Syria regime’s ‘industrial-scale killing’ – Features – Al Jazeera English

Itried to make today all about poverty, the deficit and income inequality….but I read a couple of pieces that I think need immediate attention…….

A year ago a friend in Syria told me that something unusual was happening….people were arrested and then just fell off the face of the earth….maybe I should have paid more attention when I told me……

There are stories and then there are disgusting stories.

Genocide can NEVER be justified….not in the1940’s or the 1990’s….the systematic murder of a population is a WAR CRIME……

Syria regime’s ‘industrial-scale killing’ – Features – Al Jazeera English.

As disgusting as that report was there is a more disgusting one out there……

(Newser) – The Obama administration wasn’t exactly shocked this week when war crimes prosecutors released 55,000 photos of people systematically killed by Bashar al-Assad’s regime—because the State Department has known about them since November, the New York Times reports. The administration didn’t act on the photos because it couldn’t authenticate them, and it doesn’t intend to seriously change its Syria policy because of them. But John Kerry did endorse a demand that the UN investigate the photos.

“The questions raised by this require an answer,” Kerry said yesterday, in Geneva talks that proved particularly acrimonious. UN mediator Lakhdar Bahimi will meet today with Assad’s regime and the opposition separately and see if there’s any room for common ground, the AP reports. He’s optimistic that the sides will be able to agree on humanitarian aid, cease-fires, or prisoner exchanges. But the two sides aren’t exactly optimistic. “All they have done so far is ignore reality,” said a Syrian National Coalition member.

Politicos invent scandals….but there are real life situations that are truly scandals….why not use truth to drive your point?

Could It Be? The GOP Sees The Light?

It seems that our political brethren, the GOP, have bitten the bullet and decided it would be in the best interest to acknowledge the growing problem of inequality….after many election cycles and a whole lot of denial…they may have seen the light…(how fortunate with an election looming on the horizon)…….

Republicans seem to have shifted thinking about income inequality and the plight of poor people, writes Doyle McManus in the Los Angeles Times. Conservative stalwarts Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio are among those pitching proposals to help low-income Americans make ends meet, perhaps learning a lesson from Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comments in the last election. That’s smart, writes McManus, because President Obama is keeping the issue of income inequality front and center, and Republicans have figured out that it’s not enough to argue that lower taxes and reduced federal debt will be a cure-all. “The stagnation of middle-class incomes and the growing gap between rich and poor aren’t by any means partisan issues,” he writes. “Republican voters worry about them as much as Democrats do.” GOP candidates will no doubt have different approaches toward solutions, but McManus thinks it’s promising that they’re even discussing the need for them. “The two parties have agreed on a basic premise: that the federal government must do more to help the poor, especially low-income workers, clamber out of poverty,” he writes. “And that’s progress.” Click for his full column.

Now with the problem in sight….the next question is….what to do….what to do?

Believe it or not there are some ideas coming out of the GOP on how we can move past poverty and make a better country for our citizens…..really….they have some ideas….and here they are…..

1. Don’t raise minimum wage: Rubio said we shouldn’t raise the minimum wage to $10 because no one wants a job that pays $10. “Raising the minimum wage may poll well, but having a job that pays $10 an hour is not the American dream.” It is not clear how not raising the minimum wage translates into people getting jobs that pay more than $10 an hour. The current minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, an amount so low that people working full-time can’t afford to pay rent in any state, never mind buy food. People making the minimum wage actually qualify for food stamps and other government assistance. A bill currently before Congress to lift the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would lift 4.6 million Americans out of poverty.

2. Give subsidies to employers instead: Instead of raising the minimum wage (higher wages mean less money going into the pockets of those at the top of the corporate ladder) Rubio proposes to replace the Earned Income Tax Credit with a direct wage subsidy. He would give government money to companies to “supplement wages.” He says this would “encourage and reward work.” This would mean the money companies are not paying out in higher wages would continue to go to the top few and government would make up the difference: a direct government subsidy of inequality.

3. Turn programs over to states: Rubio proposed turning federal anti-poverty programs over to the states in a single “flex-fund” block grant, in order to let the states decide what to do with the money. Note that  24 states are currently refusing the federal Medicaid expansion, leaving 5.4 million people without health coverage even though it comes at no cost to those states. So the record on turning things over to the states as a way to help the poor is not good.

4. Marriage: Rubio’s  big proposal is marriage (but not gay marriage). He said, “the greatest tool to lift children and families from poverty is one that decreases the probability of child poverty by 82 percent. But it isn’t a government spending program. It’s called marriage.” Rubio says that government subsidies to increase wages (instead of just raising the minimum wage) makes men more “marriageable.” He also said we need to “remove the marriage penalties in safety net programs.” This is typical Republican dog-whistle politics, used to evoke images of “welfare mothers” – single black mothers having lots of babies so they can get more welfare.

