IST Saturday News Dump–30Sep23

Another week and another useless bunch of news….migrants are still migrating….a bunch of political clowns had a meeting….the shutdown is grinding it’s way to reality….

And now for something completely different…. I bring to my readers the real news of the week….

First the bad news….scientist now know when the end will come….

We may be living at the halfway point of mammalian survival. That’s according to a new study that poses a terrifying future for our planet that humans will likely find too hot to endure. Researchers expanded on a previous study that predicted landmasses would converge in about 250 million years to form a supercontinent dubbed Pangea Ultima, using advanced climate models to predict what life on the supercontinent might look like. The result isn’t great, at least not for mammals, who’ve survived for 250 million years up to this point. A hotter sun, effects from geological changes, and a 50% increase in today’s carbon dioxide levels will combine in “a triple whammy that becomes unsurvivable,” University of Bristol climate scientist Alexander Farnsworth, lead author of the study published Monday in Nature Geoscience, tells the New York Times.

The Sun’s luminosity increases by about 1% every 100 million years, per the Jerusalem Post. That means in another 250 million years, the sun will be 2.5% brighter and emit 2.5% more radiation than today. This would further warm Earth’s atmosphere and trigger more water to evaporate from oceans and land, according to the research. Water vapor traps more heat and land warms faster than oceans, so temperatures are likely to spike in the vast, flat interior of the supercontinent. At the same time, numerous volcanoes forced out of the Earth by the movement of the land would release large amounts of carbon dioxide for thousands of years, warming the planet even further, per the Times.

Researchers predict temperatures ranging from 40 to 70 degrees Celsius, compounded by high humidity. “The result is a primarily hostile environment devoid of food and water sources for mammals,” Farnsworth tells the Post. “Humans—along with many other species—would expire due to their inability to shed this heat through sweat, cooling their bodies.” While the Post describes the outcome as “the first mass extinction of a magnitude comparable to the era of the dinosaurs,” Farnsworth concedes some mammals might be able to survive in the northern and southern peripheries of the supercontinent formed along the equator, accounting for 8% to 16% of the land. But in that case, they would lose their place of dominance, to be replaced by coldblooded reptiles more tolerant of heat, he tells the Times.

Now you know and can make your arrangements.

Now some good news….especially for us old farts.

apanese scientists have been working on a new drug that could help people grow new teeth, after they’ve lost them due to decay or genetic defects.

The incredible results from pharmaceutical start-up Toregem Biopharma, based in Kyoto, have been successful so far. Scientists have been testing the drug in laboratory experiments using mice, ferrets and dogs, and they are planning to start testing the drug on humans next summer.

This would be a ground-breaking new scientific development, as currently the only way to replace missing or lost teeth is to use artificial implants or prosthetics. The new drug works by stimulating dormant “tooth buds”, which have usually shrunk and disappeared in people who have grown a full set of healthy teeth.

A bit of food news for all my foodies out there….

It is nothing short of a miracle that those of us who lived through the fat-free and low-fat diet recommendations that were firmly in place by the 1990s made it to the age we are today with any measurable level of health. 

Regarded by many modern nutritionists as the worst dietary experiment to ever befall the American people,the low-fat craze began around 1976 when the late South Dakota Senator George McGovern believed there to be a link between the American diet and heart disease after eight U.S. Senators died of heart-related issues in the 60s and early 70s. 

It was at this time the cholesterol theory of heart disease was born and there was evidence at that time that saturated fat, the fat found in eggs and meat (but also in breast milk and coconuts), could raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — also called the “bad cholesterol.” With far too little data and much speculation, it wasn’t long before all fat was villainized and getting it out of American diets sounded like the way to go.

Carbohydrates were what was going to keep us healthy, thin and disease-free.

Do you hate to exercise?  Then there may be some news….

Scientists are intrigued by a drug that appears to imbue mice with the benefits of exercise without actually getting physical activity — but as you’d imagine, there are caveats, so don’t throw out your workout clothes just yet.

