Closing Thought–20Jan22

The stupidity has started already around the upcoming 2024 elections….right wing moronic ideas have lit a match for the 2024 elections….

Some of the more sillier ideas these slugs are promoting…..

A Biden-Trump rematch seems like a plausible bet for the 2024 race. And while a Trump candidacy isn’t a sure thing, headlines have surfaced recently suggesting that just as much uncertainty dogs the Democratic side. Examples:

  • Clinton again? An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal lays out a scenario in which Hillary Clinton would once again run for president. “Several circumstances—President Biden’s low approval rating, doubts over his capacity to run for re-election at 82, Vice President Kamala Harris’ unpopularity, and the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket in 2024—have created a leadership vacuum in the party, which Mrs. Clinton viably could fill,” write Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein.
  • No Harris? In the New York Times, Thomas Friedman makes the case for what would be another startling Democratic ticket: Biden-Cheney. As in, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney. Friedman argues that we’re in dire political times and in need of unprecedented action, and he draws a parallel to what recently happened in Israel. He quotes political scientist Steven Levitsky: “We should be ready to talk about Liz Cheney as part of a blow-your-mind Israeli-style fusion coalition with Democrats. It is a coalition that says: ‘There is only one overriding goal right now—that is saving our democratic system.'”
  • Um, no: At CNN, Chris Cillizza runs through the idea of Clinton running in 2024 and offers a point-by-point rebuttal. For example, the op-ed authors argue that Clinton has the perfect experience for the job, but “isn’t that what voters chose the current president for?” he asks. “Yes, yes it is. And while Clinton and Biden are not carbon copies of one another, their relevant experience is remarkably similar—long careers in the public policy space in Washington.” He points out that Clinton already has lost twice even with her long resume, and he doesn’t buy the idea that she’s sending signals that she’d be willing to run.
  • Um, no, II: At the Intelligencer blog, Ed Kiglore throws similar cold water on the Cheney idea. “Democrats are very likely to say thanks, but no thanks, to Friedman for the idea of submitting their party to some sort of unwieldy and unnatural coalition of national salvation, so long as there is the slightest hope of beating Trump the old-fashioned way,” he writes. Cheney does indeed deserve “great respect” for how she has defied Trump, and maybe something like an ambassadorship is a fitting reward should Biden win again. “But she has no business being at the top of the line of succession to a Democratic president.”
  • Or maybe … As long as people are tossing out wild ideas, the Fix blog of the Washington Post pitches some “far-fetched sleeper tickets” of its own. Some examples: Biden and Mary Trump, Michelle and Barack Obama, Biden and Dick Cheney, or Biden with Republican Govs. Larry Hogan of Maryland, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, or Phil Scott of Vermont.

I am sure this is not the total extent of the stupidity that will be spread….but it had to start somewhere…..and here it is.

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Biden’s Presser

Last night Biden went on TV for a long over due press conference….and as usual it was mostly….blah….blah….blah…..

But if that does not help your understanding then here are a few of the topics he covered…..

  • Build Back Better: The president said he’ll probably have to divide his social spending measure into smaller pieces to get anything through Congress, per the Hill. “I think we can break the package up, get as much as we can now, come back and fight for the rest later,” Biden said.
  • Inflation: The administration is going after rising prices by trying to solve the problems in the supply chain, Biden said, per the Washington Post. “We’ve been able to make progress on speeding up the access to materials,” he said.
  • The pandemic: Biden conceded testing capacity should’ve been increased sooner but expressed satisfaction with adult vaccination rates, now close to 75%. Overall on the pandemic, he said, “I think we’ve done remarkably well.”
  • GOP congressional opposition: “What are Republicans for?” Biden asked in saying they only want to prevent him from accomplishing his goals. “Name me one thing that they are for.” The president said he won’t abandon his legislative agenda. “We just have to make the case what we’re for and what the other team’s not.”
  • Getting out more: Biden said he intends to leave Washington more often to hear from Americans, as well as outside experts, per ABC News. His travels will include becoming “deeply involved” in the midterm campaigns, Biden said.

Bitching about the GOP gets nothing accomplished……there is an answer to rising prices….but NO one in DC will even offer the solution… rights is dead…..infrastructure is a drop in the bucket and well do little to solve the problem…..

None of his solutions will do anything to help end the slide of the Dems into obscurity….and getting out more and ‘listening’ to Americans gives me such a chuckle….when was the last tine a elected official really listened to the American people……those slugs only hear money and not the problems.

More promises and more disappointment….are all we have to look forward to in the near future.

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Biden Prepares The Nation

Since Vietnam the president finds the time to make a case for a war that the Pentagon wants…..Iraq comes to mind first…….

Last night Biden went on TV and made a speech that makes the case and prepares the nation for the next war……

In a press conference Wednesday to mark his one-year anniversary in office, President Biden touted his accomplishments, defended his record, and predicted Russia will invade Ukraine. Biden said he expects Russian President Vladimir Putin, who’s moved 100,000 troops to the border with Ukraine, to end the current standoff with some sort of action, the New York Times reports. “Do I think he’ll test the West, test the United States and NATO, as significantly as he can? Yes, I think he will,” Biden said. But the president said Putin would regret an invasion: “I think he will pay a serious and dear price for it.”

Biden has done the course now……Pentagon has told us this…..State has told us this….and the media has been working hard to promote this… it is only a matter of time before this thing blows up and we can have that war that the M-IC dearly desires.

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