Along these same lines Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)  recently said the reason he ran for Congress was “because he was outraged that single women were having as many as 15 babies and getting welfare checks.” Perhaps his proposal to stop all the women who have 15 babies (if there are any) from getting welfare checks will fight poverty, perhaps not. It should be noted, however, that “welfare” largely ended in 1996. Even with this program the amount given for nutritional assistance for children is extremely low, while the “reform” of this assistance has left millions in desperate straits. A 1997 Rutgers study compared birth rates between women receiving welfare who were receiving these benefits and a control group of women on welfare who were not found identical birth rates.

5. Make them move: Rubio also proposed giving unemployed people “relocation vouchers” so they can move to places with low unemployment.  Erika Eichelberger at Mother Jones talked to Mike Konczal of the Roosevelt Institute, who pointed out that this idea would just move the problem around. “States with low unemployment are often small states that are heavily agricultural,” he says. “There is not a lot of dynamic turnover… There are already unemployed people there who want those jobs” that are open.

Other Republican Proposals

Republicans have thrown a few other anti-poverty proposals into the mix recently.

6. Volunteer: Paul Ryan, chief cutter of budgets for things government does to make our lives better, is trying to distance himself from Republican (and his own) branding as insensitive to the poor. According to the Washington Post, “His idea of a war on poverty so far relies heavily on promoting volunteerism and encouraging work.” This is not the “volunteerism” of his famous photo pretending to wash dishes at a soup kitchen during the 2012 campaign; this is people showing up at soup kitchens, etc., and working without pay. While all of us should be helping out at soup kitchens, shelters and other programs that help others, it’s no substitute for the kind of resources government would be able to apply if Ryan was not so effective at gutting the government.

7. Get rid of public schools: Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority (Republican) leader  says that education reform broadly, and “school choice” in particular, is the surest way to break the “vicious cycle of poverty.” It is not clear how getting rid of public schools and using tax dollars to fund private schools-for-profit will fight poverty. The Education Opportunity Network explains that “education reform… seeks to impose on schools a governing methodology favored by business executives and policy technocrats” and in another post, that “access to good public schools is a critical civil and human right… corporate reform is characterized as a “market-based system” emphasizing “competition—as opposed to collaboration” that imposes a “system of winners and losers” in which “vulnerable children become collateral damage.”

8. Get rid of child labor laws: Maine’s Republican Governor Paul LePage  says child labor laws “are causing damage to our economy.” “We don’t allow children to work until they’re 16, but two years later, when they’re 18, they can go to war and fight for us,” LePage said. “That’s causing damage to our economy. I started working far earlier than that, and it didn’t hurt me at all. There is nothing wrong with being a paperboy at 12 years old, or at a store sorting bottles at 12 years old.”

(Thanx to for the list)

There you have the ideas from the party that gave you Ted Cruz and Newt……..I could be a prick and make all kinds of insulting comments about their ideas to end poverty but I will take the high ground…..I am by no means an economist but to me, with my limited training in economics, these sound about as successful as the now defunct idea of trickle down economics…..WAIT!  Some of the programs are thinly veiled steps in trickle down…..they never stop trying to use that piece of manure as a base for economic growth.

I ask my readers to weigh in on these ideas… by one if you like….I want to see if I missed something………

2014 Babbling Buffoons Of Babylon #1

A new year and new beginning for the BBB list of the most anal statements around the web… always amazes me when people, all people make statements that are just absurd and yet they deliver them with such conviction…… makes me fear for the sanity of our world.

1–Stuart Varney use to be on CNN, I believe, and while there he presented himself in a professional way….but he soon succumbed to the wiles of FOX News and made the jump and in doing so he has jumped on the bandwagon of…..well talking through his ass……his latest editorializing…..

“Attempts to rescue the passengers using ice breaker ships failed,” Varney reported. “Rescuers finally got through using a whopping, great big helicopter that was landing on the supposedly, very thin ice.”

“So, it looks to me like we are looking at global cooling,” he continued. “Forget this global warming. That’s just my opinion.” He then moved on to his next question, “Can you invest in the weather?”

The irony is that the researchers were in the Antarctic to study environmental changes to the region. While their scientific findings are yet to be fully reported, for now we will have to settle for Varney’s personal “opinion.”

2–And then there is plain stupid!  Anal as their statements may be…there is a sub-category of MORONIC!

This guy is among the most idiotic thinkers of our time……

Accuracy In Media’s Cliff Kincaid is upset about the release of a new comic book chronicling the life of Nelson Mandela, which Kincaid fears will indoctrinate kids into communism by not calling Mandela a communist.

“If used in schools and libraries, this comic book will deceive ‘students and reluctant readers’ about how communism has come to power in South Africa. What purpose is served by that?” Kincaid asks. “It will enable the same forces to make even more gains around the world, including in the United States, by operating as ‘progressives.’”

