The Automat

We just celebrated one of the biggest days for food…Thanksgiving……and the pandemic has made our family meals a thing of the past… least the large gatherings….well for those people that do not drink the poison kool-aid about “nothing to fear”…..

In these days of automation and the attack from the virus….is it possible that an old form of food distribution could make a re-appearance?

The Automat……

It all sounds so futuristic: a restaurant without waiters, without workers behind the counter, without any visible employees whatsoever, where you simply feed your money into a glass-enclosed kiosk, remove a steaming plate of freshly made food, and carry it to your table. Welcome to Horn & Hardart, circa 1950, a restaurant chain that once boasted 40 locations in New York City and dozens more across the U.S., at a now-distant time when automats served hundreds of thousands of urban customers every day.

The automat is often considered to be an exclusively American phenomenon, but in fact, the world’s first restaurant of this kind opened in Berlin, Germany in 1895. Named Quisisana—after a company that also manufactured food-vending machinery—this high-tech eatery established itself in other northern European cities, and Quisisana soon licensed its technology to Joseph Horn and Frank Hardart, who opened the first American automat in Philadelphia in 1902.

For those that are too self-absorbed to read…a short video…..

Look at vending machines today each machine generates about $100 a day…..and that is a $20 billion business a year……I bring this up because the vending machine is basically an automat….the pandemic could get this expanded….

There is a lot of money to be made in vending, and it shows in the current state of the industry. There are around 5 million operational vending machines in the US right now and they rake in over $7 billion in annual sales for their operators. As far as profits go, the snack niche alone generates $64 million in annual profits for vending machine operators.

As long as people eat and drink on the go, there will be a need for well-placed, well-stocked vending machines. But like any business, it is possible to have great success in vending machines, to fall in the middle of the pack, or even to fail. The key is having the right support, the right strategies and the right pricing structures in place to ensure a vending machine business makes money.

I present this short history lesson because of the pandemic…..what is the possibility that the Automat could make a comeback?

Before there were fast food jingles on TV and drive-thrus seemingly on every corner, there was the automat. In the first half of the 20th century, this system of vending hot meals to diners through a series of glass lockers seemed like the wave of the future. But over the past 40 or so years, automats have existed as little more than dated literary references.

But with restaurants still struggling to survive amid a pandemic that’s forced them to both drastically scale back and overhaul their operations, there are some early signs that automats could be positioned for an unexpected comeback. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reports that two automats, one in Manhattan and another across the Hudson River in Jersey City, should be opening up before the end of 2020.

In the case of Jersey City’s Automat Kitchen, the pandemic didn’t birth the idea for proprietor Joe Scutellaro. In fact, it pushed back its scheduled opening from April to December. “In the Covid-19 environment, it’s actually the right concept,” he told the Journal. “We didn’t go into this anticipating a pandemic, but here we are.”

Whatcha think?

Could this make a return?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”


Saturday’s News

The weekend…the one that followed the holiday and shopping will be the biggest thing on people’s minds for Christmas is a mere one month away.

The one thing that pisses me off is when some sanctimonious a/hole tries to give me grief because I eat meat….nothing they can say will change my eating habits…..then I come across something that gives the down side of eating nothing but veggies….

The largest study of its kind suggests that those who don’t eat meat are more likely to suffer bone fractures. Vegans, who shun both meat and dairy, appear to have the greatest risk relative to vegetarians and pescatarians, particularly when it comes to hip fractures, reports CNN. To keep things in context, New Scientist explains that the overall risk to vegans in the study was still pretty small, “equating to about an extra 20 bones broken per 1,000 people over 10 years.” The research in BMC Medicine, which draws from a long-running study of about 65,000 people in Britain that began in the early 1990s, found that vegans suffered broken hips at about the twice the rate as meat-eaters. Vegetarians and meat-eaters also had an increased risk for broken hips, though at a smaller rate of 25%.

hen it comes to broken bones of other kinds, vegans had a higher risk than meat-eaters there as well, but not vegetarians and fish-eaters. Some caveats: This study involves mostly white Europeans, and vegans have better options today than in the 1990s, including plant-based milks fortified with calcium. Another factor: Part of the increased risk might be chalked up to a simpler factor than the complexities of diet: Vegans and vegetarians tend to have lower BMIs than meat-eaters, which gives them less of a cushion when they fall. Researcher Tammy Hong of Oxford says at Eureka Alert that the takeaway for vegans and vegetarians is to keep an eye on their protein and calcium and supplement if necessary. She also notes that participants had an average age of 45 when the study began, adding that the risk might be higher for elderly vegans and vegetarians.

Most know that I am an Old Fart….and when I see news that revolves around my age group I take notice….and this one caught my eye immediately…..

In order to provide companionship to elderly people who are stuck in isolation, University of Washington School of Medicine bioethicist Nancy Jecker suggests developing a new kind of sex robot.

Senior citizens are living longer but may lead lonelier, more isolated lives due to physical disabilities and especially the COVID-19 pandemic. In lieu of human interaction, The Seattle Times reports, Jecker is arguing that robots could provide the social and sexual companionship that’s missing from their lives — a departure from the raunchier way we often see sex robots.

A Bioethicist?

As long as we are talking about sexy stuff….here are 30 things that need to be de-sexified……

Ask Reddit wants you to stop sexualizing the following things ASAP.

1.Going on your knees or bending over. I always hesitate to pick up things and often reposition myself.

2.Yoga pants! They’re comfortable and practical whilst practicing yoga. WTF is up with people?!

3. Cheerleaders. Cheerleading is a predominantly high school sport and most cheerleaders are children. It’s icky.

(there is more)

30 Things That Need To Stop Being Sexualized Because It’s Annoying AF

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I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”