Closing Thought–16Nov20

Do you have a right to own a gun?

*****Before the insults and bullshit starts…..this short video is provided as an educational opinion on the debate that has been raging for decades…..I am not advocating one way of the other……so please keep the lameass insults to yourself*****

I have written about this subject several times from social perspective to my theory of why historically…..

I offer this video as a way for a conversation to begin…a real conversation…..not some slug-fest of insults and lies….

I also include a few other videos as to keep the interest alive…..
One more and after that you may go back to sleep….
But in case you are interested in my historic perspective…..
Be Smart!
Learn Stuff!
I Read, I Write, You Know
“lego ergo scribo”

Closing Thought–28Mar18

Let the debate begin!

I read an op-ed today that fits with a debate that we have been having here on IST and thought I would let it continue……

I thought I would enclose this post as my “Closing Thought” because more people seem to go here and not the body of the day.

An ex-Supreme Court justice appointed by Gerald Ford has offerd up his opinion on the gun debate (not gonna make too many happy)…..

Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their supporters demonstrated in Washington and other major cities throughout the country this past Saturday. These demonstrations demand our respect. They reveal the broad public support for legislation to minimize the risk of mass killings of schoolchildren and others in our society.

That support is a clear sign to lawmakers to enact legislation prohibiting civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons, increasing the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old, and establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms. But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.

With that call then ask how hard would it be to repeal the second?

Repealing the amendment, Stevens said, would effectively overturn the controversial 2008 Supreme Court ruling D.C. v. Heller, which found that the Second Amendment protected “an individual right to possess a firearm” for the purpose of self-defense.

Because I like being fair to all sides of a debate I want to include another op-ed that disagrees with Stevens………(written several years ago…..)

THE TRAGEDY at Virginia Tech may tell us something about how a young man could be driven to commit terrible actions, but it does not teach us very much about gun control.

So far, not many prominent Americans have tried to use the college rampage as an argument for gun control. One reason is that we are in the midst of a presidential race in which leading Democratic candidates are aware that endorsing gun control can cost them votes.

This concern has not prevented the New York Times from editorializing in favor of “stronger controls over the lethal weapons that cause such wasteful carnage.” Nor has it stopped the European press from beating up on us unmercifully.

One more op-ed for you to consider……

FOR more than 80 years, the United States has enforced a tough and effective gun control law that most Americans have never heard of. It’s a 1934 measure called the National Firearms Act, and it stands as a stark rebuke to the most sacred precepts of the gun lobby and provides a model we should build on.

Leaders of the National Rifle Association rarely talk about the firearms act, and that’s probably because it imposes precisely the kinds of practical — and constitutional — limits on gun ownership, such as registration and background checks, that the N.R.A. regularly insists will lead to the demise of the Second Amendment.

In CLOSING:  I am NOT advocating the repealing of the 2nd….I enjoy a spirited debate and included below in case you want to voice your opinion then I suggest you check out this site…..

Time to go and see what the rest of the internet is  up to today…..TTFN…..chuq

It’s The Second, As Always!

The mass shootings lately, 18 of them so far in 2018, has  Americans yelling and thinking about the 2nd amendment…..this amendment to the Constitution has its uses…..

What about the days of the Founding Fathers, this is where the amendment came from……

In the days since the tragic murder of 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, the number of people clamoring for tighter restrictions on the right to purchase or otherwise obtain a firearm crescendos daily, sometimes hourly.

Of course, those familiar with the Second Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America (that is the official name) would never support such tyrannical proposals, particularly those well-versed in the nearly 1,000-year history of the Anglo-American protection of the right of self-defense.

There is an urgent need for Americans to refamiliarize themselves with the wisdom of the Founding Fathers on this topic, as well as the wisdom of those writers whose words inspired and informed our Founders.

So many claim that the 2nd is what keeps our politicians honest….(pause here for laughter)….our reps are just as corrupt with or without the 2nd in place…..with that in mind…….

As the subject of the Second Amendment reenters the public discourse, the question of whether or not the right to keep and bears arms is an effective deterrent against tyranny must be examined. In the days of drones, fighters, and tanks, what good is a semi-automatic rifle? This question is typically posed by those who envision pitched battles between US Army forces and rebels. That isn’t how wars are fought anymore. Any uprising in the United States would be in the form of an insurgency. During an insurgency all of those high tech toys aren’t government assets, they’re insurgent assets. This doesn’t imply US soldiers would defect en masse to the rebels.