As a University of Florida press release about the new research declares, the newly-developed compound SLU-PP-332 led obese mice to lose weight by apparently convincing their bodies to go into marathon training mode, leading to a faster metabolism and more energy and endurance, and all without actually exercising.

“This compound is basically telling skeletal muscle to make the same changes you see during endurance training,” Thomas Burris, a UF pharmacy professor who led the research, said in the school’s press release.

Could this be that elusive ‘soul’?

Their hearts and brains had flatlined. Yet as doctors tried to revive their “technically dead” patients, some of those patients were aware of what was going on. One patient recalled people placing electrodes on their chest and feeling the subsequent shock, per the National Post. Others “were able to report what doctors were doing to them in a 360-degree way,” Dr. Sam Parnia, an intensive care physician, tells CNN. Their accounts are included in a new study on near-death experiences, which Parnia and his team tout as the “first report of biomarkers of consciousness during CPR.” Trained personnel in 25 hospitals in the US, UK, and Bulgaria attached devices used to measure oxygen and electrical activity in the brain to a dying person’s head while doctors administered CPR for up to an hour.

Nobody’s ever done this before, but our independent research teams were successful in carrying out the procedures without interfering in the medical care of patients,” says Parnia, senior author of the study published Thursday in the journal Resuscitation. “Interestingly, even up to an hour into the resuscitation, we saw spikes” in gamma, delta, theta, alpha, and beta waves—in other words, “the emergence of brain electrical activity, the same as I have when talking or deeply concentrating,” says Parnia. He concludes these are markers of “lucid, recalled experiences of death,” widely reported to include a separation from the body, a recognition of death, a sense of continued consciousness, a review of one’s life, and a sense of “going home” only to be returned to their body, per Scientific American. Critics aren’t so sure.

Only 53 of 567 patients survived to be discharged from the hospital and just 28 were fit enough to be interviewed, per the Post. Of those, 11 reported being aware during CPR and six reported having a near-death experience. None of those six registered brain activity during resuscitation, which critics see as a failure to link brain activity with conscious activity. But “absence of record doesn’t mean there’s an absence of consciousness,” says Parnia. “Of those that did live and had readable electroencephalograms, 40% of them showed that their brain waves went from flatline to showing normal signs of lucidity” indicating “electrical signals are not being produced as a trick of a dying brain.” He also polled 126 cardiac arrest survivors, finding 40% had awareness of the event and 20% had a recalled experience of death.

We had a crappy Summer but how will the Winter proceed?

El Niño is expected to make this coming winter “drastically different” from previous seasons, according to CNN meteorologist Mary Gilbert.

The phenomenon comes from water temperature changes in the equatorial Pacific Ocean – which dramatically affect weather patterns around the globe, Gilbert explained.

Right now, temperatures have been warmer than normal for quite a while – meaning the El Niño is in full effect.

One characteristic of an El Niño winter is wetter and colder weather in the south while drier and warmer weather comes to the north – good for states like Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi which have been plagued by drought recently.

But portions of the Midwest, which have been dealing with extreme and exceptional levels of drought, will likely suffer.

This is good news for us here on the Deep South Coast ….extreme heat and no rain for at least 90 days….looking forward to some break in the cycle.

That’s all I have on this Saturday.

Enjoy your day and as always….be well and be safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Remember Nader?

You should because he was blamed for the loss of Gore campaign to the Bush campaign in 2000….he ran as a third party candidate and I believe he got something like 90,000 votes which according to some was the reason Bush won over Gore in that election.

I have heard his name batted around as a possible candidate to take on Biden and Trump….I believe that is highly unlikely…..and now it is official…..Nader will not challenge.

Ralph Nader isn’t exactly overflowing with praise for either major party, but he’s not planning to launch a 2024 White House bid. The 89-year-old consumer activist told the Washington Post in a recent interview that he wants to help President Biden get re-elected. “I know the difference between fascism and autocracy, and I’ll take autocracy any time,” Nader said. “Fascism is what the GOP is the architecture of, and autocracy is what the Democrats are practitioners of. But autocracy leaves an opening. They don’t suppress votes. They don’t suppress free speech.”

