Those Pesky Constitutional Amendments

I have always hated it when politician use the Constitution as a prop in their campaigns….most pick and choose what parts they want to use and most times they are off base completely….I am talking about both idiot parties here….their ignorance knows NO political affiliation.

Let me begin with some of the most recent moronic babblings……

First that huge tool from Texas, Ted Cruz…….

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is proposing a new bill that would require the censorship of all public schools in the teaching of any kind of American history involving slavery.

While it appears Ted Cruz was endeavoring to ban the teaching of critical race theory, what he has inadvertently done is bar the teaching of several amendments of the Constitution.

President Abraham Lincoln’s effort to abolish slavery with the 13th Amendment would cause problems since it directly addresses the history of U.S. slavery that was abolished by the new law. Cruz’s censorship bill would effectively bar the teaching of that as well as the 14th Amendment, which made it so any person born in the United States a citizen of the United States. It also said that no person can be denied life, liberty or property. Teaching it would likely require educators to explain why that amendment came about, which would be censored by Cruz’s bill.

The ignorance is not limited to the GOP…however they seem to be the dumbest of the lot……

Even a politician with 50 years of legislative experience is not immune to making stupid assertions…..

This time is the president old Uncle Joe Biden……

President Biden claimed last week that the Second Amendment, “from the day it was passed,” limited what kind of weapon you could own and that “you couldn’t buy a cannon.” Biden has made this claim before, but historians and fact-checkers including Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post say it’s bunk. Historians say there are no documented instances of a private individual in the era being prohibited from owning a cannon, and Kessler notes that the Constitution granted Congress the power to allow private individuals to act as pirates—which would certainly have included owning cannons—on behalf of the US. PolitiFact deemed the claim false when Biden made it on the campaign trail, and Kessler gives Biden four Pinocchios, the highest on its scale for misleading claims.

Biden may have meant to say that the amendment “was never understood to guarantee everyone the right to own all types of weapons, which I believe is true,” says constitutional law professor Kermit Roosevelt. “As phrased, it sounds like the Second Amendment itself limited ownership, which is not true.” Kessler says the error may seem “relatively inconsequential” to some readers, but Biden is undercutting his campaign for tighter gun laws when he makes false claims.

I have been preaching for decades that the people we elect are not those that have the best interest of the country at heart…..ignorance runs deep.

Turn The Page!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

9 thoughts on “Those Pesky Constitutional Amendments

  1. Cruz wants to re-write history, and Biden will end up making sales of cannons more popular that ever! 🙂
    Politics is a crazy business indeed!
    Best wishes, Pete.

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