I guess goes along with that quote that has been attributed to Jefferson about the tree of Liberty and the watering with blood….or something like that……

(I expect the readership to go up because my more right wing brethren will have lots to say when it comes to the gun thing)

The Right To Bear Arms

After the latest attack in Vegas we are having the usual conversation about gun control and/or gun rights.  It is inevitable that this issue be addressed after every attack…especially those with multiple victims.

I chose today to post all my thoughts on the 2nd….instead of like so many othersa drag it out for days….even weeks…..

An interesting point of view from the UK’s The Guardian…..

Its words have fueled centuries of debate – and not until 2008 did the supreme court clearly back an individual’s right to keep a weapon at home for self-defense.

The second amendment has become a badge and bumper sticker, a shield for gun activists and scripture for much of the American right. But like other cherished texts, it is not as clear as many make it out to be.

The amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

For most of the republic’s lifespan, from 1791 to 2008, those commas and clauses were debated by attorneys and senators, slave owners and freedmen, judges, Black Panthers, governors and lobbyists. For some, the militia was key; for others the right that shall not be infringed; for yet others, the question of states versus the federal government. For the most part, the supreme court stayed out it.

Source: The right to bear arms: what does the second amendment really mean? | US news | The Guardian

I offer up my thoughts on why the 2nd was put into the Constitution… next post will be those thoughts….

2016: The 2nd Amendment (And More)

This election as with all elections the candidate from the Right goes on some rant about the next Dem president will take away our 2nd amendment rights….and right on cue Donald Trump is NO different.

Then there are his supporters and the ones before him….they rant on and on about how our rights to own guns will be suppressed if the country is stupid enough to elect the Dem that is running…..

As usual it is pure bullshit!  Apparently these candidates that the mental midgets that echo the lie have NO concept of what is in the Constitution or how the thing works…….

So let me help the poor mentally deficient sheep out…..a quick constitutional review……

I think the answer to the 2 questions are a little of both……the candidate has NO idea how this works and he really thinks his followers are that STUPID!

This is typical when a party has nothing to offer….send in the fear card about guns or harp on something they have NO chance of doing…repeal Obamacare…..

I expect more out of the Party that wraps itself in the Constitution with every election…..

Here’s an idea….before you jump on the stupid bandwagon take a course on the Constitution….because by trumpeting his BS then you look as STUPID as he plays you to be.

I am not be a constitutional scholar but I know enough to see a outright lie when I see and hear one.

If only there was an educational aspect to the media…..wait!….There is but we cannot fund it because somewhere in the tiny brains of the GOP it has become a no-no to fund education……Smart thinking!

One more thing….since some of you are hot for the GOP…both as president and Congress….then ask a couple of questions to the “saviors” of this country….

Bet you get platitudes and slogans…but NO good answers….

But go ahead vote for these pigs that have promised a lot and delivered NOTHING…they are NO better than a Democrat.

But go ahead and vote in a couple of days….and prolong your agony…..”stupid is as stupid does”… someone once said.

Remembering The Mulford Act

I met with a friend of mine over coffee….Elmo….we have known each other since high school…..we did not run in the same circles….he was a conservative racist redneck and I was the “pinko, Commie” of the class…..we met and got caught up for we had not talked for about 6 months….and then he started with the political stuff…..knowing that I would not agree with him on much…..personally I think he does this just to get his blood pressure up before he goes to the doctor so he can blame me for all his ails.

Elmo started spouting his concerns that the country was moving to control gun ownership……I had to ask him to provide me with proof of his statement….of course he went on about Obama this and Obama that…but as usual there was plenty of bitching and name calling but little proof.

I asked him if he could remember the late 60’s early ’70’s……and ask if he remember Reagan and the Mulford Act…..he got agitated and ask what that had to do with what he was saying…..

(This is where I insert my typical historical perspective….you are welcome)

The Mulford Act was proposed by a California representative because of the Black Panthers call to arms… would later be called the “Panther Law”….

The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill which repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, the bill was crafted in response to members of the Black Panther party conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods while conducting what would later be termed copwatching. They garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched bearing arms upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.

Republicans in California supported increased gun control. California Governor Ronald Reagan was present when the protesters arrived and later commented that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.” and that guns were a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” In a later press conference, Reagan added that the Mulford Act “would work no hardship on the honest citizen.”