He is also upset that people refer to South Africa as a democratic state, as Kincaid believes it is a communist nation committing anti-white genocide

Indoctrination?  Just what do you think the Lord’s Prayer in schools is for?  Let us not forget the Pledge of Allegiance, written by a socialist at that.

3–I can say I understand when some think that the country is being destroyed….for whatever imaginary reason they can come up with….but I found one of the best pieces of total stupidity that I think I have ever read………

Mexican Food Destroying America

The White Nationalists over at VDARE are outraged by the way the Associated Press reported on salsa becoming America’s No. 1 condiment. VDARE linked the stories of salsa overtaking ketchup to the War on Christmas, arguing that the media is trying to undercut America’s cultural identity with “Hispanic Cuisine Hype” and “the Demographic-Change-Is-Inevitable theme.”

Blogger Allan Wall asked, ruefully, if the “historic American nation” is about to be “radically transformed, beyond recognition, without our permission?”

What more can I say?  You Cannot Fix Stupid!

4–Spousal Rape—–there are some that just, I like said, cannot keep their ignorant mouths shut… this from a Virginia Repub……..

state Sen. Richard H. “Dick” Black, is running in the Republican primary to replace longtime GOP moderate Rep. Frank Wolf, who is retiring. And he’s guaranteed to ignite wedge-issue passion. Exhibit A: As a state legislator, Black opposed making spousal rape a crime, citing the impossibility of convicting a husband accused of raping his wife “when they’re living together, sleeping in the same bed, she’s in a nightie, and so forth.”

This is a misogynist prick….there something in the water in Virginia that would prompt certain people to open mouth and insert foot?

5– Another Virginia Repub that has been drinking that contaminated water……

During a debate over an anti-abortion bill currently advancing in Congress, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) suggested that Republicans support restricting access to abortion because it will ultimately benefit the economy if women have more children. Goodlatte noted that carrying pregnancies to term “very much promotes job creation.”

Explaining his support for the measure, Goodlatte made both a moral and an economic case for anti-choice laws. “I would suggest that it is very much the case that those of us in the majority support this legislation because it is the morally right thing to do but it is also very very true that having a growing population and having new children brought into the world is not harmful to job creation,” he said. “It very much promotes job creation for all the care and services and so on that need to be provided by a lot of people to raise children.”

What can I say in retort?  Another moron that we allow to govern.

6–And then there is the Motor City Moron, Ted Nugent……….

………..his frequently made claim that Democrats act as slave masters to African-Americans, Nugent again indicted African-American culture with the claim that, “[t]o honestly celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, black America would have to admit to the self-inflicted destructo-derby they are waging and begin to tell their liberal Democratic slave drivers to take a hike.”

Remember back during the last election he guaranteed America that if Obama was re-elected that he would be imprisoned…..what happened?  He is free to twaddle that moronic mouth of his…..I guess that is what you do when you are a musical HACK!  But why is he not in jail…..I thought it was a guarantee?

7– My last one for this edition…….it comes from the moronic brain and mouth of state Sen. Lee Bright of South Carolina….

At a speech in August, South Carolina state senator Lee Bright, who is challenging Sen. Lindsey Graham for the Republican nomination, warned that IRS “Brown Shirts” might start enforcing Obamacare with semiautomatic rifles.

Bright cited a conspiracy theory promoted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), who started spreading the alarm in June when he witnessed “IRS agents are training with a semi-automatic rifle AR-15.” In real life, this is because the IRS has a criminal investigations unit that has since the 1920s pursued drug traffickers and other criminal organizations, and which during the Bush administration started providing extra support for anti-terrorism efforts – activities which require special agents to be “equipped similarly to other federal, state and local law enforcement organizations.”

But according to Bright, “If that’s true, and they’re going to assault weapons training, the Brown Shirts are next. Because that’s the enforcement group for Obamacare is the IRS. And if you don’t have an IRS, you don’t have Obamacare.”

8–I lied…I saw this one from the head of SC NAACP……….

An influential leader of the NAACP in North Carolina recently compared Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the lone black Republican in Congress, to a ventriloquist’s dummy.

“A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy,” the Rev. William Barber said about Scott during remarks in Columbia, S.C., on Sunday, according to The State.

Barber added that “the extreme right wing down here (in South Carolina) finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first black senator since Reconstruction, and then he goes to Washington, D.C., and articulates the agenda of the Tea Party.”

My detractors have said that I seem to never find a Democrat that has something moronic to say…..well bollocks!  If stupid is uttered I will bring light to it….no matter which party it is…….I am guessing that this Rev is a Dem…..this was an insulting comment……since I do not know enough about Sen. Scott to write in an authoritative manner….I will come to his defense……maybe the Rev should offer up some substantial evidence to verify his assumption…..until then may I suggest that he might want to keep his mouth shut.

There you are….2014’s first edition of Babbling Buffoons of Babylon……it is an election year and I expect there will be many more editions.

Watch This Spot!  I shall return!