Is The 2016 GOP Field Slimming?

In a day not too far away we will go to the polls and vote for our next president…….some of us will vote D and others the R……..not a year ago we had a wide array of possible candidates especially for the GOP……we had Christie, Bush, Cruz, Paul, Walker and a few outside choices like Scott…..but just a few short months from that prediction the field may be thinning a bit…….why?

There seems to be many GOP governors that were a good choice that are having a few legal problems that could crap all over there desire to run…….

From Talking Points memo………

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R): Perhaps the governor that’s gotten the most attention over an investigation is Christie, who has continued to be dogged by the George Washington bridge traffic scandal. The latest news on that front is that a commissioner for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey resigned on Monday, just a few days after new reports of a second investigation of Christie’s ties to the Port Authority. Other Port Authority officials have quit in recent months as probes into the lane closures of the George Washington Bridge at the center of the bridge scandals have intensified. (The commissioner’s spokesman has denied that the resignation was connected to the reports on investigations of the George Washington Bridge closures.)

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R): In Wisconsin Walker faces challenges over whether he conducted illegal activity while running for governor. On Thursday, Walker’s re-election campaign asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to take up a case from the state Court of Appeals over if prosecutors could subpoena documents as part of an investigation into illegal coordination between Walker’s campaign and outside groups during recent recall elections. Walker survived one of those elections in 2012.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R): Earlier in the month, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Scott’s administration broke federal law when it purged non-citizens from voter rolls during the 2012 presidential election. In a ruling of 2-1 the Court of Appeals determined that the roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act’s “90 Days Provision” that says states have to “complete, not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary or general election for Federal office, any program the purpose of which is to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters.”

And then there is everyone’s fave “oops” moment governor…..Rick Perry…….

On Monday a state district judge named 12 jurors and two alternates to consider possible criminal charges against Perry. A day earlier Perry hired a high profile Austin-based defense lawyer to represent him. At the center of all this is an ongoing investigation over Perry vetoing funding for the Travis County District Attorney’s office. The investigation has been called “Bridgegate West” by the Dallas Morning News, a reference to an investigation of corruption in New Jersey.

If these faves do not run….then who will be the pre-campaign front runner?  Who will the media crown as the GOP frontrunner?  They already have Clinton as the Dem…..but who will they throw their weight behind?

Universal Credit: A Primer | Center for American Progress

This is a program that UK is flirting with…..but it could work here in the US as well……if it is successful in the UK we can bet that the GOP will form some sort of bill that mirrors these actions……

Fore armed is fore warned…..check this out and see what the future could bring… will depend on the outcome of a couple of elections……something to think about, eh?


Universal Credit: A Primer | Center for American Progress.


This post will no doubt cause me a lot of grief……..I can hear the anger coming from massive amounts of keyboards……..but….what the Hell…….go for it!

I have been watching the situation in Nevada….the rancher that is having his stand-off with the Feds……and the whole situation got me thinking about the law and how we see them.  I have waited before commenting to see how the media is betraying this tense situation……and as usual it is overplayed.

After reading as much as I possible could before it became mind numbing…..this is the way I see it…..the rancher has been grazing his cattle on Fed land, which is not free………after court proceedings he was told that he owed money and if not paid cattle would be confiscated to pay the bill….the rancher in question has chosen to disobey a court ruling……now after looking over the facts I believe that the BLM over-reacted and thus the stand-off occurred.   At this point many so-called ‘patriots’ joined in his stand-off.

The law is being broken and people are choosing to support this person.  I now ask if this were a bunch of minorities that were threatening to use force if the government touched their stuff….would these same supporters do the same thing?  My guess is NO!

There are many that call themselves ‘law and order’ conservatives……which is fine but when breaking a law that you do not agree with is not ‘law and order’.  When did this become an American past time?

Like it or not….we are a country of laws and it comes down to either obey them or face the consequences.

And then there was a report coming out of Nevada……..

Fortunately, a face-off between a rancher’s supporters—some armed—and federal officials concluded peacefully in Nevada on Saturday. Had it not, a former Arizona sheriff had a plan: “We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front” near the feds, Richard Mack told Fox News, via the Blaze. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.” Meanwhile, those involved in the showdown—which, the Blaze notes, became a question of states’ rights—are reflecting on the event.

Rancher Cliven Bundy’s son tells Reuters that his supporters needed their weapons “in order to intimidate” federal officials. “We were dedicated to opening those gates and peacefully walking through to retrieve those cattle” seized by the government (and ultimately returned). Despite the confrontation’s end, however, the conflict isn’t finished, says Harry Reid. “We can’t have an American people that violate the law and just walk away from it,” he said on Nevada’s KRNV, via the Washington Times. “So it’s not over.” Many protesters were still at Bundy’s ranch as of yesterday, the Times notes.

This report is disturbing on so many levels………..I have a problem with putting the women out front…..sounds like something a terrorist would do to protect his ass…….and then it is the use of intimation……..would anyone accept the term or use by some minority that felt slighted by the government?  All this sounds more like cowards than patriots.

We can expect this kind of lawlessness in Anbar province in Iraq but it is not done here………we may not appreciate the laws we have chosen to live by but without them we have anarchy and that is what the so-called Left is accused of fomenting.

May I use a term that was thrown at me back in my younger more rebellious days………if one does not like the laws or the government…..there is a simple answer………..”THIS IS AMERICA:  LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT”…………