Another Choice For November

We are pretty certain that Dems have their candidate for the 2024 election as well as the GOP….but there will be others on the fringes for everybody’s consideration.

Recently the Libertarian Party has announced their candidate in the upcoming competition….Chase Oliver will get the nod.

The Libertarians have chosen their 2024 nominee, and his name isn’t Trump or Kennedy. Instead, the party chose Chase Oliver—a former Democrat from Georgia who describes himself as “armed and gay,” reports the New York Times. Donald Trump, who spoke to the convention Saturday night and heard plenty of heckling, wasn’t an official candidate and received six write-in votes. In a Truth Social statement on Sunday, Trump said he didn’t file paperwork to be the third party’s nominee but could’ve won if he wished. (Stormy Daniels received one write-in vote.)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received a warmer reception than Trump when he spoke Friday, but the independent was eliminated in the first round of voting, per the Hill. Oliver got the nod after seven rounds of voting. “Rule No. 1: If you want to elect a real political outsider, don’t elect somebody with the last name Kennedy,” he said, per the Times. In regard to Trump and President Biden, Oliver added that younger voters “don’t want octogenarians running their lives.” The party won 1% of the vote in the 2020 election, notes the AP, which adds that it could play an outsize role in 2024 given how close the Biden-Trump matchup is expected to be.

My first question is….Trump is a shoo in for the GOP nomination then why was he trying hard for the Libertarian Party nomination?

At least RFK, Jr did not get the nod….he will have to be happy with an independent run.

I think the Libertarians could do well in November pulling disgruntled Repubs and even some centrist Dems….but will it be enough to help the odds?

Probably not and then anyone that votes Libertarian will have to suffer the accusations of helping elect the ‘other’ guy.

The first thing the Libertarians need to do is introduce the candidate because most of America has never heard of this guy and that could be a major setback in 2024.

Check them out.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

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