“We are stuck with Biden now,” Nader said. “In a two-party duopoly, if one should be defeated ferociously, the logic is that the other one prevails.” Nader, who first met Biden in 1973, described the president as “better than he has ever been,” but “still terrible on empire and Wall Street.” The Hill describes Nader as “infamous” for what was seen as a “spoiler” role in the 2000 election. Nader, who won the Green Party’s nomination, received almost 3 million votes nationwide in the election, which Al Gore lost to George W. Bush by a very narrow margin. Nader ran as an independent in 2004 and 2008.

Nader told the Post that he doesn’t plan to formally endorse Biden, but he has been contacting Democratic officials and operatives for months with ideas on how to improve the party’s pitch to voters. He said most of his calls have gone unreturned. In the interview, Nader discussed his long history with Biden. He said they first fell out over the Robert Bork nomination hearings in 1987 and that the break became permanent after Biden publicly blamed him for Gore’s loss in 2000, with the then-senator saying Nader “is not going to be welcome anywhere near the corridors.”

So all you scared people out there can rest easy for Nader will not be your whipping post in this election.

But I still see someone out there that could challenge Biden and that idiot Trump. 


Stay tuned to IST and learn the answer.

Today is National Coffee Day….I raise my mug to my fellow bloggers….have a great day and a relaxing weekend.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

But The Economy Is Doing Well

Have you noticed that the MSM reports the economy is doing well….apparently based on market information not reality….in other words as long as corporations are turning a big profit the people should be happy and compliant.

If all that is true and the economy is going great why is one of the biggest issues in the upcoming election the economic woes we are facing those days?

If the economy is working so well how come child poverty has risen yet again?

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin and congressional Republicans faced fresh backlash on Tuesday after the U.S. Census Bureau released new data showing that the nation’s child poverty rate more than doubled in 2022 compared to the previous year, thanks in large part to the expiration of the boosted Child Tax Credit.

The expanded CTC, an American Rescue Plan (ARP) policy that sent eligible families up to $300 per month for each child and eliminated the original CTC’s regressive phase-in, helped push the U.S. child poverty rate to a record low of 5.2% in 2021.

But the program expired at the end of that year after Manchin (D-W.Va.), who supported the ARP, opposed an extension, baselessly claiming that some parents would use the money on drugs instead of their children. (Survey data showed that most families, including those in West Virginia, used the money to buy food and help with rent, along with other essentials.)

Congressional Republicans, who unanimously opposed the ARP, also rejected calls to support an extension of the boosted CTC, part of a broader pandemic-era safety net that is now collapsing.

The result of the program’s expiration, as predicted, was a devastating surge in child poverty. According to the new Census Bureau data, the child poverty rate rose to 12.4% in 2022—the largest single-year increase on record.

The overall U.S. poverty rate also increased, rising from 7.8% in 2021 to 12.4% last year. More than 37 million people in the U.S. lived in poverty in 2022, the Census Bureau said.

No one I talk with seems to hold the belief that the economy is doing good.

How about you?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

GOP Debate #2–27Sep23

Sit back and enjoy this magical journey into the minds of the ‘Sh*t Show participants.

But first a small amount of background.

The Republican National Committee announced Monday night that the other seven candidates who participated the first time around did make the cut, which included donor requirements (at least 50,000 unique donors, at least 200 of which had to come from at least 20 states or territories), polling requirements (3% or more support in two national polls or 3% in one national poll plus two polls from Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, or South Carolina), and the signing of a pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee.

Those seven are Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, Doug Burgum, and Mike Pence, the AP reports. Former President Trump is once again opting to skip the debate in favor of giving a speech to union workers in Michigan. On Monday, Trump gave a speech that Fox News broadcast live, until Trump mentioned that he skipped the first debate—which was hosted by Fox—at which point the network cut away, Yahoo News reports. So far, just Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and Haley have met the even-more-difficult requirements to participate in the third debate, which will take place in Miami in November, Politico reports.

