Trump’s Number Two Sweepstakes

After the tally was counted on Black Tuesday it became very apparent that Trump will have no problem gaining the nomination for president for the GOP….if that is true then who will he choose to nestle up to him as his VP?

I and others have come up with a not so short list of possibilities…..

Here we go….

Elise Stefanik–NY Rep.

Tim Scott–SC Senator

Kristi Noem–Gov. SD

Doug Burgum–Gov. ND

Sarah Huckabee–Gov. Ark

Dr. Ben Carson–

Add ons….

DeSantis–Gov. Fla

Vivek Ramaswamy–billionaire

Byron Donalds–Rep Fla

Tulsi Gabbard–Hawwaii

And have even heard Tucker Carlson batted around as a possibility as well.

I do not think that Donald will name a woman….he will want someone that will kiss his ass and sit in the corner for 4 years….to me that sounds like Ben Carson or Tim Scott.

The one name that sort of surprised me was that of Tulsi Gabbard….that closet hater from the 2020 election….who showed her true colors once the election was over with….do not trust her!

You have my list….do you have a better one or would you like to give your take on my list?

If so I am all ears.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“Lego ergo scribo”

“Handmaiden’s Tale” Comes To Life

We recently had the speech by Biden on the state of the union and as usual the right wing had to dash some weird person out to rebut what the president had to say….this time it is some strange senator from Alabama. (I was not going to post on this person’s shot at immortality but after reading an article I decided to throw it in there.) (BTW way this is also a shout out to my friend Pete at )

Republican Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama delivered her party’s official response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union on Thursday night and offered viewers a horrifying glimpse of the far-right Christian nationalism now embedded in the GOP, which has succumbed fully to Donald Trump’s fascist vision for the country.

Speaking in hushed tones and intermittently flashing a menacing smile, Britt—the former CEO of an Alabama corporate lobbying organization and the wife of a lobbyist—said from the comfort of her posh kitchen inside her 6,000-square-foot mansion that she understands and sympathizes with “what real families are facing.”

Britt, who has been floated as a possible 2024 running mate for former President Donald Trump, characterized the GOP as the “party of hardworking parents and families”—neglecting to mention the trillions of dollars in tax breaks the party has funneled to the rich and large corporations in recent years while opposing programs such as the expanded child tax credit, which briefly slashed U.S. child poverty in half.

“Growing up sweeping the floor at my dad’s hardware store and cleaning the bathroom at my mom’s dance studio, I never could have imagined what my story would entail,” said Britt. “To think what the American Dream can do across just one generation, in just one lifetime, is truly breathtaking. But right now, the American Dream has turned into a nightmare for so many families.”

–Read on it will enlighten you–

That speech was typical right wing pron….lies misinformation and total buffoonery….like everyone that come before.

Not to worry she was not the only rebuttal the anti-vaxxer champion just had to have his say.

So this is what American politics has become….oh goody!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”