Obama’s Afghan Speech–2011

Well our prez made his much anticipated Afghan speech….the Right hated it…..the Left hated it…and the pundits analyze the crap out of it….all night and all day……

My take was that it was the worse speech this Prez has given….to me it was a political speech aimed at calming the independents that everyone says will control the next election…….there is token troop withdrawal and still NO ideas on what to do with the country….he patted himself on the back for Osama…..and went on and on about the closeness of the Karzai people and the way forward in Afghanistan…..it was fully of vague generalizations…..all in all …..a crappy speech……

In an analysis by Billy Van Auken……

In concrete terms, Obama’s withdrawal proposal was crafted to give the US military command nearly everything it wanted, while helping him to get through his next election in 2012.

It calls for a token force of 10,000 to be withdrawn by the end of 2011. The July deadline set by Obama in December 2009, when he unveiled his proposed “surge” that sent another 33,000 troops into Afghanistan, will apparently come and go with no change on the ground in the occupied country. The generals will be allowed to decide what troops will be withdrawn and when over the next six months.

At the time that Obama announced the surge, the American public was told that it was a temporary measure that would “allow us to accelerate handing over responsibility to Afghan forces, and allow us to begin the transfer of our forces out of Afghanistan in July of 2011.”

In reality, if the so-called “withdrawal” plan is completed, it will pull out only the 33,000 troops that he ordered into Afghanistan 18 months ago. The second round of troop withdrawals is set to take place on the eve of the 2012 presidential election. Still, by the end of 2012, twice as many US troops will remain in the country as were deployed there when Obama first took office at the beginning of 2009.

Obama is doing what all politicians do…….kick the can down the road (there is that tired old cliche again)…..if the Afghan army is not ready after 10 years….then when?  Most likely NEVER!  Afghanistan has never had a central government and to think that the US and NATO can change that is just wishful thinking…..in the mean time death and destruction will continue and eventually we will leave and Afghanistan will revert back to the 14th century where it has been since the 14th century…..

2011 Anal-Ocity #22

You know there are just times when people cannot help themselves and they speak and nothing but pure crap comes out of their mouths……I always bitch about the fact that people just do not know history and yet they still try to argue from ignorance……

The BS hits the fan on the Senate floor…..there has been much talk, much debate and much emotions over whether the US should bow out of Afghanistan or stay and continue to deal with the situation as normal…..many Dems and some Repubs are for the complete withdrawal of US troops from the country and there are those, we call them hawks, that seemingly want the US to stay and fight until the goals have been reached…the problem is NO person knows what those goals are……

Recently the Senator from West Virginia made his case for the US to get out of Afghanistan and then our favorite old fart took to the floor in response….one Sen. John McCain of Arizona….

“In case the senator from West Virginia forgot it or never knew it, we withdrew from Afghanistan one time,” McCain said. “We withdrew from Afghanistan and the Taliban came, eventually followed by al-Qaida followed by attacks on the United States of America.”

Is McCain senile or is he still pissed that the American voter chose Obama over him or maybe he is just extremely uninformed or maybe he is just a bitter old man……let me explain…prior to 2001 the US had NEVER had a presence in Afghanistan….so we could not withdraw from a country we were never in…..I think that McCain was thinking of the Soviets…..they invaded the country before us….about 2 decades before we did……we did, however, discontinued our financial support once the Russians split…….

I expect more from a sitting Senator….at least do a little research before you spout your crap…..

A loyal reader, Phillip, suggested that Info Ink give McCain a Lifetime Achievement Award for the most nominations for the “Assie”….we may consider his proposal….

It Is Jobs, G*ddammit!


As an intro…..the Congress has defeated another jobs bill…..a simple put people to work bill was killed by amendments that made it unusable…….I still say that this is all a plan to keep the economy in the tank until the 2012 election….if so….all the players need to be shot for their participation in this political game…..

If you are a political person then you will remember the election 0f 2010……how Dems were bad guys…Pelosi was a communist plant…….the Prez was a socialist….and jobs were issue number one…..the people voted for the Repubs to return our country to greatness and to put us back to work……and how has that worked out for you?

Since taking control of the House in January of 2011, how many jobs bills have the Repubs offered up?  In case you have been under a rock….the number of jobs bills offered is….ZERO!

We have heard them tackle abortion, ethanol, deficit and the national debt…..but not ONE of them is too concerned with jobs or it would have truly been more important.  And now we are bombarded with the legality of the Libyan mission…..granted I am opposed to the action and yes it needs to be explained but NOT as a major issue to divert people’s attention from their (GOP) disastrous Medicare proposal….they had Weiner’s weiner as a diversion and now that is gone they need another one…..and Libya is it!  And when that one is no konger politically advantageous they will move on to…….immigration.

My point is…..JOBS!  That should be foremost on anyone’s political agenda and once we go back to work then worry about the other crap….and yes, all the other is pure CRAP!

If there is a master plan here…..could it be to keep the economy in the toilet as much as possible for the next election?  Are they playing a political game with people’s lives?

IT’S Jobs G*DDAMMIT!  The politicians have lied to the voter…yet again….how many more times do you need to be f*cked before you look for a change…..and I mean a real change….not some smooth talking politician that promises and NEVER delivers….

The voter needs to wake up…..they are game pieces that are discarded when NO longer needed.  How long will the comatose population continue to go through the political game unaware of their absolute uselessness after voting?  Does the voter know how silly they look to observers?

Just a thought!