North Dakota Has The Right Idea

But it does not go far enough.

I have along with others have been saying that there needs to be age limits on our elected official as well as the Supreme Court….it is time to get the old farts with old ideas into a nursing home and find some fresh blood for our leadership.

Tuesday’s GOP primary in North Dakota is now over, and the victors are celebrating. Nestled in with those announcements is one regarding a “high-profile initiative” that voters also passed: Candidates out of the Peace Garden State can’t run for US Congress (so neither the Senate nor the House) if they would turn 81 years old at any point during their term, per the AP. Axios reports that this appears to be the first state to impose a measure like this, with both that outlet and the New York Times noting the vote comes against the backdrop of the conversation on how old President Biden (81) and former President Trump (turning 78 on Friday) are as they run for the Oval Office again.

The ballot measure would effectively amend the state’s constitution. Still, lawmakers concede that the move will likely be challenged in court, as a 1995 Supreme Court ruling determined that states “cannot impose additional restrictions, such as term limits, on its representatives in the federal government beyond those provided by the Constitution.” Although there are age minimums laid out in the US Constitution—25 for the House, 30 for the Senate—there’s no cap on the max end.

Jared Hendrix, a GOP politician from Fargo who helped spearhead the North Dakota initiative, thinks his state is only the first to move in this direction, especially since US opinion polls over the past few years show that a majority of Americans would be all for maximum age limits. “I think it’s very possible that if we pull this off here, other states will follow,” Hendrix said before Tuesday’s election, per the Times.

This should turn into a movement nationwide….I feel it would be best for the country.

Term limits also means number to times they can run for office…making so they cannot skip to another election to avoid the limits as well.

Then we need to work on making candidates resign from their present job to run for another office….that could open up some room for fresh blood.

The country needs help and the system as it is now is absolutely no help….time to take a hard look at change….real change not some vague BS they call change.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

17 thoughts on “North Dakota Has The Right Idea

  1. I agree completely. Alas, as the article pointed out it will probably not survive a court challenge at the federal level bjt it at least gets people talking about it and perhaps enforcing it at least at the state and local level. It would probably take a constitutional amendment to change it at the federal level.

    Ultimately it wouldn’t actually do much to help, but it would be a start. What we really need to go after is this bizarre system of campaign financing that we’ve allowed to evolve over the last few years that is literally a system of legalized bribery.

    1. That would take SCOTUS and since those slugs made it legal it would be an uphill struggle….but I agree campaign financing needs work. chuq

  2. Hmm, it seems this thing was no longer accepting my comments. When I clicked on the submit button a window would pop up telling me to “subscribe”, which was ridiculous because I already do subscribe. Let’s see if this works (he said keeping his fingers crossed)

  3. Oh for crying out loud… The stupid “Subscribe now!” window still pops up everytime I click the ‘comment” button even when I’m logged it. But at least it now seems to be accepting the comment at least.

    I swear… there are days I think WordPress just likes to keep f*cking around with things on the backend until something breaks just to keep from getting bored

      1. It’s another bug popping up with WordPress. Or some kind of new “feature” that they forgot to tell us about. I also have email accounts tied to my grouchyfarmer account and they were messing around with that the other day and managed to screw things up so badly I couldn’t get into my own email for a day. Somebody messed something up when they were working on improving security, I was told and they got that fixed quickly.

      2. I amj sorry that you are having such problems….your comments are getting through as ‘anonymous’….so sign with a GF so I know it is you until they get it sorted. chuq

      3. Hmm, it’s doing it again. Definitely some kind of bug here. I’ve figured out a work around but it’s odd. It wasn’t doing this until a few days ago. It did the same thing to me over on John’s blog before I figured out the work around, but then that went away over there. I suppose I could ask WP about it. I have their “concierge level” service or whatever they call it these days to deal with problems but most of the time I can’t be bothered to use it because, well, I’m lazy and most of the time the problems go away in a few days.

  4. Oh there is nothing to worry about — we will see plenty of change if the Resucklikans regain control of the government in 2024/25 — and none of it will be good, you can bet your ass on that.

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