The bill was signed by Governor Ronald Reagan and became California penal code25850 and 171c

Well Elmo gave me a typical rebut to the historical perspective……that was another time….things are different now.

I replied that it did not matter the date….that it was the most strict gun control law of the US and it was signed into law by one Ronnie Reagan…..I believe he was a Republican back in those days…..right?

Elmo then gave me another typical answer…..”you want be so smug when they come get your guns.”

I then said….”they have been coming for them for the last 30 years and they must have stopped to go through the drive-thru because they have not made it yet.”

“And I am still awaiting for that all out race war that you predicted back in high school”.  Then I asked….”Just what in Hell are they wanting for?”

Our short reunion ended the way it always ends…….Elmo pissed off to the max and ranting in four letter words and storming off……

I guess it will be another 6 months before we have our coffee and get caught up.

Wait Just A 2nd (Amendment)!

This post ought to bring in the mental midgets from all corners of the internet……I certainly  hope so………the trolls will have a day with this post but first they will have to put down the Cheetohs and do what their Mommie tells them……….that is if I did not use too big of words for them…….(insert smiley face)………..if these words are a problem then ask a 10 year old……they will understand.

I have been watching the news in Texas…..they have this debate going on about the possibility to openly carry a hand gun in public……it is a debate the we should have but it has gone beyond reasonable to the brutish……it appears that thugs from some guns rights group is pushing its way into legislators offices and basically intimidating them into voting for the bill…..they even conned the Lt. Governor into a meeting so he could avoid a scene…..but what can you expect from a spineless politician?  (This is a quick definition of what is happening if you want more info then Google will do you proud)

My take on this situation…….

If it is illegal to intimidate a witness or juror in a trial, how isd it legal that such intimidation is legal when it comes to law makers?  Okay you do not like that take………Is it legal to intimidate a retailer to get him to do what you want?  Then how is it legal use harsh words and maybe a gun to convince someone to see things your way?  I believe that is called coercion.  And the last time I checked it was against the law as well as the Constitution.

Does the term “Brown Shirts” ring a bell?  In case you missed the PBS special…the Brown Shirts were thugs in 20’s and 30’s Germany that intimidated the population to get what they wanted….does it ring a bell now?

Okay another angle…..let’s say you go to a rally or protests whatever you would like to call it and most everyone there were people of color and almost all of them had weapons in plain sight…..what will be your reaction?….I mean besides running to FOX News that is…….

Hey Haters!  You dildos do realize there is more to the Constitution than the 2nd amendment, right?

Where Do We Draw a Line?

There have been a wealth of reports about people shooting themselves for various reasons….trying to take a selfie, cleaning a loaded weapon, showing off for girlfriend and on and on…….but I read a story this morning that just made me sit and shake my head………

(Newser) – A shooting range instructor in Arizona is dead after letting a 9-year-old girl fire an Uzi set to fully automatic. Police, who have released a video of the girl taking her first shots, say she safely fired the weapon in “single-shot” mode, but she lost control of the weapon as it recoiled in automatic mode and the instructor was hit by at least one stray bullet as it went over her head, reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Instructor Charles Vacca, 39, was “very conscientious and very professional,” the manager of the Last Stop outdoor shooting range tells NBC, asking “everybody to pray for Charlie, and pray for the client, she’s going to have a hard time.” The “practice at most shooting ranges is 8 years old and up with parental supervision,” he says.

The girl was on vacation from New Jersey and her parents were present during the incident on Monday. A firearms safety expert tells the AP that instructors usually keep their hands on the weapon when children fire powerful guns. “You can’t give a 9-year-old an Uzi and expect her to control it,” he says. A sheriff’s office spokesman says no charges will be filed. “It’s so easy for us to go back and look at something that’s very tragic and say, ‘Boy! Why did that occur? That should not have happened because of,'” he tells KVUU. “Well, maybe from now on, that ‘because of’ will be in place.”

I am sorry but you can be a gun nut all you like but there needs to be line drawn as to when a child is exposed to a firearm……especially these days…….

I cannot wait for my gun nut readers to appear and defend……

How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment – Michael Waldman – POLITICO Magazine

This post ought get the blood to boil……..we know what some think……an interesting piece of historical events…..

BTW, will the morons please stop telling low IQ Americans that the government is coming for your guns……it is pure bullshit and lies……sad but appears that some are secretly hoping it is true so they can say….”see told ya so”………..(where’s that chip when we need it)…….


How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment – Michael Waldman – POLITICO Magazine.