Besmirching Eisenhower’s Memory

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Old farts like me know who Eisenhower was….the general that lead the Allies into victory over the Nazis in Europe and then president of the United States.

Eisenhower was a champion in the fight against authoritarianism plus was a champion of the common man….as a young boy I helped my grandfather with distribution of leaflets for Ike in 1956….a look at the GOP platform of 1956 (this shows just how far the GOP has sank in the passing years.)

  1. Provide federal assistance to low-income communities
  2. Protect Social Security
  3. Provide asylum for refugees
  4. Extend minimum wage
  5. Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people
  6. Strengthen labor laws so workers can easily join a union
  7. Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex

President Eisenhower has given us a statement of principles that is neither partisan nor prejudiced, but warmly American:

The individual is of supreme importance.

The spirit of our people is the strength of our nation.

America does not prosper unless all Americans prosper.

Government must have a heart as well as a head.

Courage in principle, cooperation in practice make freedom positive.

To stay free, we must stay strong.

All that historic stuff aside….what is this about Besmirching?

Kansas’ own Dwight D. Eisenhower served as supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II and defeated a rising tide of fascism and authoritarianism. As a popular two-term president, he governed as a pragmatic conservative — sustaining prosperity, supporting integration and supporting international alliances.

In every way, he lived and governed as the opposite to former President Donald Trump, a man who has made no secret of his love for chaos, racist impulses and dislike of global allies. Trump tore a page from authoritarian regimes’ playbook on Jan. 6, 2021, as he egged on an armed insurrection of his own government.

So why is Eisenhower’s foundation in Abilene making common cause with a traitor?

In case you missed it, the foundations and institutions representing nearly every U.S. president since Hoover united for the common good late last week. They issued a stirring statement calling for a renewed commitment to civic institutions, public civility and protecting this precious representative democracy.

So sad the the Foundation has chosen to side with an authoritarian a/hole like Trump….his foundation is besmirching the name of Eisenhower and crapping on the man, an American hero.

It is also a shame that the GOP has taken an alternate path than it was traveling in 1956…this would be a much better nation if they had stayed on track.

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I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

The Biden Impeachment thing

The big news is the the GOP is on a track for revenge with the whole hearing thing into the possible impeachment of Pres. Biden….

Since the ‘god of gods’ was impeached the GOP thinks it is time for a tit for tat….

Here we go with the round-up…..

The US faces a third possible impeachment of a president in less than four years. GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, launched Tuesday, comes in response to “allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption.” Some onlookers agree with the reasoning, claiming then-Vice President Biden’s role in his son Hunter’s business ventures was “clearly corrupt.” Others, however, say the inquiry is completely unjustified and another way in which McCarthy is catering to the far-right members of his party. More:

  • ‘No clue’: In what’s written as a mock voicemail message left by McCarthy, Rex Huppke at USA Today ridicules the “evidence-free impeachment inquiry” and directs those looking for “a list of the evidence we’ve found linking President Biden to his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, or a list of any evidence that justifies our impeachment inquiry” to “please call back later, as that list does not currently exist outside the minds of our party’s far-right flank.” He adds “all help is welcome because, frankly, we have absolutely no clue what we’re doing.”
  • ‘Clearly corrupt’: There’s already enough evidence to justify Biden’s impeachment, writes Jonathan Tobin, editor in chief of the Jewish News Syndicate, via Newsweek, citing Biden’s threat to withhold aid from Ukraine’s government unless it fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden to sit on its board. (US allies had made the same demand, alleging the prosecutor was corrupt.) “Biden knowingly took on responsibilities with respect to dealing with Ukraine as well as China that created a conflict of interest with his son’s grifting,” which is “clearly corrupt,” he adds.
  • No brainer’: The inquiry is justified as investigations by the House GOP have “proven” Biden “broke bread with Hunter’s clients, jumped on calls with them, even wrote at least one college recommendation,” according to the New York Post editorial board. It’s also clear that Biden “blackmailed” Ukraine’s government, the board claims. Of course, “details need to be pinned down in all that,” it adds, but it calls the impeachment inquiry “a no brainer” needed to establish “where all the millions funneled through Hunter’s dozens of shell companies came from and went to.”
  • ‘Evidence of influence-peddling’: It’s “worth investigating” $20 million in alleged payments to “Biden family members and associates via shell companies” following “evidence of influence-peddling,” writes the Wall Street Journal editorial board. But there is not yet “evidence of genuine corruption” by President Biden and “Congress is in danger of turning the serious sanction of impeachment into the new censure—a statement of rebuke rather than a threat of removal.”
  • The Bidens’ grift’: There are “reams of credible evidence” that Vice President Biden “participated in schemes that brought his family as much as $20 million,” writes New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin. But he claims the same Justice Department that was “caught covering up the crimes of Hunter Biden, with the prosecutor on the case prepared to let him walk without charges” is the same one that has ignored an informant’s claim that Joe and Hunter Biden each received a $5 million bribe from Burisma’s owner. While “the public is catching on to the Bidens’ grift,” an impeachment inquiry “is the only way the American public will ever get the full truth,” he writes.
  • ‘Unjustified’: The inquiry is yet another way in which McCarthy is showing himself to be “a stooge of the far right,” accommodating “the extremists in his conference who hold his speakership hostage,” according to the Los Angeles Times editorial board. It notes McCarthy launched the “unjustified” inquiry without securing a vote by the full House—something he criticized Nancy Pelosi for doing in 2019, though a floor vote was eventually held—because he might well have lost the vote. “It’s legitimate for Congress to ask whether Hunter Biden received unfair treatment, but nothing about the prosecution of Hunter Biden justifies the drastic step of an impeachment inquiry about his father,” the board adds.

There you go all you need to know about the waste of time, money and energy that the GOP is forcing onto the House.

This is going to be just another Benghazi thing….a total waste of time and useless posturing.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”