Nothing Better Than An Education!

Happy Easter…if you celebrate that sort of thing……

First some breaking news….I appears that the much anticipated North Korean missile test this weekend was a …….Failure……yes I said….FAILURE.

Another beautiful Spring Sunday….garden is going nicely, blueberries are about ready to harvest and my granddaughter is playing her flute for me……not a better day to be found.

My regulars know that I am a huge supporter of education…this country can go no further than it has without an educated populace.

I recently posted on something I read about education in Rhode Island……(in case you missed my post)…..

Source: Closing Thought–11Apr17 – In Saner Thought

Well I read another educational piece about the state of New York… seems that they are trying to make a 4 year college education free for poor and middle class students……

New York will be the only state in the country to offer universal public college tuition coverage for working- and middle-class residents after the program was included in the budget package approved Sunday night.

The state’s Excelsior Scholarship program will be rolled out in tiers over the next three years, starting with full coverage of four-year college tuition this fall for students whose families make less than $100,000.

Source: New York Becomes Only State to Offer Free Four-Year College – NBC News

A damn capital idea….this should be policy in ALL 50 states…..


That is my post for the day (you only get one on the weekends)…..I will enjoy family and the beautiful weather…..not long until the 100 degree days return…..enjoy the weather while you can……

Thanx for all your visits in the past week and I look forward to the coming week….so much stuff and so little time……

I will be back in the morrow with more stuff and more thoughts…..peace out….my friends….chuq