Tomorrow It Begins

A national poll suggests that President-elect Barack Obama is more popular than ever despite recent speed bumps on the road to his inauguration.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Sunday also indicates that most Americans see Obama’s inauguration as a chance for the nation to come together.

Eighty-four percent of those surveyed say they approve of how Obama is handling the presidential transition. That’s up 2 points from the middle of December and up 5 points from the beginning of December.

Tomorrow he takes the oath of office and from that time on it will be all his problem.  But there is also something disturbing on the horizon.

From ABC News:

The prospect of a Black president has America’s bastions of hate in an uproar. Leaders, including the wizard of the Imperial Klans of America, Ron Edwards, have long warned the white race is under attack and must be defended. Federal authorities say web sites have featured ugly calls to target Senator Barack Obama.

And twice now since August, two sets of self-proclaimed neo-Nazi skinheads have been caught in what officials say were feeble but still troubling plots to assassinate Obama.

“If Obama is elected president, these people see the world as they know it to end,” said Morris Dees, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In the most recent case, federal agents say two men, Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman, planned to go on a killing spree against more than a hundred African Americans and then, they told the Secret Service, go out in a blaze of glory, dressed in white tuxedos and top hats during the assassination attempt. Cowart is described as the leader.

“We’re being discriminated against just because we believe in our white rights,” said Steven Edwards of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, who is considered the leader of the Supreme White Alliance.

Like his father, the Klan wizard before him, Edwards represents yet another generation of Americans who find comfort in hate. It is a fringe group, but one that will be even more closely watched if the country elects as President a mixed-race Black man who represents all they fear.

In an contentious interview with ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross on Nightline Tuesday, Edwards said that the assassination plot alarmed him and he sought to portray his group as a social club, with no ties to two men under arrest.

This could be a very scary thought and a tragedy in the making.  Please be vigilant!

4 thoughts on “Tomorrow It Begins

  1. Thanks for reporting on this — I’m surprised that his popularity, or rather, his approval rating is so high. It’s still such a terrible shame that we should be worried for the new President’s safety, just because of his race, of all things.

  2. I never thought that Obama was a “bad” choice for the presidency, but not a strong choice either. He was just better than that sell-out and his bimbo sidekick. I just hate the way this country has given Obama a celebrity/pop-star status, when, if you look at him as a politician, he’s simply mediocre and moderate. I do commend this nation, however, for having elected a half-Black President. I thought that this country was far too racist for Obama to win. This is indeed a historic moment, but I’m far more impressed with the progress towards race equality, than Obama himself. Half the people in this country are still just as stupid as they were four years ago, though.

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