so, so disheartening.” Sen. Lisa Murkowski criticized fellow Republicans. “We just can’t pretend that nothing bad happened, or that people just got too excitable. Something bad happened,” she said. “And it’s important to lay that out.” Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech that “Donald Trump’s big lie has now enveloped the Republican Party.”

My two US Senators voted nay….(go figure….two Trump acolytes)…..

Senate Republicans, including Mississippi’s delegation, on Friday blocked the creation of an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Six Republicans voted to advance debate on the commission, but the final 54 to 35 vote fell six votes shy of the 60 votes needed to prevent a procedural filibuster.


Mississippi Reps have proven to me that they are the cowards I have always thought them to be.

Dems need to flush the idea of bi-partisanship down the political toilet where it belongs.

There is always a ‘Presidential Commission’ to get to the bottom of the 01 January insurrection, right?

Nope not according to Pelosi….

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is ruling out a presidential commission to study the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, telling House Democrats on Tuesday that having President Biden appoint a panel is unworkable even after the Senate blocked an independent probe last week. Pelosi laid out possible next steps after Friday’s Senate vote, in which Senate Republicans blocked legislation to create an independent, bipartisan panel to investigate the siege by former President Trump’s supporters, the AP reports. She proposed four options for an investigation of the attack, according to a person on the private Democratic caucus call who spoke on condition of anonymity.

  • The first option, Pelosi said, is to give the Senate another chance to vote on the commission. Six Republicans voted with Democrats to move forward with the bill, and a seventh missed the vote but said he would have backed it. That means Democrats would only need support from three additional Republicans to reach the 60 votes needed for passage. The commission would be modeled after a highly respected panel that investigated the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  • The other options involve the House investigating the attack, meaning the probes would be inherently partisan. Pelosi suggested that she could appoint a new select committee to investigate the siege or give the responsibility to a single committee, like the House Homeland Security panel, which wrote the original bipartisan bill to create the commission. Alternately, Pelosi said committees could simply push ahead with the investigations that are already underway.
  • But the speaker said she believed a commission appointed by Biden—an idea pitched by some in her caucus after Friday’s Senate vote—was “not a workable idea in this circumstance.” It is unclear why she holds that view.

Pelosi’s comments come as members of both parties have pushed for a deep dive into the insurrection, which was designed to interrupt the presidential electoral count and was the worst attack on Congress in two centuries. The White House has not yet said whether Biden would appoint a commission without Congress.

Appears that Congress is the country’s worst enemy…..the “true” enemy of state.

Turn The Page!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

15 thoughts on “Enemies Of State

  1. I don’t get why Pelosi and Biden are backing away from an investigation of some kind. Now I’m wondering if those involved are going to get ‘hand-slap’ sentences.
    Best wishes, Pete.

      1. According to Joseph Cariz and Jon Greenberg, PolitiFact Staff Writers, [PolitiFact.com is an American nonprofit project operated by the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida, with offices there and in Washington, D.C. It began in 2007 as a project of the Tampa Bay Times (then the St. Petersburg Times), with reporters and editors from the newspaper and its affiliated news media partners reporting on the accuracy of statements made by elected officials, candidates, their staffs, lobbyists, interest groups and others involved in U.S. politics. Its journalists evaluate original statements and publish their findings on the PolitiFact.com website, where each statement receives a “Truth-O-Meter” rating. The ratings range from “True” for statements the journalists deem as accurate to “Pants on Fire” (from the taunt “Liar, liar, pants on fire”) for claims the journalists deem as false or ludicrous.]

        Jan. 6, 2017
        Barack Obama bit off more than he could chew when he promised to “turn the page” on partisanship and bring Democrats and Republicans together.

        To pull that off, he needed to reverse 30 years of increasing polarization. He didn’t.

        There is data that shows the problem got worse during his presidency. A group of academics backed by the National Science Foundation tracked the partisan leanings of each member of Congress. Their work, posted on VoteView.com, measures how each lawmaker voted on bills that involve the role of government in the economy.

        By VoteView’s yardstick, since the mid 1970s, conservative positions increased sharply among Republicans. That trend reached its high point during Obama’s time in office and held steady in the past few years. Shifts among Democrats were much less dramatic. The average Democrat became slightly more liberal, but the trend line remained nearly flat.

        Sure, partisanship can’t be reduced to a simple graph no matter how savvy the underlying algorithm. But we talked with more than 20 historians and political scientists, and not one of them suggested that bipartisan relations grew cozier between the start of Obama’s administration and the end.

        The only debate was whether he could have done better.

      2. He could have but he played the “bi-partisanship’ game and it failed…..typical centrist cowardice. chuq

      3. Ahh if “all our elected slugs” “are cowards” then no reason to separate Trump from all the other cowardly slugs.

      4. Correct. When I lived in the US — I did not vote as a rule. However once I came to Israel I have voted for Bibi now 4 times.

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