A Dinosaur Named Pawlenty

I wish this was to be a Pixar feature for those with the mentality of a turnip…..but unfortunate it is NOT!

GOP 2012 nominee hopeful Tim Pawlenty made his “big” economic speech and what did it say?  NOTHING that is new….but rather a re-hash of the tired old policies of the GOP for the last couple of decades…..tax cuts and then there is the….tax cuts and finally there is tax cuts…….

Some of the major points of his speech…….

We should start by overhauling the tax code. Its currently an anti-growth — nine thousand page monstrosity.      That’s chock full of special deals for special interests. It’s main goal — seems to be to generate campaign contributions. Not jobs.  

American businesses today pay the second highest tax rates in the world. That’s a recipe for failure — not adding jobs and economic growth. 

We should cut the business tax rate by more than half. I propose reducing the current rate from 35% to 15%.  

But our policies can’t just be about simply cutting rates.They must also promote freedom and free markets. The tax code is littered with special interest handouts — carve-outs — subsidies — and loopholes. That should be eliminated.   

Such reform would not only help offset short-term revenue loss from the rate cuts. But it would also reduce cronyism — favoritism — and government manipulating markets for political purposes.

Under my plan — those who currently pay no income tax would stay at a zero rate.        After that — the first fifty-thousand dollars of income or one-hundred thousand for married couples — would be taxed at 10%.  

Everything above that would be taxed at 25%.    That’s it. 

A one-third cut in the bottom rate.To allow younger — middle — and lower-income families to save and build wealth.  And a  28% cut in the top rate — to spur investment and job creation.

In addition — we should eliminate altogether the capital gains tax — interest income tax — dividends tax — and the death tax.Government has no moral or economic basis to claim a second share of the same income.

There it is….the same song…different singer……..there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING new in his song to the base…..but do not take my word for it…..check out his speech and tell me what is new in his proposals?


Veterans Care–A Disgusting Story


When I see, read or hear disgusting news, especially if it is political regurgitation I feel that I must bring it to the attention of whoever is reading my blog….and this is one of the most disgusting…..

As a vet of Vietnam, I have seen first hand what happens to vets that fall threw the cracks or that a country turns their backs on them….it is NOT a pretty picture and almost always has a disastrous ending…….this country has asked and then ordered its young into the defense of said country in time  of war……..and it is my opinion that for those who return to their country after serving proudly should NOT have to beg an ungrateful country to make things right for the pain and agony that they has to suffer…..but then I have always been a dreamer…..

There are some things that are just unacceptable……or they should be if they are not already and this is one of them……From Disableveterans.org

Republican Paul Ryan and the House of Representatives are looking to end VA healthcare for over 1.3 million veterans. These veterans are the least disabled veterans using the system, usually with disability ratings of 0 percent or no service-connected disability. Currently, the VA spends over $4 billion yearly to treat these vets, despite co-pays intended to offset the expense.  Ryan’s cuts are intended to save $6 billion off the VA’s tab and $62 billion over the next 10 years. Instead of merely increasing the co-pay or taxing Wall Street, Congress wants to just cut your benefits out, all together.Now, the House of Representatives has decided to cut Veteran healthcare benefits while supporting a third war in a country most of us could not even find on a map two months ago. Don’t believe the headlines. These cuts are just an attempt to split the oyster shell in half to steal the pearl. Once 1.3 million bodies get cut out of the VA system, politicians will have an easier time justifying further cuts to VA programs. Suddenly, the comprehensive health care you once received will be reduced to occasional physicals and virtual appointments via computer. Count on it. And don’t think the politicians will stop until they gut the whole system. Many of them call benefits like Social Security and VA Disability “Entitlements.” Rather, VA healthcare is really just a cost of doing business. You break it; you buy it. Wall Street and Corporate America need to pony up their share and keep their mitts off our hard earned benefits.

I am sorry but the next time I hear a Repub use the troops as a campaign slogan I will bring it to their attention at what they are attempting to do….there is NOTHING more disgusting than crapping on the vets of this country…….and if You think this is a good idea then it is time for you to take all that “patriotic” stuff on your house and car and shove it up your ass because you are a pig….these men and women have done EVERYTHING that has been asked of them and now it is time for the country to man up and do what is right by those who give so much and get so little in return.

Click here to vote on whether or not veterans should shoulder the burden for deficit reductions.