The Cat’s Meow

Anyone that visits IST knows that I am a dog person….I have had friends for so many years that I cannot remember when I did not have them in my life.  I have been accused of hating cats….that is not rue….I just do not understand the beast…..some are extremely cute and smart…..but they are not dogs.

I have seen many videos of cats doing amazing things….my fave is the cat sitting atop a moving Roomba and as it goes past a Great Dane the cat pops it on the nose…..way too funny.

All that cuteness aside…there is a dark side to some cats…….

(Newser) – The police dispatcher’s unusual message: “Female is calling on 9-1-1 advising that her cat is holding her and her daughter hostage in the bedroom.” That would be 14-year-old Cuppy, who got agitated for reasons known only to Cuppy and decided to keep the women trapped for fear of claws and hissing, reports ABC 10. Officers responded, and Cuppy eventually walked out of the house of his own accord. It’s not clear what happens next, but the women say they’re considering euthanizing him, reports ABC 7. Sound familiar? You might recall the Oregon cat who did much the same.

Now that is just scary…..held hostage by a cat?