THe night was anything but exciting….ion fact it was just a bunch of idiots taking shots at each other and the frontrunner.

Christie tried to be cute….Haley attacks….DeSantis struts like the depot he thinks he is….and the rest was pretty much a snooze.

Yes, the seven GOP candidates on stage are fielding a wide range of questions on policy—and talking over each other quite a bit—but an absent Donald Trump is surfacing as a topic, too. Chris Christie, for example, even floated a derisive new nickname for the former president. Speaking into the camera, the former New Jersey governor addressed “Donald” directly: “I know you’re watching,” he said, because “you can’t help yourself.” He then accused Trump of being afraid to appear on stage with his GOP rivals to defend his record. If Trump continues to skip the debates, “no one up here is going to call you Donald Trump anymore,” said Christie, per the AP. “We’re going to call you Donald Duck.”

Haley tries to be clever…..

It will be surely be one of the most repeated lines of the night: “Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber,” Nikki Haley told Vivek Ramaswamy on Wednesday during the GOP debate. The shot came as Ramaswamy defended his decision to join TikTok even though it’s banned from government devices because of its ties to the Chinese government, per Fox News. Ramaswamy said he did so because it’s vital for Republicans to reach younger voters, though he added that as president, he would try to ban children under the age of 16 from using “addictive social media.”

Haley accused him of hypocrisy—”this is infuriating, because TikTok is one of the most dangerous social media apps that we could have”—before launching the zinger about feeling dumber. She further accused her younger rival of partnering with Chinese firms on business ventures. “We can’t trust you,” she told him. In response, Ramaswamy said, “We would be better served as a Republican party if we’re not here hurling personal insults.”

DeSantis was smug and a bit comical….

While Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was the very last candidate to speak Wednesday night, he made a point to go after Trump when he finally did so. The former president, he said, “is missing in action” because he’s skipping another debate, per the Washington Post. DeSantis made the case that Trump’s spending has paved the way for today’s inflation and thus he should be on stage to defend his policies.

But Americans in their competitive zeal need winners and losers… here are the results from last night….

Republican presidential candidates, minus frontrunner former President Trump, debated again on Wednesday night—and as in last month’s debate in Milwaukee, Trump is being seen as perhaps the night’s biggest winner. “This was another debate where the guy leading by 40 points was not onstage and took only the slightest of blows from those who were onstage,” writes Andrew Propkop at Vox. “It was also another debate where there was no clear winner—no breakout star that could be elevated to Trump’s main challenger.” Verdicts on the candidates who were actually on the stage:

  • Ron DeSantis. The Washington Times puts the Florida governor among the losers, saying: “The man is in second place and not moving. He didn’t do anything in this debate to change that calculus. And then there’s that awkward forced smile.” Liz Peek at Fox News, however, says DeSantis was a winner, “helped by low expectations,” who may have cemented his hold on second place with some effective attacks on President Biden.
  • Nikki Haley. A winner, according to SE Cupp at CNN. The former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor “was laser-focused on exposing the weaknesses of the candidates who did bother to show up—more so than anyone else on the stage,” Cupp writes.She pointedly took on Florid
  • Tim Scott. The senator from South Carolina was among the winners, with a lot more energy than in last month’s debate and a willingness to mix it up with rivals, says Sally Goldenberg at Politico. “At times, he risked undermining his affable persona, but it was a risk worth taking as Scott needs to demonstrate to GOP donors that he’s a reasonable alternative to Trump,” Goldenberg says. “On Wednesday, he made progress on that front.”
  • Vivek Ramaswamy. The biotech entrepreneur was considered one of the winners of the first debate but a lot of pundits put him in the losers’ column this time around. He “struggled to handle the attacks his opponents threw at him on Wednesday evening,” and there were plenty of them, per the Hill. One of the night’s standout lines came from Haley, who told Ramaswamy “Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber” as he tried to explain why he joined TikTok.
  • Chris Christie. Another loser, according to Andrew Stanton at Newsweek. With his outspoken criticisms of Trump, “it was no surprise that he again found himself in hostile territory Wednesday evening, and his attacks against the former president fell flat,” with some audience members booing, Stanton writes.
  • Mike Pence. “The absence of sustained arguments about Trump himself and Jan. 6 stripped away the most interesting aspects of his candidacy, and what remained was just boredom and anachronism,” says Ross Douthat at the New York Times.
  • Doug Burgum. The North Dakota governor also failed to make much of an impact. He was “in desperate need of a knockout performance … and while the governor tried to steal the spotlight throughout the debate, he was unable to land a punch,” according to the Hill.
  • The debate was held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, and Adam Wren at Politico has another entry for the losers’ column. “Even though I watched a few candidates wander over to his gravesite not far from the media file tent earlier in the day, I was struck by how little candidates namechecked the Gipper even on his home turf,” he writes.

