What Is The History Of AI

My loyal readers know that I am history buff and try to inject it into as many of my posts as I can….so when the fad of writing about AI became a thing I thought….hey….history.

This my small attempt to put some clarity on the whole AI debate by looking back at its history.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a long history that dates back to ancient times. The idea of machines or devices that can imitate human behavior and intelligence has intrigued humans for centuries. However, the field of AI as we know it today began to take shape in the mid-20th century.

During World War II, researchers began to explore the possibilities of creating machines that could simulate human thinking and problem-solving. The concept of AI was formalized in 1956 when a group of researchers organized the Dartmouth Conference, where they discussed the potential of creating intelligent machines.

In the following years, AI research experienced significant advancements. Researchers developed algorithms and programming languages that could facilitate machine learning and problem-solving. They also started to build computers and software systems that could perform tasks traditionally associated with human intelligence.

One of the key milestones in AI history was the development of expert systems in the 1980s. These systems were designed to mimic the decision-making processes of human experts in specific domains. They proved to be useful in areas such as medicine and finance.

In the 1990s, AI research shifted towards probabilistic reasoning and machine learning. Scientists began to explore the potential of neural networks and genetic algorithms to create intelligent systems capable of learning from data and improving their performance over time.

Today, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. It powers virtual assistants, recommendation systems, autonomous vehicles, and many other applications. AI continues to evolve and advance, with ongoing research in areas such as deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

The history of AI is characterized by significant achievements and breakthroughs. From its early beginnings as a concept to its current status as a transformative technology, AI has come a long way. As researchers and scientists continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, we can expect even more exciting developments and applications of AI in the future.


Short and concise as well as sweet….I sure if more detailed history is desired one could ask ChatGPT….

Where will it go from here?

Mi no sabe!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

But What Will Happen?

Lots of noise on blogs about climate change and the extreme weather but very little about the news of a possible collapse of the Gulf Stream in about 2 years.


I few days ago I wrote about the report that the Gulf Stream was fading and could be gone by 2025….that’s right! We are talking about 2 years or so.

To remind you what was written….

There Is A Change A’Coming

If you more detail then this article may help….


Now for the meat of this post….if and when the current collapses what can we expect?

But what happens when AMOC runs amok? A sudden influx of freshwater from Greenland will inevitably stop the salt water from sinking as it usually does, causing havoc in the cycle. People living in Europe and the U.S. are likely to experience extremely unpleasant changes to their environment in addition to enormous sea level rises that could submerge East Coast cities like New York and Boston. Those not sweating it out due to rising temperatures will live in a frozen hellscape and all of us will be battered by unpredictable weather.

While you may associate climate change with increased warming — this is only part of the terrifying tale. A sudden disruption of the Gulf Stream’s helpful currents could cause a return to ice-age-like conditions in the world’s already chilly North.

You may remember this effect occurring in the silly but entertaining disaster flick “The Day After Tomorrow,” albeit in the film it happens way too quickly and in a sensationalized fashion. Still, sudden drastic changes could potentially happen quite quickly; when AMOC was last disrupted — during the last Ice Age — temperatures changed by 10 to 15 degrees in just 10 years (via CNN).

Europe is likely to be particularly severely affected because, in truth, the continent should be much colder than it is given its latitude. It is only the ocean currents that prevent Europe from being enveloped by icy cold conditions. The U.K., for example, is parallel with Northern Canada but doesn’t get particularly cold. In the worst-case scenario, the sea ice that currently blankets the Arctic would become a common sight much further south. Speaking to Vice magazine, climate scientist Peter Ditlevsen remarked “We would probably get a climate in Western Europe more like the climate in Alaska.” In the tropics, on the other hand, temperatures would continue to soar.

Read More: https://www.grunge.com/1350443/what-would-happen-to-earth-if-ocean-currents-collapsed/

Soirée to be a bummer but it is best you see for yourself and not depend on idiot politicians to try and make it sound less threatening than it is.

Hide your heads if you will but that solves nothing is just it easier for you to show your ass.

I do believe change is coming and you will have to deal with it whether you want to or not.

But hey….what do I know?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”