Calling All Patriots!

So many people think that they are patriotic because they know the Paul Revere could ride a horse or that the Marines stormed Normandy…..and these same people write endlessly about the direction of the country, the badness of the Dems and the awfulness of the president……I read a lot of stuff and check out different blogs and so far I have NOT seen anything that mentions 14 June….lots about whose candidate did well in the debate but not much about the day……

I guess you are wondering what I am goin g on about….right?

n the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.  The June 14 date is also when Congress adopted “the American continental army” after reaching a consensus position in The Committee of the Whole.In 1916, PresidentWoodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.  (Thanx Wikipedia)

Today is FLAG DAY!  Should all you sunshine patriots have something to say about the flag?  Wrap yourself in it and charge into some building ranting about how the country is going to Hell?

This is what I mean when I say that when I hear people talk about patriotism I want to PUKE!  Not one of them has any idea what it means to be a patriot!  Peace! Out!

2012 Presidential GOP Debate #2

CNN was the culprit this time…..they brought together 7 candidates for the debate they left out Johnson, former gov. of Colorado because his poll numbers were not good, but they allowed Bachmann in who has not said she is running yet…..CNN set up the rules a minute for answer and 30 seco9nds for rebuttal…..which NO one observed and the moderator had to continually interrupt the person to call time….and that was the highlight of the debate…….

I apologize to my conserv friends…..I was hoping to hear something new or something bold or something believable……but instead of really issues with real solutions I heard the same lame rhetoric that has been flying around for decades…….mostly all that crap about trickle down theory……

Okay I get it!  Obama Bad!  Democrats Bad!  And the scary part is that may be all that is needed to be said to win an election…….let me see what was touched on by the players?  Wait for it!  Taxes (go figure)….drill baby drill (but not in those terms)… (but no explanation of how)…..and of yeah….attack Obama…..and that sports fans was the best synopsis of the debate……

I know….I know……who won this round of the debates?  In my opinion it was Ron Paul with Herman Cain a close second…..the most boring was a tie between Mitt and T-Paw…….idea man with no ideas was our friend Newt……Bachmann?  Still not sure what to think of her…..will need to hear her preform more on the debate stage (so I reserve comment on her)……then there is bat shit crazy and the most laughable…Santorum…..

If you were looking for new ideas that could help the country and ALL its residents…..then search on!