Closing Thought–16Mar21

Some people have made out like bandits during the pandemic.

The total wealth of US billionaires rose $1.3 trillion amid the pandemic, the ATF and IPS said.

This could fund two-thirds of Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 rescue plan.

American billionaires have earned so much money during the pandemic that they could fund two-thirds of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief package using profits generated in the last year, a report shows.

The combined fortune of American billionaires rose around $1.3 trillion, or 44%, from March 2020 to March 2021, Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) said.

This increase is equivalent to two-thirds of the $1.9 trillion cost of Biden’s pandemic rescue plan, which he signed into law Thursday.

657 billionaires were worth a combined $4.2 trillion, the ATF and IPS said. Under current tax laws, none of this would be taxed during their lifetimes, unless the underlying assets are sold at a gain, they said.

Time for this obscenity to change!

Children go hungry…..people lose their homes… jobs….and yet these societal parasites roll in dough.

Somebody needs to a grow a pair and step up and demand these ‘people’ start paying for the privilege of being part of the American society.

I do not care how much money they make or steal or whatever….all I want is for them to pay their fair share like the rest of us mere peasants.

A fair and equitable tax code would be a good start.

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I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Thoughts On Protests

America has been the site of many protests in our few years as a nation…..and in all that time the handling of these protests have been handled badly and the worse times for this bad behavior has been in the last 100 years or so.

Recent years have brought old animosities tom the forefront…..that of racial inequality.

What got me to thinking about this was a new law that has passed in the state of Oklahoma….

Racial justice advocates on Wednesday condemned the Oklahoma House of Representatives’ approval of a Republican bill shielding motorists who run over protesters, a measure they say ignores the real issues of systemic racism and police violence while further endangering Black lives.

H.B. 1674 (pdf)—passed by a party-line vote of 79-18—would grant civil and criminal immunity to drivers who “unintentionally” kill or injure people while “fleeing from a riot” if they have “reasonable belief” that doing so will protect them from harm. 

Additionally, the proposed legislation would punish protesters who block traffic with up to a year behind bars and a $5,000 fine. 

Democratic lawmakers blasted the bill as draconian and criticized their GOP colleagues for bringing the measure to a vote after midnight when few people were paying attention. Democrats also said the bill was misguided and ignored the bigger problems of racism, police violence, and inequality that sparked Black Lives Matter and other protests.

As someone who has been deeply involved in protests in the past I look at the events and think that not much has changed in all those years……but why is change so hard or why do protests fail?

Today, there’s no shortage of important issues that arouse passions. But significant change requires more than protests and marches. The truth is that nobody cares if you want to sleep in a park or shout slogans on the streets. To make a real impact, you need to influence institutions.

My thought on why they fail is that those in power do not listen or do not care… matter the issue.  They look for political expediency and not the subject of the protests.

Any thoughts?

I Read, I Write, You KNow

“lego ergo scribo”

Those Covid Arrests

First there has been arrest warrants issued for the two bastards that attacked Officer Sicknick that caused his death…..don’t mince words….he would be alive today if these worthless lumps of manure had not attacked him…..

The circumstances surrounding the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick have been murky from the start, but authorities have made the first arrests linked to the officer. Coverage:

  • Bear spray: The Washington Post reports that two men have been charged with dousing the 42-year-old Sicknick with bear spray during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Julian Khater, 32, of State College, Pa., and George Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, W. Va., were arrested Sunday and charged with nine counts including assault with a deadly weapon.
  • What they don’t say: NBC News notes that while authorities charged the men with assaulting Sicknick, they stopped short of charging them with killing the officer. The charges do not allege that the spraying caused Sicknick’s death. The pair also are accused of dousing two other officers who were near Sicknick.
  • On video: Arrest papers allege that video shows Khater and Tanios walking together toward the Capitol building about 2pm, with Khater telling Tanios, “Give me that bear s—,” per the Wall Street Journal. Tanois responds, “Hold on, hold on, not yet, not yet…it’s still early.” About nine minutes later, Khater is seen on body camera footage discharging a canister into the officers’ faces, according to the arrest affidavit. One of the officers suffered scarring under her eyes that lasted for weeks, say authorities.
  • Sicknick’s death: Sicknick died at the hospital one day after the Capitol riot, but conflicting accounts about the cause emerged almost immediately. Last month, the first reports surfaced that investigators were looking into the possibility that he was hit with a chemical irritant. The official cause of death has not yet been determined, and toxicology results are pending, notes the AP.
  • Turned in: The arrests came after tipsters identified the men from video and photographs. Tanios was turned in by a former business partner who alleged that Tanios embezzled $435,000 from their business, per the Journal. Tanios runs a sandwich shop in Morgantown. Khater was identified by a former co-worker at a food establishment in State College, Pa.
  • Possible prison: If convicted of the current charges, the men could face 20 years in prison. They are scheduled to appear in federal court on Monday.

