Saturday News Dump

The weekend and time for news that did not make the headlines….

First the local news…..

Yesterday the high was 104…it is now mid-night and the temp is 90… air movement so it is damn hot!….and today they say will be at least 4 degrees warmer….oh joy.

Mississippi and in particular the Coastal counties have a large surge in the Delta…..and the state governor…my daughter calls hims “Tater Twat”….. is a foolish leader and his denial….

Gov. Tate Reeves called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recent guidance on mask wearing “foolish” during a Thursday speech at the Neshoba County Fair, despite rocketing numbers of COVID-19 cases in the state, according to WAPT reporting.

“It has nothing to do with science,” the governor said in reference to the CDC guidelines, WAPT reported.

The majority of Mississippi is considered a high COVID-19 transmission area because of low vaccination rates causing climbing cases of new infections, according to the CDC data tracker. On Thursday, the one-day count of new COVID-19 infections in Mississippi reached 1,908, with the seven-day total of new cases at 9,999. The state hasn’t seen case counts that high since February.


Why can we NOT hold these ‘leaders’ accountable for the deaths that they cause?  Being stupid and partisan should be a crime.

The big push the the legalization of pot is ever present….but the Danes have found some problems in the research…..

A new study out of Denmark shows a link between increased cases of schizophrenia and cannabis use disorder. The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, notes that both the use and potency of cannabis have gone up in the last 20 years. Cannabis use disorder is not the mere use of the drug, but a pattern of behavior that could include using too much even when there are negative consequences, or difficulty stopping use, per CNN. The study says cases of cannabis use disorder are going up, and it’s turning up in people diagnosed with schizophrenia. “There is, unfortunately, evidence to suggest that cannabis is increasingly seen as a somewhat harmless substance, Carsten Hjorthoj, one of the study’s authors, said.

Other researchers have suggested a link between use of cannabis and risk of schizophrenia. This study says schizophrenia cases have gone up in Denmark. The study used data from people who had already been diagnosed with cannabis use disorder—not people who use the drug more occasionally—and tracked who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, too. “Cannabis use disorder is not responsible for most schizophrenia cases, but it is responsible for a nonnegligible and increasing proportion, Tyler J. VanderWeele, a Harvard professor, wrote in a commentary accompanying the study.

Is this a joke or for real?

There are a few that call themselves “flat earthers”….they seem to believe the Earth is truly flat….

‘Be curious, not judgemental,’ Walt Whitman once said. Alas, when it comes to people who honestly believe the Earth is flat, it’s hard to think of anything but ridicule. It’s a fact that the planet is spherical, ergo round, and you can’t just fall off the side like Captain Jack Sparrow.

In a recent video from Brofessor Megan (@brofessorMegan), she speaks to a pair of ‘flat Earthers’, with one telling an absolutely wild story about their uncle. People still aren’t sure whether it’s all a big ruse.

‘Be curious, not judgemental,’ Walt Whitman once said. Alas, when it comes to people who honestly believe the Earth is flat, it’s hard to think of anything but ridicule. It’s a fact that the planet is spherical, ergo round, and you can’t just fall off the side like Captain Jack Sparrow.

In a recent video from Brofessor Megan (@brofessorMegan), she speaks to a pair of ‘flat Earthers’, with one telling an absolutely wild story about their uncle. People still aren’t sure whether it’s all a big ruse.

The brofessor asks if they’re running with flat Earth theory, sparking one of them to tell a nightmarish, sea-faring story. They explain they’re from Maine and apparently they’re a lobster fisherman.

‘So my uncle one time… he got in his boat, and he went way f*cking past the three-mile line, all the way out towards Canada. I swear to f*cking god, we never saw that motherf*cker again. He went all the way past towards Canada, and I believe personally that he sailed off the edge of the Earth,’ they say.

Do you think people spend too much time staring at there phone screens?

From computers and tablets to smartphones and TV sets, nowadays most people’s days consist of staring at one screen and then moving on to the next. As such, a recent poll of 2,000 British adults reports a whopping 73 percent can’t even imagine going a full 24 hours without at least one screen to stare at.

How glued are we to our devices exactly? On average, researchers report adults spend about six hours daily in front of screens.

Consequently, respondents say their eyes are paying the price. Many told researchers they struggle just to keep their eyes open by around 6 p.m. The survey, which was commissioned by Artelac, also reports 41 percent of adults are experiencing dry eyes more frequently ever since the pandemic started.

Digital daze: 73% of adults ‘can’t imagine’ going a full day without looking at a screen


IMO, yes!

I have never been a big on running….well as they say only if being chased by a jealous husband…..and something I read about distance runners illustrates why…

In 2016, French walker Yohann Diniz soiled himself, and heroically continued, and was able to finish in eighth place, despite fainting several times due to his gastrointestinal distress. Paula Radcliffe stopped by the roadside during the 2005 London Marathon to relieve herself, while cameras caught the whole incident on camera.

Julie Moss – who entered the Hawaii Ironman Triathalon as part of her research for her exercise physiology thesis – unfortunately, lost control of her legs and bowels at roughly the same time during the marathon event, which is as messy as you’d imagine. If you need further help imagining it, she described the incident as the “ultimate, giant, chocolate mess”.

So what is it about the sport that makes so many participants poo-their-pants?

First off, runner’s diarrhea, as it is known, is a real thing. A study published in the National Library of Medicine in 1992 asked 109 long-distance athletes about their bowel movements around their runs. Sixty-two percent reported that they had stopped for a bowel movement during training, 43 percent said that they had “nervous” diarrhea before a race, 51 percent said that they had experienced diarrhea after a race, and 12 percent reported full-on fecal incontinence while running.

Have a great weekend…I will make myself scarce for a couple of days for we are dealing with a family health issue….

Be Well Be Safe

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”