Should We Worry?

My biggest worry is that it is 5am and the temp is 90….but that is just me.

Should we worry…..more so than normally?

A political career, these days, lives or dies on the backs of campaign dollars…..and of course 2024 will be an expensive one indeed.

So I thought I would dive into the funding thing as soon as possible….these are the latest figures but that could change the closer we get to an actual vote.

Let’s begin with Trump and his minions that bankroll his sprint to the presidency….one would think a guilty verdict would stifle the cash infusion… would be mistaken….

Recall President Biden’s big fundraising lead over former President Trump? It’s nowhere near as big owing to a surge of donations following Trump’s May 30 fraud conviction in New York, the Washington Post reports. Trump and the Republican National Committee say they raised $141 million in May, per the New York Times, far outpacing the $85 million raised by Biden and the Democratic National Committee. Biden’s team had $212 million in the bank at the start of June, reports the AP. Trump’s total was at least $170 million, according to the Times, and that represents only a partial count.

Given that Trump was behind by $100 million in April, the trend is clear. Biden and the Democrats may still hold a cash advantage, but “almost four months before Election Day, Trump’s side is closing the gap—if it isn’t closed already,” per the AP, which describes Trump’s May haul as “jaw-dropping.” The Trump team says it raised $53 million in the first 24 hours after Trump’s conviction and $70 million in the first 48 hours, though the numbers won’t be verified July. Both camps also have benefited from mega-donors:

  • For Trump: Billionaire banking heir Timothy Mellon donated $50 million to Trump’s political action committee Make America Great Again on May 31, the day after his conviction.

What will $50 million buy from a president?

While Trump is raking in the dollars the Biden camp is not as lucky…..

Joe Biden’s campaign planned to bury Donald Trump in an avalanche of cash.

Instead, his allies are bracing for a slugfest without the benefit of a fatter wallet, as financial reports showed Trump outraising Biden in back-to-back months, hauling in huge sums after his 34 felony convictions and erasing Biden’s longstanding financial edge.

Democrats in recent days largely downplayed Trump’s new financial lead in the same way Trump’s allies had when Biden was running ahead in the money race — saying the president would have enough money to compete.

But privately, several Democratic strategists and donors were reeling.

“There was the strategy of raising all this money on the front end so we could have this huge edge,” said one Biden bundler, granted anonymity to speak candidly. “The whole point of it was to come out with a sizable cash advantage and, you know, we’re now even and it’s June. … I have no other word for it other than ‘depression’ among Biden supporters.”

What is it they say about the ‘best laid plans’?

Dollars are not the only situation that is not looking good for Dems, at least the Dem candidate for president…..the Hispanic vote is slipping through the Dems fingers all on the back of immigration…..

Both Hispanic and non-Hispanic voters in the seven swing states trust former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party more on immigration than President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, according to a new poll.

While 38% of Hispanic voters in battleground states trust Biden more on immigration, 41% trust Trump more, and 16% are undecided, according to a survey released last week by the polling agency Equis.

Additionally, 34% of non-Hispanic voters in swing states trust Biden more on immigration, while 49% favor Trump more, the poll shows. 

The results for both groups are outside of the poll’s 2.5% margin of error.

Hispanic voters have historically supported the Democratic Party, but the surveys show that support appears to be shifting towards Trump ahead of the 2024 election.

This poll was conducted April 20-May 5, 2024 with 3,569 registered voters in 11 states, including all seven swing states and four solidly Democratic states, and it has a 2.5% margin of error.


Immigration looks like the hot button issue…..for now.

A lot can change in the months that lead up to the vote….but I do not see any of that actually happening, do you?

Change is something that most Americans have a rash when mentioned.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

12 thoughts on “Should We Worry?

  1. That we’re talking about single individual giving that much money to a political candidate is an indication of just how badly broken and corrupt our whole political system is.

    5 AM and it’s already 90? Yes, we should all be worried about that. That we aren’t all worried about that is another indication of how badly broken things are.

    1. I agree….money talks and the rest of us are mute. The only time the politicians heart anything there needs to be dollar signs rattling.

      Yep it is that hot. But according to some there is no climate problem….bet they work in A/C. chuq

  2. I’ve been saying we should worry for as far back as I can imagine – and I was called a kook and a tree-hugger for my trouble.

  3. Fundraising ? I think waste of time and money. Campaign ads and mailings are not going to change any votes. Most people know for whom they will vote in high level state and federal (esp president) long before the elections. Undecided are probably far less than polls show.

  4. As I have been predicting for months and months and months now, Biden’s presidency is toast and nothing can change that. Just an angry old man who has very obvious problems that do nothing to inspire constituencies. Trump will take this thing like a giant steam roller in a magnetic thunderstorm, sweeping all opposition aside and ascending to the Olympus of American Politics like a conquering God. All the while, his adoring minions and acolytes will be in a state of constant ejaculation that cannot be restrained or controlled and they will declare themselves to have discovered heaven on earth at last.

  5. I think it is painfully ironic that the children of immigrants are the first to complain about more immigration. The hispanics changing sides to Trump should be ashamed of themselves.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Truth is they have seldom been a stable factor….they were GOP supporters until 2008….now they are swinging back….chuq

    2. Heck, except for Native Americans we’re all the children of immigrants. All of our ancestors came to this country from somewhere else. My ancestors came from Germany and Austria in the early to mid 1800s. When I was growing up everyone I knew was only one or two or three generations removed from their country of origin. A lot of us grew up in families where grandparents still spoke German or Norwegian or Polish or whatever.

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