Throw the book at these human skid marks…they deserve nothing but a trial….these despicable Americans deserve no quarter.

 I am sure most people have heard of this report….if anyone needs arresting it is this bitch and her chuckling friends….

An Uber driver in San Francisco says that after he asked a passenger to put on a mask and pulled over at a gas station where she could buy one, he was insulted, racially abused, and pepper-sprayed by the woman and her two companions. Video of the Sunday attack shows the maskless woman loudly coughing on driver Subhakar Khadka before ripping off his mask, McClatchy reports. He says the three women pepper-sprayed him after leaving the vehicle. They also stole his cell phone, but one of them eventually gave it back, Khadka says. He says he was attacked after the women insulted him and he asked them to leave the car. “If I was another complexion, I would have not gotten that treatment from them,” says the driver, who moved to the US from Nepal eight years ago.

“I never said anything bad to them, I never cursed, I was not raised that way,” Khadka says. Uber and Lyft say they have permanently banned the woman seen coughing on Khadka. In a livestream recorded after the incident, the woman admits assaulting Khadka, the Washington Post reports. “All I did was smack—take his mask off and cough a little bit, but I don’t even have corona,” she says. The San Francisco Police Department is investigating. Khadka tells KPIX that after multiple requests, Uber gave him $120 to have the vehicle cleaned. After hearing his story, early Uber investor Cyan Banister started a GoFundMe fundraiser for Khadka that has now raised more than $38,000. “He shared his video simply because he wanted justice,” Banister says. “He didn’t expect any of us to step forward, but we did.”

I read where this cool hearted bitch has turned herself in to the authorities… throw the book at her…..jail plus a hefty fine for being a dumb ass bitch.

Now let’s move on to the establishments that require a mask…like it or not… is their business and their rules…..if you do not like them then go the Hell away…..

Of course the next report comes from the land of idiots, Texas…..

An arrest warrant was issued for a woman who refused to wear a mask at a Texas bank, saying to a police officer: “What are you going to do, arrest me?” Well, apparently, yes: Police have issued a warrant for the arrest of Terry Wright, 65, of Grants Pass, Ore., the AP reports. The incident on Thursday at a Bank of America in Galveston was captured by the officer’s body camera, the Galveston County Daily News reported. Police say they’ve obtained an arrest warrant on resisting arrest and criminal trespassing charges. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday ended statewide orders requiring people to wear face masks in public places, declaring that businesses should decide for themselves what COVID-19 precautions to take on their properties. But many businesses have kept their own mask rules in place.

Police said a bank manager called police after Wright refused to wear a mask while inside, and then refused to leave the building when asked. The police department on Friday released the officer’s body camera video footage. In the video, Wright can be seen standing in the middle of the bank’s lobby, surrounded by other customers, all of whom were wearing masks. Wright told the officer she had come to the bank to make a withdrawal. The officer asked her to go outside or put on a mask. She refused. “What are you going to do, arrest me?” she asked. He replied: “Yes, for intruding on premises.” And then she said: “That’s hilarious.” Wright then told the officer the law said she didn’t have to wear a mask. As the officer took out handcuffs, she pulled away and began to walk toward the door. The officer stopped her and forced her to the ground. After she was handcuffed, she complained that her foot was injured. “Police brutality right here people,” she said to the other customers at the bank. Replies of “no” and “no, it’s not” could be heard.

This policeman needs a raise and a medal for doing the right thing.  And this screaming bitch needs 6 months in county jail and a $1000 fine…..

