Baiting The Trap

We have yet another deluge of email talk…..this time it cam in just before the Dem Convention began… with all the talk about these things I started wondering if Trump’s reply to the upcoming scandal was some sort of trap he was setting for the Dems…..

Apparently I am not the only one that saw this as a ploy by Mr. Trump to try and steal some thunder from the convention….and guess what the Dems took the bait!

If you wondered how Trump would steal the headlines back from Hillary Clinton this week, now you know: Russian hackers and Hillary’s email. And the Dems fell for it, says Jake Novak.

Source: The Democrats just fell for Trump’s Russian email-hack bait—commentary

I knew that most of the politicos were not the brightest bulb in the group….but these guys proved me right……the Dems took the bait and now they are spending valuable air time explaining their position…..

God I love this stuff…the games politicians play……very amusing.

Dem “Gong Show”–Day 3

Last night was the big day….Pres. Obama will speak to the convention about the qualifications and reliability of the Dem nominee, Hillary Clinton….the whole media establishment is holding its breath waiting for the speech….can it be as warm and fuzzy as the one delivered by Bubba?

Biden and Obama spoke and as usual it was two great speeches that energized the crowd…did what it was suppose to do….if you would like to know what they had to say then look it up…..I got better things to do than make your life easier.

I want to touch on a couple of speeches that were , in my opinion, a waste of time…..Bloomberg and the new VP candidate Kaine….

First Bloomberg made his speech……

Perhaps in an effort to fight fire with fire, the Democratic National Convention welcomed its own New York billionaire to the stage Wednesday night. As a former Republican and current Independent, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg came out against parts of the Democratic platform but fully against Donald Trump, Fortune reports. “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business,” Bloomberg said. “God help us. I’m a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one.” He brought up Trump’s history of lawsuits and bankruptcies. “The richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy,” Bloomberg said.

Advisers tell CNN that Bloomberg was using his speech to reach out to “independents, moderates, and swing voters.” “I look at the candidate, not the party label,” he said. And while he doesn’t support everything Hillary Clinton does, Bloomberg said she’s far and away better than the alternative. “We must unite around the candidate who can defeat a dangerous demagogue,” he said.

Okay….why?  His speech was a worthless waste of time…..he tried to be cute and missed….besides he has all the charm of a rattlesnake with a tooth ache.

Next was the acceptance speech for Kaine and his attempt to set the tone for the upcoming election….he walked into a brick wall….it was a yawn.

Tim Kaine introduced himself to the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, telling the crowd he “humbly” accepted the VP nomination and giving his life story before launching some fierce attacks on Donald Trump. There were big cheers whenever the former governor switched to speaking Spanish, the Guardian reports. “Hillary Clinton and I are compañeros de alma,” he said. “We share this belief: Do all the good you can. Serve one another. That’s what I’m about. That’s what you’re about.” Kaine whose son is a Marine, said Americans should trust Clinton, and “on a personal level, as he’s serving our nation abroad, I trust Hillary Clinton with our son’s life.”

“Donald Trump has a passion,” Kaine told the crowd. “It’s himself.” Kaine slammed Trump for business failures, broken promises, and his refusal to release his tax returns, the AP reports. “Most people, when they run for president, they don’t just say ‘believe me.’ They respect you enough to tell you how they will get things done,” he said, doing a Trump impression and saying “believe me” over and over again. “”Folks, you cannot believe one word that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Kaine said. “Our nation is too great to put it in the hands of a slick-talking, empty-promising, self-promoting, one-man wrecking crew.” He finished with the line: “Hillary is ready. Ready to fight, ready to win, ready to lead.”

Have you ever heard Kissinger give a speech?  This guy is more sleep inducing than Kissinger.

The debate between VP candidates ought to be about as much fun as watching flies mate… least it may cure insomnia.

All in all the night was….well…..a night full of hot air and theatrics but my fave part was listening to the MSM gush praise all over the night and the speakers….we can sure see where their bread is buttered, huh?

Last day approaches……the big day for Hillary….

Turn The Page!

The Ghosts of Direct Action

Always in war we hear about some atrocity committed by this side or that… when I read this story I thought that I would post it….I do not know whether this is some sort of propaganda tool or not…..if it is not then it is disturbing….

At first I thought it was a piece about some sort of protests where the participants are directly involved in the shaping of the protest……I was mistaken.

This is a report by a Ranger about some of the things he did in Afghanistan….like I said originally…if true then it is too disturbing for words…..

In early 2009 I was walking away from a compound a platoon from the Second Ranger Battalion had just assaulted when a staff sergeant I knew held up something in the dark.  I couldn’t tell exactly what it was.  It was small and he was bragging about it.  I tried to make it out but was soon distracted.  It wasn’t until I got back to Forward Operating Base Salerno and saw his pictures that I realized that he had been showing me a square piece of flesh that he had cut out of a dead woman’s neck.

Mutilating the corpse of a female noncombatant was just the final act in a horror show that night put on by this young Ranger.  He had killed several people.  One was a military-aged male, the rest were women; one looked to be about thirteen.

Source: The Ghosts of Direct Action – Original by —

I know for a fact that shit happens during war….however there needs to be a point where things are not tolerated…..I realize that this may not be an accurate depiction of the situation….but it is one person’s first hand account of what happened…like it or not…

I cannot wait to see how the mentally challenged will try and spin this into something positive….that is what knuckle draggers do.

By the people, for the people

I read a lot of news from different sites, unlike many these days I like a true perspective and not regurgitation of corporate tools….one I read regularly is France’s Le Monde and recently I read a great article about the 2016 elections in the US…..

Berlin’s Reichstag was rebuilt with a glass dome, a symbol of transparency following the nightmare of two totalitarian regimes. So it was fitting that in May — as President Barack Obama travelled to Europe to sell a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) drafted in consultation with corporations and not the public — that leaked TTIP documents were projected onto the Reichstag by Greenpeace activists with the headline ‘Democracy needs transparency’.

Why is TTIP, the neoliberal free trade treaty that America is aggressively pushing in Europe, so non-transparent, and apparently undemocratic?

Source: By the people, for the people, by Stuart Braun (Le Monde diplomatique – English edition, July 2016)

This election will be the worse one in US history (maybe that is a bit of a stretch but it sounds good) the losers no mater who wins is the American people….the humorous part is they f*cked themselves……