There you gp….all the fun you missed.

Actually the whole damn stage were losers including the moderators….

All in all a thoroughly wasted time for the networks….they should have stuck with profit seeking and left this pack of idiots to their own devices to get heard by the voters.

Now aren’t you glad the Old Professor has so much time on his hands?

I Read, I Write, You KNow

“lego ergo scribo”

All Eyes On The Shutdown

At least all eyes in the media is laser focused on this sham of a governmental game show…..Dems have offered a compromise but that was a fart in the wind….things are looking close to dismal.

IST has a rundown for those that prefer to stir clear of the MSM and their constant tomfoolery.

The magic—or dreaded—number is four. As Reuters reports, the US is four days away from what would be the fourth government shutdown in a decade, and things aren’t looking very promising. The Senate is barreling forward with bipartisan temporary funding that House Republicans have already said they won’t support. If Congress can’t manage to pass legislation for President Biden to sign by 12:01am ET Sunday, millions of federal employees will be furloughed, among other consequences. The latest:

  • On Tuesday the Senate handily (77-19) voted to start debating a temporary measure that would provide funding through Nov. 17 and greenlight about $6 billion each in aid for Ukraine and US disaster response efforts. The House GOP opposition is partially rooted in an insistence that any short-term funding measure also take on the issue of migrants at the border.
  • The AP reports Speaker Kevin McCarthy is pushing for a Friday vote on House Republicans’ own stopgap funding measure that would see many federal agencies lose 8% of their funding and include that hard-line border security measure.
  • Politico’s take: “McCarthy is already facing the threat of a far-right rebellion, one that would be virtually guaranteed if he put any Senate-negotiated plan on the floor with billions of dollars in Ukraine aid—not to mention a lack of further spending cuts and no border policy changes.”
  • The Hill sums up the Senate’s chess move: the hope that “if they jam the House right before the deadline, McCarthy will relent and bring it to the House floor, where it would likely pass in a bipartisan vote.”
  • CNN flags one potential Senate wrinkle. Getting the measure passed in time would require a sped-up process that all 100 senators would have to vote in favor of, but GOP Sen. Rand Paul has said he will “slow walk” any bill that contains more money for Ukraine.

This whole thing is just a game politicians play.

Now you know as much as anyone and you did not have to sit through endless commercials to get to it.

You are welcome!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Time Is Running Out For The GOP

Tonight is the second GOP debate in the series and Trump still holds a commanding lead…..the time is running out for candidates to make their move to give Trump a descent race.

Let me break it down for you….

