‘Uncommitted’ By Choice

In a twist of the dagger voters are trying to get the attention of candidates….trying to have them mend their idiotic ways.

The new movement is to vote ‘uncommitted’…..

It all began in Michigan…..

If President Biden thought Michigan’s sizable “uncommitted” protest vote in the state’s primary last month was a fluke, he learned otherwise on Super Tuesday. In Minnesota, for example, about 19% of voters checked the “uncommitted” option, largely in protest of Biden’s support of Israel in the Hamas war. The results “again raised uncomfortable questions” for Biden not only regarding the remaining primaries but the general election as well, per Reuters. The results, as laid out by Axios:

  • North Carolina: About 88,000 uncommitted votes, or 12.7%
  • Massachusetts: 55,800, 9.4%
  • Minnesota: 45,900, 18.9%
  • Colorado: 43,400, 8.1%
  • Alabama: 11,200, 6%
  • Tennessee: 10,400, 7.9%
  • Iowa: 480, 3.9%
  • Spreading? In Minnesota’s case, the state has a sizable population of Somali residents, but the large percentage of dissatisfied voters suggests anger over Biden’s support of Israel has “spread beyond Muslim Americans to progressives and younger voters,” per the New York Times. The Hill similarly points to a “wave of urgency among progressive Americans” on the issue.
  • White House responds: “The president believes making your voice heard and participating in our democracy is fundamental to who we are as Americans,” said campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt early Wednesday, per the Times. “He shares the goal for an end to the violence and a just, lasting peace in the Middle East. He’s working tirelessly to that end.”
  • Harris’ speech: Another sign that the White House is taking this seriously is that VP Kamala Harris delivered a strong call for a ceasefire in a speech last week. “I don’t think the vice president would have made such a sweeping statement if Super Tuesday wasn’t happening, and we have been seeing the same thing with President Biden,” Asma Nizami, an organizer of Vote Uncommitted in Minnesota, tells Reuters.

Biden and his gang will say and do anything to try and stave off this movement…..they will lie and misinform, the same as any candidate would do, but it is time to cut through the BS and Americans to make their feelings be known and if this is what it takes then I am all for it.

Me?  I could not vote ‘uncommitted’ for my state you can only have 2 choices, GOP or Dem, and I think both are as worthless as they come.

This is a great idea and we should carry it forward from these primaries.

Put some fear in these slugs….fear of the people which they have bred out of Americans….time to re-awake our political spirit and time to make government truly….’of the people, by the people and for the people’.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

4 thoughts on “‘Uncommitted’ By Choice

  1. Given the siutation in my own country with a forthcoming election, my intention is to not vote at all. I don’t feel ‘uncommitted’ as such, in fact I feel very committed to my own political values. But there is nobody representing anything that I stand for.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I hear that in this country as well….I will not commit to the two parties that are nothing but money machines for its members. chuq

  2. I suspect the Anti-Zionist Movement is stronger in the US then they tell us, the Jewish Vote if it were actually a thing would include a lot of people who don’t like Israel, when they are talking about the “Jewish” Vote they mean Pro-Israel Billionaires many of whom aren’t Jewish at all but Fundamentalist End-Times Christians.

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