Juneteeth Is Today

I was going to post some marvelous thoughts on this day but instead I will let a fellow blogger and a follower of IST, do it for he did a much better job than I could….

this is an excellent post….enjoy!

Just Hush Up and Enjoy the Holiday

There is so much American history that is overlooked or more correct ignored it is good to see others trying to bring some light into a subject that needs it.

For more information on this subject….


Be Smart!

Learn Stuff!

“lego ergo scribo”

16 thoughts on “Juneteeth Is Today

  1. another useless holiday —there was no such thing when I was a kid and I cannot see the need for it now.

    1. Maybe so but at least there is some recognition after all we pretend Columbus discovered America now that is useless. chuq

      1. Yes it is– all History Books are total lies– there is not a History Book in print anywhere on the face of the earth that is not based entirely on somebody’s pet biases …

      2. For lazy it is a Herculean task….but anyone interested in history does research and finds what they are looking for….chuq

      3. “Finds What They Are Looking For” is exactly right…finds whatever fits their own view of things and feels comfortable to them ….that is what they look for and that is what they find and they reject everything else….which means that the end result of their “Research” is as biased as they are.

      4. That is for the that pretend to be knowledgeable…..I do not know of any intelligent historian the does not accept the facts…..just arm chair know it alls…..those too lazy to look beyond the obvious. chuq

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