Closing Thought–22Feb18

Pres. Trump has not had much luck with his cabinet…..some have resigned because they were monetary issues…..other resign because they were basically spending taxpayer money on themselves and their families… guy must fly first class because the unwashed masses tries to talk to them……

Some things are not just Trump’s group…..I have a problem with reps and/or cabinet members that take their wives and family on business trips on the taxpayer dime…..and then the are those that take gifts while in office…..

This report covers both situations paid vacation for family and gifts…….

Yet another Trump administration official is facing ethics questions after an inspector general’s report found that Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin improperly accepted Wimbledon tickets, and that his chief of staff misled officials about Shulkin’s wife’s travel to Europe last summer.

The inspector general’s findings, released Wednesday, revealed that Shulkin’s trip to London and Copenhagen in July — which included Shulkin’s wife, three VA staffers, and six members of the secretary’s security detail — involved “personal time for sightseeing and other unofficial activities” such as a visit to Westminster Abbey and not one, but two river cruises on the Thames and the Nyhavn Canal in Copenhagen.

Shulkin justified the travel as in support of the VA’s mission. But the report documented only three and a half days of meetings and other official events during a nine-day trip that cost at least $122,334. According to the report, Shulkin’s chief of staff Vivieca Wright Simpson doctored an email to create the justification for the VA to subsidize travel for Shulkin’s wife, Merle Bari, whose flight cost $4,300. (Simpson resigned Friday in the wake of the scandal.)

It is not the taxpayers duty to give these people a fancy vacation and they should be aware enough to kno that taking gifts is a “kick back”……..

My day is done….time to relax and enjoy some time away from the PC……chuq

2 thoughts on “Closing Thought–22Feb18

  1. Ironic that he is head of the VA, spending that much on family and staff holidays at a time when medical treatment for Veterans is being cut back. Quite sickening really.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I have written about this guy….originally he sounded like a stand up dude….but he is a Trumpian and that should have alerted me……chuq

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