Should I Enter The 21st Century?

My Sunday begins as usual I would like to post on something that is not the same dismal stuff we all hear daily….but first….

Have you noticed that the nose picking, ass scratching Right can only handle one issue at a time?  Must be a hard life when your mind is that slow.

The staff after a day of reading Right wing flap-trap……

I guess they will be NO help in today’s post…..

Shall we talk about something interesting?

Recently I wrote a post about reading where I explained why books and reading are important to me and in closing I stated that maybe I should do a podcast called “Breakfast And A Book”… small attempt at humor…..apparently very small for most never got past the title……

Well my daughter read it and came by the house and told me that I should start a podcast.  I have been told numerous times that I have a face for radio…..

Not being the sharpest pencil in the techno babble box and being that I am an old fart….I had to ask….what the Hell is a podcast?

In case there are other old farts with a limited knowledge maybe this will help….

Podcasting is a form of audio broadcasting on the Internet. The reason it became linked with the iPod in name was because people download the broadcasts (audio shows) to listen to on their iPods. However you don’t have to listen to podcasts only on iPods; you can use your computer with some music software such as Windows built-in Media Player or iTunes for mac (which has a podcast library), or your smartphone, or even in your car. It really doesn’t matter, as long as you have some way to play music on your computer you will be able to listen to podcasts.

Or maybe this one will help……

But in short, a podcast is an audio and/or video recording made available on the internet, for which some mechanism of subscribing exists so that new ‘episodes’ can be automatically downloaded or the user automatically notified.

Their usage is limitless: News discussions, interviews, political debates, tutorials, etc. If there is a potential for a series of audio/video recordings on a specific topic or type of topics, podcasts are an option to be considered.


Now that we got the niceties out of the way……I would like to ask my followers and readers to weigh in on this situation…..would you guys be interested in a podcast from IST?

I was thinking a half hour show with discussions on the day’s stories…of course the stories I think should be talked about…….I would like for my readers to offer suggestions if they would….

If I do start a podcast it will be after the first of the year, 2017….time enough for me to get my stuff together to see if I can make it work…..

Please….let me have your feedback…it will be appreciated….