To Fix Special Ops

I have been writing about the antics of our so-called “elite” troops……I should call them problems because it seems to be spreading at an alarming rate…..

I have been watching the steps being taken……

The new commander has grab the bull by the horns so to speak and began his clean sweep with SEAL Team Seven……

As I stated in the above post….a good start but why not begin with the SEAL Team Six?

There are lots of opinions as to how to fix this problem……

“How can something like this happen in 2017?”  asked the military judge Col. Glen Hines. He continued, “The question needs to be answered. If we don’t get to the bottom of it, this is going to happen again.” With this prediction, Hines suggests that the Melgar murder, shocking though it might be, was no aberration, but a symptom of a culture decayed from within. He’s probably right. How else to explain the recent spate of serious incidents in the special operations community, which run the gamut from war crimes and spousal murder to child rape and drug trafficking? Perhaps Hines was looking too at the rank and status of the individuals involved in Melgar’s murder, all of whom were highly respected leaders in elite units, including two members of the storied SEAL Team Six. These men weren’t outliers, but rather the type who attract emulation by peers and subordinates: “Kevin was a hero of mine,” commented one Marine special operator I know, before adding, “or was.” When such men commit an act that appears to outsiders to be off the scale, it suggests that similar behavior has up to this point been condoned, even lauded, by the culture to which they belong. And as Hines indicates, unless something is done to fix that culture, Melgar’s murder is likely to be just another waypoint in a descending pattern of illicit conduct in America’s special operations community.

How to Fix a Broken Special Operations Culture

I say forget the Space Force…..combine all these troops from all the services into one force and call it something like…the Irregulars Fighting Force (just off the top of my head)….that would eliminate any cross service rivalry and make cooperation more accessible.

“Lego Ergo Scribo”

4 thoughts on “To Fix Special Ops

  1. Elitism is always a fine balance. Espirit de Corps is one thing, but making people feel they are superhuman is something else.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Putting these troopers above everyone else is not a good idea….makes good copy for the media and book authors but in reality it is not as exclusive as they would have us believe….chuq

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