The way things stood Monday remain how they stand just hours before the Republican presidential debate Wednesday in California, with two notable candidates not expected to take the stage. FOX 26 Houston reports that former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson didn’t make the cut, while former President Trump, far and away the GOP frontrunner in polls despite his four recent indictments, is skipping the debate to instead head to Michigan to meet with striking autoworkers. The debate will be moderated by Fox News’ Dana Perino and Stuart Varney, as well as Univision’s Ilia Calderon, and will be hosted on the Fox Business Network from 9pm to 11pm ET, per the New York Times. It will also air on Fox News and Univision and stream on Fox Nation, Univision, and Rumble. More on what to expect:

  • Catching up with the candidates: The AP runs through how each of the competitors did during the last debate, and where some may now stand with voters. Set to take the stage Wednesday night: former VP Mike Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.
  • Ghost of the Gipper: Voice of America places its focus on the debate’s venue—the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, where the specter of No. 40 looms large. The location “brings back the views of a former president who still serves as a conservative model to the party,” VOA notes.
  • What else to watch for: CNN expands on the Reagan vibe, as well as on what else to expect during the show. For one, the news outlet anticipates “major divides on abortion,” after Trump recently opened “what could be the party’s most significant policy fissure.”
  • Peerino’s take: The debate’s host thinks “it is time for a breakout moment,” and predicts that’s exactly what the candidates will be vying for. “The debate is not just to showcase these candidates,” she tells the Hill. “It’s for one of them to say, ‘I can be [Trump’s] main rival.'” She adds, “You’ll see some posturing.”
  • Delicate attack: Political analyst Lara Brown agrees with Perino, telling USA Today that she expects Wednesday’s debate to be “more contentious and more confrontational” than the first one when it comes to Trump. It’s a fine line, though, she says, with candidates having to jockey for position without alienating GOP voters who once supported the former president. She notes some Republicans are worried that “if they hit him too hard or cut too close to the bone,” his supporters will “cancel” them from the party.
  • Blunting Trump’s ‘momentum’: The AP notes Republicans’ “growing urgency” to present a candidate that might be able to gain ground on the frontrunner. “It’ll be interesting to see whether or not folks realize that the sand is going through the hourglass pretty quickly right now,” GOP strategist Kevin Madden says.
  • At stake for DeSantis: One candidate under the spotlight in particular is the Florida governor, who’s running more than 40 points behind Trump in recent polls. “It’s too late for just a fine performance,” Republican pollster Christine Matthews tells the AP. “DeSantis has gone from leading alternative to Trump to just one of the pack of challengers, and he will be under pressure to perform.”
  • ‘Fake’ debate: That’s how Zack Beauchamp frames Wednesday’s event for Vox, writing that it will be “a cosplay of a competitive election—and a distraction from an ugly truth.” That truth being that it doesn’t look like anyone will be able to catch up with the former president. “At this point, the only things that could stop Trump are his death or incapacitation,” Beauchamp notes.

There you have it….all the information you need to watch (if you so desire) the next debate and what is at stake for these candidates.

For anyone interested I will watch the debate for I am a political junkie and will post detail analysis here on IST tomorrow.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

There Is A WTF Situation

As the Ukraine war chugs along one NATO ally has had enough and that would be Poland.

Poland has issued a statement that it will no longer send military support to Ukraine….it did say that weapons and stuff could travel through the country to get to the war but Poland itself would cease its supply operations.


A missile lands in Poland and destroys a structure.

Polish experts have confirmed that the missile that killed two people at a grain facility in southern Poland in November was fired by Ukraine, Rzeczpospolita daily reported, citing sources.

The explosion of the missile in NATO-member Poland fuelled fears that the war in Ukraine could spiral into a wider conflict by triggering the alliance’s mutual defence clause, but at the time Warsaw and NATO said that they believed that it was a Ukrainian stray, easing worries about escalation.

Sources with knowledge of the investigation told Rzeczpospolita that Poland had established that the missile that landed in the village of Przewodow was an S 300 5-W-55 air-defence missile fired from Ukrainian territory.

“This rocket has a range of 75 km to 90 km,” the newspaper cited a source as saying. “At that time, the Russian positions were in a place from which no Russian missile could reach Przewodow.”

Ukraine has denied that one of its missiles had landed in Poland.


