The Ignorant Takeover Of Education

As someone who cherish the education that I have been able to get I am appalled at the lack of concern by our Congress and president for the sad condition of the educational system in this country.

I received a public school education and it was a good one that prepared me to face life and especially my college.

I hate to see what my state (run by GOP lackeys) are doing to the system in Mississippi and then there is the national GOP that hates education altogether

The GOP is trying to loot public education to weaken it….the Repubs favor a voucher system and in some states are looting the public arena to fund these voucher schemes….

In North Carolina, the Republican legislature passed a voucher program with no income limit, no accountability and no requirement that children can’t already go to a private school. This radical plan will cost the state $4 billion over the next 10 years, money that could be going to fully fund our public schools. In Kentucky, legislators are trying to amend our constitution to enshrine their efforts to take taxpayer money from public schools and use it for private schools.

Our public schools serve all children. They provide transportation and meals and educate students with disabilities. And they’re accountable to taxpayers with public assessments showing how students and schools are doing and where they need to improve.

But private schools that get this taxpayer money have little to no accountability. They aren’t even required to hire licensed teachers, provide meals, transportation or services for disabled students. They don’t even have to tell the taxpayers what they teach or how their students perform. North Carolina’s voucher system has been described as “the least regulated private school voucher program in the country.”

This is happening in most Red States and it should be stopped and stopped now!

I am a staunch supporter of public schools….matter of fact I think K-12 should be mandatory and home schooling does not equate.

I have no agreement with my public school education and I think a new standard should be brought forth.

Why do we let the ignorant among us educate our children?

Just asking?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

State Of The Union–2024

It is that magical time again when the president steps up to a joint session of Congress and thumps his chest over his many achievements and desires for the future….most of which are mostly delusional.

Since it is an election year I would expect it to be more electioneering than accurate…..and I was not disappointed….old Uncle Joe did what I expected making this an opportunity to campaign from the speech.

Just a few things….

Whether this will be President Biden’s final State of the Union address remains to be seen, but in his third such address to the nation Thursday night, he made his case for a second term in a 67-minute address. Standout details:

  • He opened with a joke: Amid the lengthy claps and cheers that greeted him he quipped, “If I were smart, I’d go home now!”
  • He went straight to Ukraine: Biden quickly described freedom and democracy as under attack both at home and overseas. He cited Russia, saying Putin certainly won’t stop with Ukraine, but that Putin could be stopped if the US provides Ukraine with the weapons it seeks. He said assistance is being blocked by those who “want to walk away from our world leadership. … We will not bow down. I will not bow down!”
  • A much used-phrase: Biden said “History is watching” repeatedly, at one point saying it’s “not hyperbole” to say that.
  • One absent word: Trump. Biden did not utter his name though many references to the former president (whom Biden referred to as “my predecessor”) were made. Biden also brought up the Jan. 6 insurrection. “You can’t love your country only when you win,” said Biden, to lengthy applause.
  • Highlight on accomplishments: He talked about “America’s comeback” in the wake of the pandemic. He said the vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to fight cancer, turning “setback to comeback.” He cited millions of new jobs, unemployment at record lows, and inflation’s drop from 9% to 3%.
  • Calls for action: Biden pushed for action on IVF, calling for a nationwide guarantee to access to it. He advocated for the restoration of Roe v. Wade and the right to choose. He said he was ending the “wrong” reality that sees Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere in the world. He addressed interest rates, saying he wanted to provide a two-year tax break of $400 a month for first-time buyers or homeowners seeking more space. He said he wanted to give public school teachers a raise.
  • Calls for action, II: “Folks at home, does anyone think the tax code is fair?” he asked, saying big corporations need to begin paying their fair share and that the corporate minimum tax should be raised to 21%. If anyone tries to raise the retirement age or cut Social Security, “I will stop you,” said Biden.
  • Calls for action, III: As for border security, “get this bill done,” he said of the failed bipartisan border deal. “We need to act now.” He brought up the Israel-Hamas war, saying he would not rest until all the hostages are home. He said Israel has a fundamental responsibility to protect innocent citizens in Gaza and said that while no US boots will be on the ground, the US will erect a temporary pier on the Gaza coast so that more aid can be delivered to Gaza.
  • His standout reference to Trump: “I know it may not look like it, but I’ve been around awhile. … My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, dignity, equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor. Now other people my age see a different story: an American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me.”
  • More: “In my career I’ve been told I’m too young and I’m too old. Whether young or old, I’ve always known our North Star. … That we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either. And I won’t walk away from it now. My fellow Americans the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are it’s how old our ideas are? Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas. But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back. To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future of what America can and should be.”
  • The stakes: The AP predicted the speech would be “something of an on-the-job interview,” with voters watching to see if the 81-year-old delivered the address with “vigor and command.”
  • Working for the middle class: From CNN: “The entire speech has a populist strain, going back to working for the middle class. The White House wants people to walk away from speech believing Biden understands their issues, cares about what they care about, and is actively working to make their lives better.”

There you have the major points of the speech….

MY take is a feisty Joe was trying to say that a dude old as dirt is still punching for you. (I do not buy the hype)

The joke was lame.  Ukraine should not have been the big opening.  IVF and abortion…what will he do?  He has not done sh*t so far.  Working for the Middle Class….and how has that worked out for us?

Then there is a piece written by Rev. Dr. Barber about the true state of the union…I believe it is more accurate than anything Uncle Joe had to offer….

There you have it ….I gave you what I call ‘Fantasy and Fact’ on the State of the Union.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”