Your Congress At Work (?)

I have been unkind to our pathetic Congress for some time now….well truth be known…I have been damn right cruel to the morons…..I have said that these people do not have the country in their minds…their only concern is to keep their base for the next election……we all recall the debt crisis from a couple of months ago and all the crap that was pulled to try and eliminate some programs or as the Righties call them….”entitlements”.

I could spend all day writing about the insane and underhanded amendments that these people try to sneak into other bills….trying anything to get their way…..but I will focus on the underhanded attempts to undermine the SNAP programs….for those that rather watch Swamp Morons than keep up with what is happening to this country…..that is the official title for Food Stamps…….

Think Progress has listed the 5 worst amendments that pertain to SNAP……..

Making food stamp recipients pee in a cup. One Republican amendment would make enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) contingent on passing a drug test. The idea has been in vogue among conservative opponents of safety net programs in recent years, from Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) to 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R) to Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R). In Scott’s case, drug testing welfare recipients has cost Florida taxpayers more money than it’s saved.

Cut food stamp funding to 2008 levels. Frustrated at the elevated cost of keeping Americans minimally fed amid elevated unemployment rates and falling wages, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) suggests simply capping the program’s spending at 2008 levels. Doing so would double the current SNAP cuts in the farm bill, but more importantly it would fundamentally undermine a program that’s designed to be flexible in response to economic hardships.

Cut food stamp funding altogether. Rep. Louie Gohmert’s (R-TX) very short amendment would eliminate SNAP outright.

Ban violent felons from food stamp rolls for life. Rep. Ann Wagner’s (R-MO) amendment undermines a basic premise of the criminal justice system. As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’s Robert Greenstein wrote about a similar effort in the Senate, “The amendment essentially says that rehabilitation doesn’t matter and violates basic norms of criminal justice.” Among other negative unintended consequences, the existing lifetime bans for drug felony convictions “actually pushed young mothers into prostitution in order to feed their families,” as Aviva Shen wrote previously in ThinkProgress.

Convert food stamp funds to block grants. Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) has an amendment that would convert federal SNAP money to block grants, removing all federal standards about how it’s spent. Block granting sounds innocuous, but would in fact lead to the same sort of cuts and reduced flexibility that Mulvaney’s spending caps would cause. That’s because block granting rewrites the formula for how much money states get and prevents funding from rising to meet demand. Block granting was the central change of the welfare reform of the 1990s, and it’s prevented the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program from keeping up with the jump in needy families during the Great Recession.

Each one of these attempts was aimed at the same conclusion….finding ways to eliminate or at least weaken the SNAP program.

How long will Americans allow this type of blatant attacks on social programs?  I fear that this is far from over!

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