Now was this a retaliation?  Was it a false flag by Russia?  Or was it just a simple accident?

I am not saying one or the other but it does look a bit suspicious.

Just asking.

Another NATO ally is proposing to change their involvement in the Ukraine-Russia mash-up….Hungary.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Budapest was ending support for Kiev on international issues due to a 2017 Ukrainian law that limits the rights of Hungarians. The announcement comes as Ukraine’s support in Eastern Europe wanes, with Poland halting all weapons transfers to Kiev after President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized Warsaw. 

Speaking to the country’s legislature on Monday, Orbán took aim at a 2017 Ukrainian law that limits where the Hungarian language can be spoken. “They want to transform (Hungarian schools) into Ukrainian schools, and if that does not work, they want to close them,” he said. “We do not support Ukraine in any issue in the international scene until it restores the laws that guarantee the rights of Hungarians.”

This should not surprise anyone that has bothered to keep up with the news….Orban is a douche and an authoritarian so he would like Putin over the democracy offered by the West.

Finally with all this chaos in the region how will it effect the flow of US stuff into Ukraine?

Not to worry there will always be enough money for war no matter who suffers in this country.

Senate leaders on Tuesday announced they reached a deal on a stopgap funding bill that needs to be passed by September 30 to avert a partial government shutdown. The bill includes $6.2 billion for Ukraine and $6 billion for natural disasters.

“We will continue to fund the government at present levels while maintaining our commitment to Ukraine’s security and humanitarian needs, while also ensuring those impacted by natural disasters across the country begin to get the resources they need,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.

The bill would fund the US government until November 17. The inclusion of $6.2 billion for Ukraine would ensure that the US could continue to fund the proxy war against Russia, although the Pentagon has said Ukraine operations would be exempted from any shutdown.


Mr. Schumer?  What about the resources this country needs?

Why is Ukraine more important than Main Street?

Just asking.

And there you have the news that slips through the cracks in the MSM reporting procedures.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

How About A Poll Free Diet?

Yesterday I wrote about a new poll that puts Trump about 9 points ahead of Biden….which means little as there is over a year of polls to look forward to….

As the 2024 election creeps its way into to our lives we are now and will soon be overwhelmed with the constant polling results…..Trump is leading Biden, vice versa, Dems are squeaking by, GOP is running rampant….are just a few of the results we will probably see from this polling group or that….and make no mistake there are hundreds of them and seldom do any of them reflect the same trends.

It has been suggested that we ignore polls for now….go on a poll free diet if you will…

Jennifer Rubin has tried to stay away from “rickety” poll analyses as we inch closer to the 2024 election—a “poll-free political diet” she thinks we all should go on. Writing for theWashington Post, Rubin lays out a laundry list of reasons why, calling the polling field “broken” and the journalism behind it lacking in keeping the electorate in the know with “accurate, reliable information.” Rubin notes that the polls were way off in both 2016 and 2020, as well as in the 2022 midterms, and that voters often offer “contradictory” information on how they’re feeling ahead of elections. The latter suggests that voters “either don’t understand the question, don’t really know what they think, or respond based on tribal loyalty,” Rubin writes.

She also notes how pointless it can be to hold polls way in advance of Election Day, as the political landscape is a fluid, constantly shifting one. Rubin cites a quote from Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg on this point: “At the end of the day polling is only a snapshot into a moment, and cannot predict anything. Things change all the time in politics—change is the constant.” Most important, however, is the role of journalists in this mix, with Rubin noting that the usual “horse-race coverage” isn’t going to do the nation much good. “When the stakes are so high, and the fate of democracy hangs in the balance, continuing to gamify politics with meaningless polls does little to improve journalists’ reputation or inform voters,” she writes. More from Rubin here.

A damn fine idea!

I do not use polls to help me decide who to vote for….I use my principles as a guide.

Polls these days are used to drive news not inform.

Be Smart!

Learn Stuff!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Protecting Democracy From Itself

The Constitution should do just that.

