The Fist Bump Heard Around The World

This media frenzy is just plain stupid.  For days, we have been bombarded with visions and explanations over the fist bump Obama and wife exchanged on the stump.  Why?

The affectionate fist bump between Senator Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, before his victory speech last week in St. Paul became an instant source of fascination among commentators in the news media, who for days have tried to decipher the meaning behind this supposedly odd gesture.

But perhaps none went as far afield as E. D. Hill of the Fox News Channel, who, teasing to a segment last Friday on the Obamas’ moment, said: “A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently.” Media Matters, a liberal group, called attention to her comments that day and demanded an apology on Monday.

The Fox News segment was part of a fist-bump-related media dorkathon that continues, even a full week after the Obamas’ onstage moment.

Um, people: This is a common gesture, and its use is not limited to Democrats with unusual names. In 2001 it was used by Carleton S. Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive — now advising Senator John McCain — and Michael D. Capellas, then the Compaq chief executive, to salute the completion of their merger. And in 2006, former President George Bush shared a fist bump with Anna Kournikova at a celebrity tennis event — and he was 82 at the time.

Is there nothing else the media can focus on……I don’t know… taxes, gas, Iraq, and I am sure there is a wealth of subject that need to be covered, and this one is no where on the list.  A fist bump is the new high five….it is that simple and that innocent….please move on to something important.

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