Thus Spake Herman Cain

I have been watching the GOP field begin to take some sort of shape and from what I have seen in their front runners… guys are in trouble……A reader of Info Ink, Terrance of Right Libertarian (go to blogroll and visit his interesting site) recently posted on his blog that he was a fan of Herman Cain, at least for now….I found it interesting and decided to do a little research into this candidate, because, to be truthful, I did not know this man very well….and what I found was very surprising to me……

First of all…if you are interested on his stands on the major issues….then check it out……

Let me say that I do not agree with much that he has to say on the issues, but he has some good stands and describes them in a simplistic way so that the average voter can understand the issue and his solution…..I will say that I like this guy….and NO I will most likely NOT vote for him…..rather I appreciate that he is a seemingly forthright candidate…….what attracted me at first to Cain was some of his interviews and his words……like……

First of all, he has said as president that he would not sign a bill that was longer than 3 pages…….then he said in Iowa that he would appoint qualified people and would have NO problem with an openly gay person… he stated the “stupid people are ruining America”….something I agree with completely, though we may not be talking about the same people….but the words are good…..

Cain’s advocacy of, among other things, the so-called Fair Tax, which would eliminate the federal tax code in favor of a national consumption tax on retail sales. He also supports returning to the gold standard.  Some of that I find appealing in a weird sort of way…….I think the GOP could do a lot worse than nominating Cain…..and they probably will!

But the thing that I like the best about this man is when asked about his foreign policy knowledge he said……”I’m working real hard on understanding heads of state, on other countries around the world, being able to pronounce their names properly. Being able to have their proper title when I talk about them in that context. Yes, that is an area that I have not focused on because when I was doing my radio show, foreign affairs didn’t come up that often in terms of what my listeners wanted… So when it comes to other nations, friend or foe, I have a lot of homework to do, but I’m in the process of doing that homework to get up to speed.”

At least he is not so arrogant to pretend he has a knowledge that he obviously does not…..and he is genuine enough to say that he is studying and cramming for the possibility of a nomination….I can appreciate that also…….

He seems to be a character that is needed in the boring GOP……he needs to be taken seriously by everyone, especially the media which has not done a very good job of getting the public acquainted with the candidate… is a injustice to ignore this man and focus on some quasi-king maker that will not admit whether they are running or not……the media needs to be taken to task for their oversight.

Senator Sarah Palin?

Momma Grizzly has been tooling around New England in a bus….a bus wrapped in the Constitution and the flag….no really!  Wrapped in the Constitution and the flag…..and the media is clamoring all over her trying to get an answer whether will she or won’t she run for the GOP nomination in 2012… far NOTHING!

Journalists chased her from Washington to New Hampshire, where she peed all over Mitt’s run announcement, and still cannot get anything out of her whether she is running or not……but they will not let it go….

Palin is on a paid vacation, paid for by her PAC, by painting her bus with all this patriotic symbolism she appears to be testing the waters for a run….she has with her all the props needed….hubby, kids and vague rhetoric….all the things needed to appear as a serious candidate….but people…..she is on vacation….period!

We have all heard the news of her new stomping ground….a compound worth about $1.7 million in Scottsdale, Arizona…it seems she was too far from the bucks in Alaska……but what is behind such a move?  McCain.  She plans to run for the senate for Arizona and needs to establish residency.

Why Arizona?  Just a few reasons of which there are many….it is a RED state, appeal to the majority, Kyl will not run in 2013 and McCain will most likely end his time in the Senate next cycle, she is looking for a more friendly audience to dazzle, and this will give her time to make more cash and stay in the mind of media mavens….and it is easier to fool a state than 50 of them……just to mention a few.  Besides, in Alaska she could not get elected as dog catcher because her popularity is waning….so why not move to a state where the hate for immigrants and Dems is high…just her kind of people.

I am NOT saying she will not run for the nomination only that her thoughts are on other venues other than the presidency….it is all about influence and retaining the celebrity status she has been awarded by the media……she is in it for the long haul…..and the notoriety.

Just a few thoughts.