WTF Kevin?

All civility is gone in out Congress…..I point to the babbling bitch from Georgia, Taylor-Greene, she is that QAnon goofball that chases people she does not agree with around the Capitol shouting insults….her most recent attempt to make the news was her outlandish statement that equate the wearing of masks to the Holocaust….

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, during an interview on a conservative podcast this week, compared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to continue to require members of the House to wear masks on the chamber floor to steps the Nazis took to control the Jewish population during the Holocaust.

Greene, in a conversation with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody Real America’s Voice TV show “The Water Cooler,” attacked Pelosi and accused her of being a hypocrite for asking GOP members to prove they have all been vaccinated before allowing members to be in the House chamber without a mask.
“You know, we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany,” Greene said. “And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about.”


I was under the impression that there was a ‘code of civility’ in the House.

Apparently under the leadership of Kevin McCarty there is NO code…..and where is Pelosi?

Kevin stepped up when Rep. King made so many racial inflammatory remarks and stripped him of his committee assignments….well to be honest Greene has been stripped as well….

The “Code” basically applies to debate on the floor of the House… apparently a Congressperson can act in any way when not part of a floor debate….did I get that part right?

Here is the article on this ‘civility’…..

CODE OF CIVILITY…….A healthy democracy respects the people’s right to debate issues with passion. A healthy democracy not only tolerates disagreement but welcomes it in order to refine ideas and create policies that benefit the greater good. The deterioration of civility across the country and within our community poses a threat to our democracy and our civic well-being. This deterioration: Compromises the integrity of a healthy, representative democracy Closes the door on depth of thought, reducing complex problems to harmful oversimplificationDeters potential leaders from running for office or serving in government Poisons the civic well and discourages citizens from engaging on pressing community issuesCasts the spotlight on poor behavior rather than shining a light on possible solutions Sets a poor example for our children We have crafted this Code of Civility as a promise to each other, and to the people and institutions we serve, that we will always strive to conduct our debates – whether in person, online, or in written communication in ways that allow for the widest range of opinions on ideas and policies, yet also respect the dignity, integrity and rights of those with whom we might disagree. With our individual and collective commitment to this code, we welcome our elected colleagues, the press and the public to hold us accountable.

How the House Promotes Civility on the Floor: Taking a Look at Taking Words Down

So basically they want to promote civility on the floor and could care less just how a babbling buffoon says elsewhere.

Should not these “pillars” of our country act with some sort of decorum?

Apparently not if they are members of the GOP.

To Be Fair…….

While I was writing this draft it seems some lame condemnation has come from the GOP…..

After thinking about it for a few days, Republican congressional leaders have slammed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s likening of coronavirus rules to the Holocaust. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader did not hedge in their statements Tuesday. “Marjorie is wrong, and her intentional decision to compare the horrors of the Holocaust with wearing masks is appalling,” McCarthy said. “The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity committed in history. The fact that this needs to be stated today is deeply troubling.” McConnell said Greene’s remarks that started over the weekend were “outrageous” and “reprehensible,” CNBC reports. Greene, a first-term lawmaker from Georgia, already lost her committee assignments for advocating conspiracy theories. McCarthy hasn’t taken steps against her for statements made since then, though he disavowed them.

Greene made her claims in Twitter posts criticizing businesses for having vaccine mandates or lifting mask rules only for those who are vaccinated, including a grocer’s requirement that vaccinated employees put a logo on their name tag. “Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star,” she posted Tuesday, per the New York Times. Greene has received other blowback. “Please educate yourself so that you can realize how absolutely wrong and inappropriate it is to compare proof of vaccination with the 6 million Jews who were exterminated by Nazis,” the Republican Jewish Coalition tweeted. Greene defended her comparison Tuesday, referring to attempts to “shame” noncompliant people.

I would like to be fair and post Greene’s response…..

Greene has attempted to defend her comments and claimed she wasn’t making a comparison to the Holocaust.

“I never compared it to the Holocaust, only the discrimination against Jews in early Nazi years. Stop feeding into the left wing media attacks on me. Everyone should be concerned about the squads support for terrorists and discrimination against unvaxxed people,” Greene stated.

As usual the defense had nothing to do with reality just an attack on Dems…..

I do not accept her defense.

That ‘condemnation’ is as wimpy as it gets….imagine what they, GOP, would be yelling if a Dem had made those lame ass comments.

If the GOP wins the majority in the House in 2022 then I feel this country is fucked (sorry for the vulgarity…but it was the best word to describe the situation)……and we should all weep for this country.

The media needs to stop giving this slug an platform for her hate…..she should never be in DC for she did not come to govern but to find an audience for her hateful rhetoric and audition for a place on FOX or OAN…..ignore the bitch!

Turn The Page!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

11 thoughts on “WTF Kevin?

  1. That Greene woman is completely beyond the pale. Her reported remarks do nothing but shame America in the world view. High time she was arrested for ‘incitement’, and thrown out of her job.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Thank you for the news, Chuq! More and more it seems the USA are becoming a role model for Germany, very soon. Here, there is the fear we are getting the same riot after the elections in September. Lets hope it will forthgoing like in the USA. Better with rantings, than with total chaos. Best wishes, Michael

      1. 😎 I can put the sunglasses of. London will get 25 degrees (C) over the weekend. Here we only will get 15 degrees. ;-/ Its so unfair. 😉 Have a beautiful weekend, Chuq! xx

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