They’re Back! Those Monoliths!

Good morning….it is a Sunday and a post about something new and interesting….this time it is the appearance of those monoliths….you remember them, right?

A couple of years ago these tall monoliths starting appearing all over the country.  You remember 2001: A Space Odyssey, right?  In the beginning of the film this monolith appears and apes go batshit crazy.

Cue the sound track from the movie.

Well a couple of years ago they started to appear, as I have stated and of course being an opinionated nerd I wrote about their appearances.

Monoliths A Many

After a short break they are once again are ‘coming’ to earth….

The monolith looks like it could have come from another world. Jutting out of the rocks in a remote mountain range near Las Vegas, the glimmering rectangular prism’s reflective surface imitates the vast desert landscape surrounding the mountain peak where it has been erected, per the AP. But where did the object come from, and is it still there? That’s a mystery the US Fish and Wildlife Service said it was trying to solve.

Las Vegas police said members of its search-and-rescue unit found the otherworldly object over the weekend near Gass Peak, part of the vast Desert National Wildlife Refuge where bighorn sheep and desert tortoises roam. At 6,937 feet, it is among the highest peaks in the area north of Las Vegas. Photos accompanying a social media post by the department show the structure standing tall against a bright blue sky, with distant views of the Las Vegas valley. It evokes the object that appears in the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Police did not respond to requests for more information about their discovery—the latest in a series of mysterious shiny columns popping up around the globe since at least 2020. In November of that year, a similar metal monolith was found deep in the Mars-like landscape of Utah’s red-rock desert. Then came sightings in Romania, central California, and on the famed Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas. All of them disappeared as quickly as they popped up. The Utah structure, which captured the world’s imagination during the pandemic, is believed to be the first in the series.

Okay then you explain what the Hell is going on with these damn things.

Are these the next “crop circle” craze?

Are they messages from the Great Beyond?

Are our extraterrestrial brethren sending us a message?

Or is this just some weird sense of humor at work?

Any penetrating thoughts here?  (I await on bated breath or something like that)

Time to bow out and get to the usual stuff before the heat makes it a chore to even breathe.

Have a great Sunday and as always….Be Well and Be Safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

12 thoughts on “They’re Back! Those Monoliths!

  1. These things are merely harmless red herrings devised by dems to distract us from actual catastrophies appearing all around and ignored. Hillary is probably the wizzard creating the monoliths. Hillary has also sent the Japanese beetles again this year to devour the trees in my front yard. Keerist , just because I attended a few John Birch meetings when I was 14 ? I don’t understand one thing, though. How does she get these Japanese beetles to fly from Japan all across the Pacific to my front yard ? Since there’s no voter ID or proof of citizenship required the dems will probably register the bugs to vote. They’ll be a million of them in my trees by mid July .

    1. So you think Dems are creating the monoliths? Hillary is somehow involved? Dems do not have the imagination to create them….Hillary is a spent political hack ….The Beetles are a music group or should I say were? chuq

  2. I tend to think they are some kind of ‘art installation’. But whoever is doing it must be very wealthy, and have access to a lot of international contacts.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  3. I expect they are part of some radical right wing plot to take over the world…If they had anu meaning at all, somebody would have received a message from the ones who made them or who sent them —They might also be some variation of a celestial time bomb just ticking away waiting for the detonation to occur and destroy part or all of earth — who knows….in the meantime, try this on for size:
    The phenomenon of the monoliths appearing around the world can be explained as a mixture of art installation, social media intrigue, and homage to cultural icons.

    In late 2020, the world was captivated by the sudden appearance of tall, shiny monoliths in various remote and sometimes urban locations. These structures, reminiscent of the iconic monolith from Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” sparked widespread curiosity and speculation.

    Initially, the first monolith appeared in the red-rock desert of Utah, amidst the backdrop of a global pandemic which heightened the mystique surrounding its sudden appearance. This monolith, resembling the one from the famous film scene where apes encounter it and undergo a transformative experience, immediately drew comparisons to the movie’s themes of evolution and contact with an unknown intelligence.

    As news spread, similar monoliths were discovered in other parts of the world including Romania, central California, and near Las Vegas. Each monolith seemed to materialize unexpectedly and captured the public imagination, leading to numerous theories about their origins and purposes.

    Authorities and local officials, such as the US Fish and Wildlife Service near Las Vegas, were often tasked with investigating these installations. The mystery deepened as quickly as the monoliths disappeared, adding to their enigmatic allure. Despite efforts to uncover the creators or motives behind these installations, many aspects remained shrouded in mystery, contributing to ongoing speculation and fascination.

    These monoliths, appearing as if they could have come from another world, sparked discussions about art, technology, and the intersection of popular culture with real-world landscapes. They became symbols of the unexpected and the unknown, prompting both excitement and debate wherever they appeared.

    In conclusion, while the origins and motivations behind these monoliths may remain uncertain, their brief appearances left a lasting impression on those who encountered them, echoing themes of exploration, curiosity, and the enduring influence of cinematic imagination.

    1. I think that no matter what the mysterious monoliths might be, they probably have nothing good to offer to us —

  4. I sense a movie that will dive into it and lead us to probably the worst possible outcome…interesting how a mystery like this can go unsolved with 90% of the world being photographed or monitored in some way! Thanks for sharing this, a fun way to wake up on the weekend!

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