Closing Thought–25Aug21

My state of Mississippi has seen a large increase of Covid patients to the point that there are few to no ICU beds left unoccupied in the whole state….and the whole time our governor has been a staunch advocate of no masks or other precautions to slow the disease.

Finally someone in government has stepped forward to try and curb the rapid ascent of the disease….

The Mississippi State Department of Health on Friday issued a new order saying anyone infected with COVID-19 must isolate for 10 days or face possible misdemeanor or felony charges.

Breaking any health department order carries a minimum of a misdemeanor charge with penalties of a $500 fine, six months in prison or both.
This is the official order…..

But still no official notification on masks in public….for the state…..most local businesses in my town are asking all patrons to wear masks.

It is a good start but much more precautions and action from a hide-a-way governor…how can he stand by and watch his fellow Mississippians get sick and die?

A better question is why do Mississippians vote for such political slugs like Tater Twat Reeves?  Is it ignorance or stupidity?

Turn The Page!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

4 thoughts on “Closing Thought–25Aug21

  1. If almost nobody is wearing masks, very soon 90% of the population will be self-isolating. Not too good for productivity and consumers.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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