Anti-Russian Bias

Oh My God!  It is Monday morn and I awoke to check the news and the breaking news at this hour is….OJ is a free man!

Seriously?  Basically….who gives a f*ck?

Got that off my chest…..

Have you noticed that there are some out there that feel like there is a Russia Bias in our media?  That they do stories that only make Russia look bad on the tiny screens every night.

How do you feel about it?

The U.S. mainstream media (MSM} presents itself as the arbiter of truth-telling and journalistic professionalism – the global gold standard – but its deep-seated biases, especially on Russia, belie that self-image.

The anti-Russian/anti-Soviet bias in the American media appears to have no limit. You would think that they would have enough self-awareness and enough journalistic integrity -– just enough -– to be concerned about their image. But it keeps on coming, piled higher and deeper.

One of the latest cases in point is a review of a new biography of Mikhail Gorbachev in the New York Times Book Review (September 10). The review says that Gorbachev “was no hero to his own people” because he was “the destroyer of their empire.”

This is how the New York Times avoids having to say anything positive about life in the Soviet Union or about socialism. They would have readers believe that it was the loss of the likes of Czechoslovakia or Hungary et al. that upset the Russian people, not the loss, under Gorbachev’s perestroika, of a decent standard of living for all, a loss affecting people’s rent, employment, vacations, medical care, education, and many other aspects of the Soviet welfare state.

Source: The MSM’s Anti-Russia Bias – Consortiumnews

There are times when I think the the MSM is just too fixated on the Russia thing…..times when I feel that a step back would be beneficial……a time out until more info is learned and passed on….

Does the MSM have a anti-Russia bias?

Let’s say some of the accusations are true….where does that lead us?

For lone the amount of “think tanks” has increased sharply….everyone looking for the “study” or “research” that will

Some of their so-called “findings” has added to the hysteria that engulfs the country….well at least in the bubble of DC….put them on the map.

As the U.S. government doles out tens of millions of dollars to “combat Russian propaganda,” one result is a slew of new “studies” by “scholars” and “researchers” auditioning for the loot,

And, if you think the pillars of the U.S. mainstream media – The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN and others – will apply some quality controls, you haven’t been paying attention for the past year or so. The MSM is just as unethical as the NGOs are.

Source: The Slimy Business of Russia-gate – Consortiumnews

I have been writing that I think that there is something to all this Russia stuff….however we need to step back and let the investigations proceed until the answers are uncovered.  Hourly speculation is doing nothing to move the search for knowledge forward.

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