Next is Spring Break and Florida….another state with its degree of stupid……

Spring breakers have descended upon Miami Beach despite the coronavirus pandemic, and two police officers in the Florida city were hurt Friday night as they worked to disperse large crowds. Both were released Saturday morning, NBC News reports. About 100 partyers were arrested over the weekend, CNN reports, one of them a 19-year-old accused of inciting a riot. Police were trying to break up a 200-strong crowd blocking a roadway, and the teen is accused of yelling obscenities, pushing an officer to the ground, and grabbing an officer’s vest as he was being handcuffed, requiring two other officers to step in. Another person is accused of beating an elderly homeless man with a chair.

Photos and videos posted to social media show large throngs gathering, sans masks, throughout the city and on beaches. Florida does not have a statewide mask mandate, nor capacity limits or other restrictions aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19. Cases in the state have ticked up over the past five days after previously having been on a decline, and public health experts have warned that spring breakers ignoring social distancing recommendations could cause an increase in infections. Arrests have been made for charges ranging from drugs to weapons, per Local 10, to dancing on police cars and fighting in the streets. Police are working 12-hour shifts.

These asswads need a heavy fine and to miss the rest of Spring Break by a stay in county jail….

About time that these self-centered dullards learn about responsibility….

I do not care about your goddamn rights when you are violating mine…..when they show some respect for others I will change my mind….but I am not holding my breath….for morons will be morons…..

And you “can’t fix stupid”….

Enough said!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Biden The Radical?


Who in Hell thinks Biden is a radical…that is other than those morons on the Right?

Okay I have been a radical my entire adult life and to call Biden a radical is just flippin’ absurd.

But in case one is ignorant on the definition of the term ‘radical’…..A person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.

The definition will depend in different countries…..for instance in the US a program to give all Americans health care is considered radical and to some mental midgets it is socialist.

What got me started down this road was an article I read in the UK’s Independent…..

Biden wants so badly for a bi-partisan approach to government….but let’s be honest…..Bipartisanship is the excuse the Democrats use to compromise with themselves.  Has little to do to those mental midgets across the aisle.

Dems including Biden from his days in the US Congress suffer from an affliction I “defeatism”…..their feelings…..“Something is better than nothing” has been the motto of the Democrats since the Carter administration.

Biden a radical?

Not one his best day has he been anything but someone that rolled with the tide…he has gone along with so many defeatist attitudes that I could NEVER think of him anything but a center Right politician.

You want radical…then he needs to heed my advice…..”go big or go home”.

Middle East is a prime example of why Biden is NO radical……look at the ten Biden approaches to US foreign policy…..

  • Failing to quickly rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement. The Biden administration’s failure to immediately rejoin the JCPOA, as Bernie Sanders promised to do on his first day as president, has turned an easy win for Biden’s promised commitment to diplomacy into an entirely avoidable diplomatic crisis.

Trump’s withdrawal from the JCPOA and imposition of brutal “maximum pressure” sanctions on Iran were broadly condemned by Democrats and US allies alike. But now Biden is making new demands on Iran to appease hawks who opposed the agreement all along, risking an outcome in which he will fail to reinstate the JCPOA and Trump’s policy will effectively become his policy. The Biden administration should re-enter the deal immediately, without preconditions.

  • US Bombing Wars Rage On – Now In Secret. Also following in Trump’s footsteps, Biden has escalated tensions with Iran and Iraq by attacking and killing Iranian-backed Iraqi forces who play a critical role in the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Biden’s February 25 US airstrike predictably failed to end rocket attacks on deeply unpopular US bases in Iraq, which the Iraqi National Assembly passed a resolution to close over a year ago.

The US attack in Syria has been condemned as illegal by members of Biden’s own party, reinvigorating efforts to repeal the 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for the Use of Military Force that presidents have misused for 20 years. Other airstrikes the Biden administration is conducting in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are shrouded in secrecy, since it has not resumed publishing the monthly Airpower Summaries that every other administration has published since 2004, but which Trump discontinued a year ago.

Ten Problems With Biden’s Foreign Policy – and One Solution

In short nothing is radical about Biden’s policies….not domestically or internationally.

I will admit that Biden is making headway on the domestic front….but sadly I think it will be short lived…now if he could just work a little harder on the international stage….he would be a decent president…..but radical?  NO WAY!

Oh There Is So much More!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”