A Misogynist Speaks

This is a re-post from my long dead Daily Agitator……this blog was put on the back burner many years ago and I decided to resurrect it to take its p[lace with In Saner Thought and Gulf South Free Press.

This post is about some idiot and his commencement speech to graduates.

The But-Lik Speaks

This guy is a dinosaur and as such he should be extinct in the 21st century.

Cognito ergo csis

P.S.  There will be more coming from the Daily Agitator in the very near future and they will be re-posted here for those that have not decided to follow the writings of a proven agitator.

Please have a safe Memorial Day weekend.    chuq

Conscription Anyone?

Remember the draft?

Of course you don’t.

Well here we go again.

That is when males turn 18 they register for military if needed (that is the short answer)

The actual draft has not been needed for many years but that does not stop idiots in Congress to propose an end run….

A bill has been proposed….

On Wednesday, during markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025, the U.S. House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the NDAA that would automatically register all draft-aged male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases.

This system of automatic draft registration would replace the system in effect since 1980 in which young men can decide for themselves whether or not to sign up for the draft – and so many choose not to register that the Selective Service database would be useless for an actual draft.

The automatic draft registration proposal was instigated by the Selective Service System as part of its annual budget request to Congress, introduced in the HASC by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA), “wholeheartedly” endorsed by HASC Chair Mike Rogers (R-AL), and approved by voice vote of the full committee without audible opposition.

Rep. Houlahan had been one of the leading proponents of proposals in previous years to expand draft registration to women as well as men. Her latest proposal for automatic registration of men only for a military draft indicates that she is more deeply committed to militarization than to any purported feminism.

The provisions for automatic draft registration are now included in the version of the NDAA that will go to the House floor. The NDAA is a “must-pass” bill, so these provisions are likely to remain in the version of the NDAA adopted later this year by the full House unless some House member introduces, and the full House agrees to vote on and approves, a floor amendment to remove them. It remains to be seen whether a similar provision will be included in the Senate version of the NDAA, although we fear that this may be likely.

US House Committee Proposes ‘Automatic’ Sign-Up for Military Draft

Is this a good idea?

I have mixed emotions about this….on the one hand it would be good for the society if more Americans had a sense of unity that the military could instill….but on the other hand this would just give the warmongers in DC a larger pool of bodies to be used to further whatever adventure they deem necessary.

Any thoughts on your part?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”