This election will be a trial (of sorts) for the Constitution……

I wrote recently of the problem that former lead man Trump could have with the 14th Amendment to our Constitution…..

Trump’s 14th Amendment Problem?

Now I ask can the Constitution saves us from ourselves?

Winston Churchill once exclaimed that ” democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”  With democracy facing challenges in the US the likes that perhaps not seen since the Civil War, the question is what to do.

This question takes on exceptional salience with the coming 2024 presidential elections and the prospect that Donald Trump could again be re-elected.   This has prompted some to call for some to employ the Fourteenth Amendment to declare Trump an insurrectionist and declare him ineligible for office.  As attractive as this solution may sound, it is a dangerous tool to solve  a pressing problem.

Democracies can produce their own antithesis. The Democratic German Weimar Republic elected Hitler and the Nazis who annihilated the popular government. Across the world we see similar problems in Hungary, Poland, and perhaps Israel.  Our constitutional framers saw this potential too.

Democracy, including that in the US, is an experiment in the people ruling, and it is still not clear if it works.  The American Experiment according to historian James McGregor Burns was that of being the first popular government in history. While one can challenge whether the elite framers who were slaveholders truly were interested  in popular government, let’s assume they were.  For James Madison, perhaps the principal architect of the Constitution and one of the authors of the Federalist Papers the challenge of popular government or what we call representative democracy today is to protect it from majority faction, mob rule, populism, or what others have called the tyranny of the majority.

The fear was that the passions of the people would swell up and produce a majority faction, defined as “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.”

The political solution to the problem of populism was creating a system placing breaks on the mobilization of power through separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, staggered political terms, and an electoral college. Yet somewhere along the line these mechanisms have failed .

Protecting Democracy From Itself:  Can the Fourteenth Amendment Save the Republic?

This scenario could go before SCOTUS and if it does I have zero faith in their ability to separate good of the country from their personal political leanings.

After all they are trying to re-wrote the first and second amendments what makes us think they will not do so for the 14th?

This is a whole can of manure eating worms waiting to get out.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”


2024 Not Looking Good For Biden

We are a little over a year away from our next general election and the two ‘frontrunners’, Trump and Biden, are going at it like rabid gerbils.

Now is the time to start paying attention for this vote is too important to be a spectator.

There’s no single issue President Biden’s team has to address to bolster his support among voters, new polling shows: There are a bunch. An ABC News/Washington Post poll found 44% of respondents saying their personal financial situation has worsened during Biden’s term, the highest share the poll has seen since 1986. His overall approval rating is at 37%, disapproval at 56%, per ABC News. Just 23% like Biden’s handling of the situation at the US-Mexico border. Since May, the share who say the president is too old to serve a second term has risen 6 points, to 74%.

findings of an NBC News poll are similar. It adds a warning sign for Democrats that part of their base is showing less interest in the next presidential election. “I know that 80-year-olds are perfectly capable,” said Mary Lyon, 53, an Arizona Democrat. “I worry more about Biden’s physical health. He seems a little bit feeble and this job does take a toll.” The ABC/Post poll also shows Biden trailing the Republican nominee he beat last time, 51%-42%, should they meet again. Those results show some voters liking Donald Trump more now than they did then; his approval rating was 38% when he left office, while 48% in the Post poll now say they approved of his job performance.

On the other hand, Kevin Chester, an Arizona Republican who voted for Trump twice before, is moving away from him, per NBC. He fears that Trump wouldn’t accomplish anything in a second term because he’d be busy litigating the past. “I would vote third party in protest if it was Trump versus Biden,” Chester said. The Post conceded that Trump’s 9-point or so lead in its poll is not supported by other polls and probably indicates the race, should it happen, is a dead heat.

Biden is failing and Trump is surging (if that can be called a surge)….Biden to walk the picket line with the UAW…..sounds like a photo op for how engaged he is….it will fail.

Keep in mind lots can happen between now and November….so these polls are nothing more than a snapshot.

What say you?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”